Page 57 of My Single Dad SEAL

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My heart pumped faster in my chest as I weighed the options before me. Meeting Darius alone could turn out to be dangerous because I didn’t trust the bastard, but this was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up, and the thought of leaving Kat in his clutches was unbearable. I had to do whatever it took to ensure her safety.

"Fine, I'll come alone. I swear to God, Darius, if you hurt even a hair on her skin, I will kill you,” I said.

Darius laughed a cruel sound that echoed in my ears. "Oh, George, as long as you comply, I won’t need to hurt her…much. Plus, you always underestimate me. This is about more than just a game. It's about power. And you're going to learn just how powerless you truly are."

The line went dead, leaving me with a sickening mix of dread and determination. I rose from the couch, my mind racing with plans and scenarios. I had to save Kat, no matter the cost.

“Who was that, Dad?” Lily asked me. “Was that Darius?” she asked again.

“Yes. He has Kat,” I said and she gasped.

“That bastard daddy, we have to do something,” she said.

“And I will. Nothing will happen to Kat.” I was saying that to calm Lily and also myself.



Istepped cautiously into the dimly lit warehouse, the stale air heavy with anticipation and uncertainty. The sound of my own footsteps echoed through the vast space, amplifying the nervous rhythm of my racing heart. Every corner held a potential threat. Every shadow seemed to conceal danger.

As I moved deeper into the abandoned building, my eyes strained to adjust to the darkness. The only source of light came from a single flickering bulb dangling above a makeshift platform, casting eerie shadows on the cold, concrete floor. It was there, in the center of that desolate stage, that Darius awaited me.

His figure emerged from the shadows, his silhouette tall and imposing. The dim light danced upon his face, highlighting the sinister grin that twisted his features. He exuded an air of arrogance, reveling in the power he held over Kat's fate.

"Well, well, George," Darius sneered, his voice dripping with malevolence. "You've finally decided to show up. I must admit, I didn't think you had it in you.”

Was he being serious right now? Darius was more of a coward than I was and he loved to abuse his power at any chance he got. I was not a coward and I never backed down from any fight.

I gritted my teeth, suppressing the anger that threatened to consume me. I refused to let him see my vulnerability, my desperation to save Kat. "Enough games, Darius," I replied, my voice steady, despite the turmoil within. "Where is she? Release her now, and this can end peacefully."

Darius chuckled, the sound grating against my nerves. "Peacefully? Oh, George, you're far too naive. This is just the beginning. But if you truly want her back, you'll have to prove your worth."

My fists clenched at my sides as I fought to maintain my composure. I knew I had to play his twisted game, for Kat's sake. "Fine," I let out through gritted teeth. "What do you want?"

A wicked smile played upon Darius' lips as he motioned toward a table covered in an array of objects. "Choose your weapon, George. Prove that you're willing to fight for her."

My gaze swept over the table, lingering on the assortment of crude weapons laid out before me. Each one was a painful reminder of the violent path Darius had chosen. I knew, however, that I couldn't hesitate if I wanted to save Kat.

Without a moment's hesitation, I reached for a sturdy metal pipe, its weight comforting in my grip. I locked eyes with Darius, determination burning in my gaze. "I'm ready," I declared, my voice steady despite the storm of emotions raging within me.

Darius nodded, the glimmer of excitement dancing in his eyes. "Very well, George. Let the game begin."

As we circled each other, the tension in the room thickened. Adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses, as I prepared to face the man who had threatened everything I held dear. I knew that the fight ahead would test not only my physical strength, but also my willpower and resolve.

With a sudden burst of energy, Darius lunged toward me, his movements swift and calculated. I parried his blows, the clang of metal against metal filling the air. Every strike, every dodge, brought me closer to the goal that burned brightly in my mind and that was saving Kat.

The battle raged on, each moment intensifying the urgency within me. Despite the pain and exhaustion, I refused to yield. Every ounce of my being fought with a ferocity I didn't know I possessed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a well-placed strike disarmed Darius, causing him to stumble back. I seized the opportunity, swiftly moving toward him, my grip on the metal pipe unyielding.

I delivered the final blow, the metal pipe connecting with Darius' body, causing him to crumple to the ground. Relief flooded through me as I watched him fall, his reign of terror coming to an abrupt end. But my victory was short-lived, for in that moment, the warehouse doors burst open, and a wave of police officers flooded inside, their weapons drawn and expressions steely.

"Drop your weapon!" one of the officers commanded, their voice ringing with authority.

I released my grip on the pipe, letting it clatter to the floor. With hands raised in surrender, I stepped back, my heart pounding against my chest. The mixed emotions of triumph and trepidation swirled within me as I watched the officers converge upon Darius, their training evident in their swift and calculated movements.

Darius, now subdued and defeated, glared at me with a mix of rage and disbelief. He was no longer the orchestrator of fear, but a mere puppet tangled in his own web of deceit. I stood my ground, meeting his gaze with a steely resolve, knowing that justice was finally within reach.
