Page 27 of My Single Dad SEAL

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"Maybe. Because when you wear your heart on your sleeve for someone and they trample it, it does something to you."

"I guess it does, but I'm one of those people who have a school of thought that when you get your heart broken, as much as it is tough to heal, to get yourself back out there, I think that getting your heart broken helps in building a better and stronger heart. It allows you to build more room for you to love again. I don't know if you can tell, but I'm just big on love."

"It shows. You're seeking love?"

"I have always dreamt of waking up in the morning and making breakfast for my children and kissing my husband who I consider to be the love of my life. That is my dream, which might sound a bit shallow. I should probably have a big career dream or something like that right?"

"I don't think so. Everybody has things that they're interested in and not everybody can be a career woman, and given that I'm in that line of work, I feel careers can be overrated. There are times when I wish I could spend more time with Lily, no doubt."

"Thank you." She smiled.

"You don't have to thank me for anything. It’s just the truth. You confuse me, Katrina. One moment you say things that get me all worked up, and the next you get shy. What do you want, exactly?"

"I should be asking you that question. What do you want from me, George?" She tilted her head to the side in question.

"I thought I made myself clear. I want you." I didn't hide anything. I said it as it was.

"This is the first time that you would be saying that with your mouth isn't it?"

"I guess it is. I have always said actions speak louder than words and I thought that I was awfully terrible at hiding how much I want you." I finished my plate.

"No, you do a very good job at hiding it because I can't tell that you want me. I only know as much as you let me. I only know that I am attracted to you."

"Oh, you poor thing. If you could read my mind you probably would have me arrested."

"I doubt that, because I'll be very much open to whatever it is that you want to do to me," she replied.

I shake my head. "Do you know the gravity of the words that are coming out of your mouth?" This woman winds me up.

"I don't think that it's fair that you can say things that come to your mind and I can't.”

"I never said you couldn't say them, but you say them at your own risk."

The waiter placed the next course in front of us and we both dug in.

"I can't help but ask, what are the things you look for in a man? What kind of man do you want?"

At that point, it might have been the ambience of Rodney's vintage-themed restaurant that was getting to me.

"Are you asking me that because you want to apply for the position?"

"You tease. I can't offer you anything more than a good time in my bed, but I can't tell you that if we get together I will do right by you. I don't overlap my women. I don't play my women against each other. I will be honest with you."

"So, that is all you want from me? You want me to be your bed partner?" Her tone sounded off.

"When you put it that way you make it sound shallow."

"That's because it is, George. I want a deep connection with someone."

"Look, Kat, this right here, this dinner, is breaking all the rules. We shouldn't even be together in the first place. This shouldn't even be a conversation that we are having and I'm sure that you're worried about Lily as much as I am. I just don’t care anymore, but she's your best friend. Do you really think a relationship with me is the right thing?"

"I think that relationship with you would be better than just being a body that you sleep with. If that is all you want from me, I can't give that to you. Listen to me, George. It's crazy enough that my body reacts to you in ways that I cannot explain. It is crazy enough that the mere sound of your voice turns me on. That doesn't happen to me ever. What makes you think that I would sleep with you and not get emotionally attached? Do you think that is fair on me?"

"You're right. It isn't fair on you because you're not like me. You've not been through what I've been through. You've not had the experiences that I had and you are in the prime years of your life. Maybe I am a dick asking you to do this. Maybe I am a bastard asking you to do this as well. I just can't help it. I am honest with you. That is better than me lying to you and pretending that we are in a relationship, ‘cause I'm not able to give myself to you the way you would want."

"I don't believe that. You can try, okay? Isn't a significant part of business about taking risks? I heard you're a pretty good risk taker. That is what got you where you are today. Shouldn't you be willing to experiment on this? On us?"

I didn't reply to her. I didn't know what to say to her. I couldn't bring myself to tell her the things she wanted to hear or give her the things she wanted to have.
