Page 34 of My Single Dad SEAL

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"Look into my eyes and tell me to back off. If you do, then I will. I will not come at you. I will not do anything inappropriate. This will be strictly a boss-employee relationship." She looked away from me. "Look into my eyes and tell me that that is what you want!"

"That is what I want, George," she replied, staring right into my eyes.

I laughed sardonically. "You are a very terrible liar, Katrina. But I will respect your wishes. You can go back to your station," I let out through locked teeth, overwhelmed with emotions.



Ilooked up from my laptop to see George talking over the phone and laughing with whoever it was. Since I told him no, it was like whatever I felt for him doubled. I became more intrigued by him, more drawn to him and my body craved him more than it did before. It was like my body was punishing me and so was my mind for losing the one opportunity that I had of having something with him, but that wasn't the only thing that bothered me.

I have heard many times from Lily, and from George himself, that George was a man of his word. Whenever he said something, he backed it up by action and for the life of me; I was experiencing that first-hand like never before.

When he said that he was going to stay away if I told him no, I didn't think that he would stand by his word so diligently. I guess that was also a trait of somebody who spent that number of years in active service because he wouldn't look at me, he wouldn't even call me by my first name.

He didn't grace me with the opportunity to hear him call my name the way he used to, so seductively, so sweet and that husky voice of his. He didn't tease me like he used to anymore or say things that he could do to me when he got me into his bed.

He wouldn't even spare me the glance outside of what was necessary. He didn't hold my hand or let me come close enough to touch him.

I ended up realizing that what I had with him before was not only an opportunity but a privilege. It might not have been something big, but it sure was something nice and I wanted it back.

And I couldn't ignore how I felt when he pleasured me then either. Knowing that he was capable of more made me have crazy thoughts.

I couldn't walk up to him and tell him to ask me out again, or tell him to touch me again. I had my dignity about me, and I had that to protect.

It was probably for the best. It was for the best that he was staying away. It made me wish I could go back in time, but I couldn’t. It would have been easier to go about this if I wasn't so close to him, if I didn't see him every day, if I didn’t have to work side-by-side with him.

Dave, Melissa's assistant, brought me out of my thoughts when he knocked on my desk in front of me.

"Dave, Good afternoon what can I help you with?" I put on my best work smile.

"Can you please pass this across to Mr. Harvey, please? Melissa wanted him to look at it and respond as soon as possible." He handed me the file.

"Sure. I'll take it to him now," I replied.

He thanked me and walked away. The poor boy looked exhausted. I couldn’t imagine working for such a woman like Melissa.

I stood up, straightening my skirt and making sure that I looked fine before marching over to his office and knocking twice. I opened the door and stepped in. He was still on the phone but he was wrapping up his conversation.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you at eight. Sure thing, love," he said before dropping the call.

"Melissa wants you to look through this and respond as fast as you can. She said it's quite urgent." I tried to steady my voice to mask the hurt. Hurt that came from the fact that he had moved on so freely.

"Okay, you can leave it on the desk," he replied to me without looking up.

I dropped it on his table and was about to turn to leave when I changed my mind. I turned back to him.

"What is this about?" I asked him, leaning on his desk. For the first time that day he looked up at me.

"What are you talking about?" He looked genuinely confused.

"This." I gestured between us. "What is this about? You are giving me an attitude and it bothers me," I confessed.

"I'm sorry Miss Williams. That was not my intention."

I laughed sarcastically. "Miss Williams? That's how it's going to be, huh?" He was making me look like a crazy person.

"I still do not understand what you're talking about."
