Page 10 of My Single Dad SEAL

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"The documents are on there but as for some recent updates, unfortunately I lost some files. I have been trying to work on it, but I'm not done yet. You can reach out to my assistant. She will help you get the hard copy that you will input here."

"You want me to do that myself?" I asked, shocked.

"You're smart. You'll figure it out. You can leave now."

* * *

Three hourslater and I was still battling with said file. Most of the details were things that I was very unfamiliar with, and there was a huge pile to work on. One of the major issues was knowing what to look for in each company's file.

I heard a knock on my desk and I looked up to see George. He was staring down at me.

I stood up and straightened my chair. "Mr. Harvey, can I help you with something?"

"For starters, a file that I asked for three hours ago. Melissa sent me an email that you had something to do on it and it would be on my desk within the hour, but I have been so buried in work time flew by."

"I am sorry it's taking so long. I am not done."

"What are you talking about?"

"Melissa said she lost some details and would like me to input them before I submitted what you wanted. But I have been on it and it's making little to no sense for me."

"What details? I saw the document on her tablet earlier this morning. It seemed fine"


He circled my desk and came up behind me, my body becoming alert at once, and the hairs on my body standing erect. I was fully aware of the man that stood behind me, leaning over my shoulder.

"This is completely unnecessary." His voice vibrated through me, distracting me from the words he was saying about how the past three hours were a waste of my time.

"How did the documents get messed up?"

I turned around to face him, a terrible decision. I didn't know that he was that close to me. I almost came in contact with his chest.

"I don't know."

"Melissa," he groaned. He ran his hand through his hair. He had rolled up his shirt sleeve, revealing a forearm that was covered in tattoos. My eyes followed the movement of his hand, wondering if the tattooed arm was the one that held me that morning or not.

I replayed the scenario in my head and realized that it was indeed the tattooed arm that was on my waist. It made sense because he was left-handed.

"You don't have to keep working on this. I’ll sort things out with Melissa myself."

Shortly after, Melissa walked into his office and although I couldn’t hear anything that they said, she didn't look too happy about what he was telling her.

It made me have mixed feelings. Apparently whatever Melissa made me do must have been some sort of punishment or her antagonizing me. It made me quite happy that despite his disposition towards me, he wouldn't take Melissa treating me unfairly. But as he spoke to her, I knew that that was going to fuel whatever dislike that the woman already had for me.

Maybe he isn't so bad after all, or should I have said maybe he doesn't despise me as much as I thought anymore.

My phone dinged and it was Lily. There was this guy at her workplace that she has been crushing on for a while now, and every time he raises her heart rate, she comes to my DM.

"He is so dreamy...." she started and went on and on about how perfect he was.

I could relate a little. I knew what it was like to have a crush on someone at work.

That statement took me by shock. Would I call what I have on Lily's dad a crush? I mean, he is an attractive man, and that's probably all it was. The female hormones in my body recognize a strong virile man, and they get a little excited. That has to be it, right? That has to be everything. I can't afford to drag my heart into the equation.

I asked myself the question that I always ask when I find a guy attractive.

If he was to ask me out, would I say yes?
