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“I’m finished with my patient. Why don’t you swing by for a brew?” He climbed the inside stairs between his clinic and the oversized apartment above it. The clinic had been custom built in the early 2000s and had a five-bedroom apartment over it. The designer, the previous vet, had three kids and wanted lots of space. Behind the clinic was a large yard, complete with garden, sandbox, and play structure. The entire thing sat amidst twenty acres of trees, five miles from town.

Zander didn’t need the enormous apartment. He barely used half the space and kept the doors closed to three empty bedrooms to keep the echoes down and save heating and cooling the entire space. Eventually, he hoped to raise a family here, but that was a good five years in the future. If he ever found time to date. Heather’s smile popped into his head. Nope. Not dating his brother’s employee. He wouldn’t, even if he had the time. That was a bear trap waiting to snap on his hand.

Derrick had taken him aside after dinner and warned him off Heather. His brother made it clear; Heather was off limits. His stomach still ached from the vicious elbow she’d given him.

The stairwell from the clinic opened up into his main entry, where outside stairs came up the back of the building. He flipped open the deadbolt on the main door and shucked his boots. His clothing had a bit of dog hair on it, hazard of the job, so he flipped them into the laundry and changed before grabbing a couple beer and a bag of all-dressed chips. Tyson’s jock days might be over, but he still worked out and was always hungry.

A vehicle pulled in and uneven footfalls climbed the stairs. Ty knocked twice and let himself in. The beauty and curse of family was that they came and went as they pleased. Especially Tyson with whom he was closest.

“In the living room,” he called out rather than getting up.

Shoes thumped on the floor, and Ty padded over in his sock feet. “Bro.”


Zander flipped up the footrest of his favorite recliner and leaned back. Ty would talk when he was ready. His brother flopped onto the matching leather couch and raised his own footrest. They drank in silence. Half a beer later, Zander said, “What’s up?”

“Nothing.” Tyson grabbed the chips and opened the bag. He offered it to Zander, who shook his head, then Ty started munching.

“Didn’t you get enough dinner?” Obviously not, but it was a conversation opener.

“Nope. But it was good.” He loudly chewed a few more chips. “Does it ever bug you?”

“Being invited over for a delicious dinner cooked by a pretty woman? Nope. I could do that all day.”

“You should totally go for that. She’s hot, but not my type.”

“You have a type?” No way was he getting into a discussion about Heather. He shouldn’t have mentioned her at all.

He waited for a response. Spending time with Ty was an acceptable substitute for his usual evening pastime of sitting on his balcony, studying the stars, and pondering his family’s problems.

“Heather’s too bubbly and outgoing. I need someone reserved and quiet. Someone who won’t mess with my reputation as a high school principal.”

“What’s your point?”

“Doesn’t it get to you? Watching Jacob and Lexi? All cute and cuddly and in love.” He sneered the last word. “And Mom? Pushing women at us?”

“Bro. You got an issue with love? I’m thrilled that Jacob found someone. Lexi helps him relax. They’re good together. I think everyone deserves love.”

Ty snorted in derision. “But Mom? And the dates? No, thanks.”

“I thought you wanted to date.”

“There isn’t a single woman in this town who I would trust my career with. It grates on my nerves that I can’t find someone wholesome. Women throw themselves at me all the time. They think I’m rich from my years as a quarterback.”

“You are.”

“No, I’m comfortable. That money is my retirement fund. I work for my day-to-day expenses. I don’t need a woman coming along and trying to spend all that. Or worse yet, trying to get me into her bed like I’m some kind of status symbol.”

“Is that why you were so quiet at dinner? You’re jealous of Jacob and Lexi’s happiness? There’s someone out there for you too.”

“Not in this town. Why do you think I hit the city every few weeks? I’m not getting any younger. I go to see women I’ve met online. To see if anything clicks. So far none of them have knocked it out of the park for me.” He sighed and chugged his beer. He hopped up and headed for the kitchen. “Want another?”

“Sure, why not.” Zander drained his bottle and handed it over. “You dating these women or something more earthy?”

“Dating. Life’s too short for screwing around.” He returned with the beer and a roll of garlic sausage. He broke off a two-inch chunk and tossed it at Zander and then broke off another for himself.

Their mother would pitch a small fit at their caveman manners, but he knew enough to confine his rough behavior to men only events like this one. There was something freeing about being able to relax and be himself.
