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It’s a relatively small word, yet I think most people can agree it packs a punch. It can be used to taunt, belittle, and I suppose even build people up—it all depends on one very simple question; do you have it or not?

When things are hard, it’s not because we lack the drive, it’s because we don’t have the courage.

It’s the sweetest irony that for my entire life I’ve thirsted for stories that involve heroes of one kind or another. Depraved Demigods, wicked and selfish gods, tales that are now nothing more than relics of a time gone by. But where’s my own courage?

As I grind my teeth and sharpen Mizéria I have no choice but to face the ugly truth. I’m gutless, a coward, nothing more than a weakling who ran.

It wasn’t all for myself, though. I firmly believe that by acting indifferent, like I’ve stopped loving them, Gus, Liam, and Kai will be better off. I don’t think they saw Elena’s challenge for what it is, and it’s better this way.

Despite my determination, I’m still haunted by the look on each of their faces, and their words. Kai’s pleas that quickly turned to bargaining, Liam’s rightful hurt and anger, and Gus’ silence that spoke more volumes than any words out of his mouth.

I hurt them, possibly irrevocably so, but I can’t bring myself to regret it. If it’s the last thing I do in this world, I’ll keep them safe—and if my life is the payment, so be it.

“You know you’re practically projecting your morose thoughts so loudly you’re killing the plants, right?” Morgana nonchalantly asks, pointing at the dead wilted flower in the window.

With a snort I pack my gear away and mumble, “Hello to you, too, Morgana.”

Rolling her eyes she looks at me, concern palpable in her voice as she asks, “Are you sure this is the way to do it? I mean, you would hate them for being so shady.”

I force a shrug and answer, “They already hate me.”

“Riiiight, and hell just froze over.” I don’t need to look up to know it’s Lupa speaking.

Since I signed the annulment papers and left, I’ve been hiding in her home. “I’m not perfect,” I state, not for the first time. “But I believe this is the best way for them.”

“Because you don’t intend on living past the challenge,” Morgana says, scornfully. Answering my raised eyebrow, she says, “You don’t think we know you’re on a suicide mission, dragon? We might not know why, but I recognize determination, and you’ve already decided on the outcome.”

I shrug again, clamping my lips together as I refuse to tell them about my promise to Gus. If I tell them, there’s a chance they’ll go to one of the guys, and even if my cousin doesn’t change his mind of his own volition, they’ll force him to do so.

Nope, a promise is a promise, and I don’t intend on going back on mine.

Lupa whistles softly. “Heavy is the head that wears the crown, huh?”

With a shaky inhale, I pull the two small silk pouches from my jeans pocket. “These are for you,” I say, handing one to each of the girls. “It’s fine if you never want to use them. If you do, though, I know Kai will honor the intent and help you.”

I know it’s unfair of me to hand out Drákon coins while expecting Kai to fulfill the favor. But what else can I do? He’s made it clear that Gus wouldn’t remain as part of the Kronos Society, and there’s no way I’m relying on my dad to help them.

“Are you sure?” Morgana asks. Her eyes are wide as she looks at the golden Drachma she’s emptied into her palm. “This is… unprecedented.” I don’t think that’s what she meant to say, but I don’t correct her.

I know it’s not common for the families to hand out tokens of a favor owed. The coins are to be coveted and saved for situations where it’s your only way out, but to hell with that. Morgana is acting as the Drákon Leader, so the traditions are already being broken. Besides, Lupa and Morgana have earned a million favors from me. For now, one will have to do though.

“Any stipulations?” Lupa asks, studying the coin in her hand. Her eyebrows are scrunched together as though she isn’t sure what to think.

I shake my head and say, “No. While I hope you won’t ask for anything that will make Kai unsafe, I will not restrict the favor. Anything you want.”

Lupa doesn’t look too happy, so it’s no surprise when she tries to give me the coin back. “I won’t accept it, Cia. You literally saved my life, so it is me who owes you.” When I try to interject, she holds up her hand to silence me. “Listen, dragon. You may feel that you owe me, and that’s fine. I won’t waste my breath convincing you otherwise. However, I deserve the same courtesy, wouldn’t you agree? You’ve offered me this coin, and I don’t want it. It’s that simple. I still owe you a life debt, so until that’s repaid, I won’t accept any favor.”

The sly smile on Morgana’s face tells a different story, and I’m glad. “Well, I’ll accept the coin. While I’m beyond grateful you saved Lupa, that’s not my debt, so I’ll happily agree you owe me one for standing witness at your wedding.” Her eyes zone in on the engraved coin, and she looks almost lustful at the piece of metal. “It’s so pretty,” she whispers, breathing on it before wiping it clean.

That’s one of the things I’ve come to like about Morgana, she’s brutally and unapologetically honest—refreshingly so.

“Are you sure this is the only way?” Lupa asks, and I know she’s referring to my plans for the challenge. “I mean, surely there are other ways. You can’t tell me you’ve exhausted all possible loopholes while hiding here?” There’s no heat in her question, but it makes me bristle all the same.

“She isn’t attempting to get out of it,” Morgana casually adds, still drooling over the gold coin. “It seems Acacia wants to go down in the history books as the woman who saved her men. Even if the only thing they need saving from is her warped and wrong way of thinking.”

While Lupa looks confused, Morgana looks at me like I’m barely worth the breath it’ll take for her to explain.

“I will bet my savings… actually, I’ll do you one better. I’ll bet this pretty coin that our dragon has some misconstrued idea that her men are in danger, which they aren’t. So either she’s dumb…” Morgana pauses and shrugs. “Or she hasn’t told us the complete truth.” She shoots
