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“Wow, you were really bookin’ it. You nearly knocked me over.”

His hands lingered on her arms, cool against the heat of her exertion. Strangely, they seemed to heat her up more than running had.

“Everything okay?” He looked behind her as if searching for someone chasing her.

“I’m good.” She shifted back far enough that his arms dropped to his sides. She missed the contact instantly. “Just out for a run,” she panted between words, trying to catch her breath.

“With your eyes closed?” he teased.

She rolled her eyes. “Just for a fraction of a second. Wasn’t my brightest idea.” Bending forward from the waist she rested her hands on her knees as she struggled to breathe. His giant dog sat on the sidewalk to his left. Not moving, just looking at her with his tongue hanging out.

“Is he going to eat me?” she asked, backing away a step.

Zander’s laugh tickled her heart. “King? No. He won’t hurt you. He’s an old softie, and he’s trained to sit when I stop walking. He won’t go anywhere until I tell him to.”

“Um. That’s good.”

“You look beat. Can I buy you a coffee?” His voice was welcoming and concerned. She was pleased that he didn’t mention her obvious fear of animals.

“No need for you to buy, but if you’re going toward the café, you can walk with me. I’m headed for coffee before cooling off on the walk home.” She got the words out without too many gasps as her heart rate slowed.

He nodded. As he turned to walk beside her, she realized that he hadn’t been headed for the coffee shop, he’d been going the opposite way. He snapped his fingers and King, fell in step on Zander’s opposite side.

“What are you up to this early?” She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. Even from the side, his face was pinched and worried.


“Well, thank goodness. For a moment there, I thought you were levitating down Ocean Drive.” She chuckled to let him know she was teasing in case he missed it in his preoccupation.

“Funny.” He said dryly. They walked half a block before he spoke again. “Do you ever have those thoughts that just won’t quit? The ones that wake you up and make you crazy?”

“Who doesn’t? Why do you think I’m out here at the butt-crack of dawn?” She couldn’t stop the slightly sarcastic response. His bark of laughter startled her and left her wanting to hear more. They walked another five hundred yards. At this rate, they’d be at the coffee shop before she knew why he was out here, if he spoke at all.

“So,” she blurted, “about the thoughts you mentioned?” she paused, leaving him an opening to tell his tale. Another hundred yards and she couldn’t stay quiet. “Today’s a bad day for me. I wish I had work to distract me.”

“You and me both. The clinic is closed Sunday, except for emergencies. What’s bothering you?” The concern and interest in his eyes when he looked at her prompted her to speak.

“It’s an anniversary of sorts.”

“Not a good one, from the sound of your voice.” They passed two shops. “I’m a good listener if you want to get something off your chest.”

“Thanks.” It was her turn to delay speaking. Finally, she managed, “My mom died when I was three. Dad died when I was in university. My sister Ava and I inherited everything. It wasn’t millions, but it was a significant amount. Last year, I was in love. I believed that he loved me. Turns out he was only after the money.” Her stomach cramped and her jaw clenched. Just thinking about screwing up and trusting Marv made her angry. Today is the one-year anniversary of finding out that he’s a cad and a cheat.

“I think betrayal has to be the worst feeling.”

She snorted.Understatement of the year.She was surprised to find herself offering details of her past. “Marv and I were opening a restaurant together. We found a location and I dumped every penny I had into it. We planned and organized for nearly a year. I paid for the renovations, the permits, and equipment. So much equipment.” She sighed. “Anyway. We were basically engaged. At least I thought we were. Two weeks before the opening, this crazed, hugely pregnant woman shows up and starts screaming at me.”

“You’re kidding. I think I know where this is going,” he sympathized.

“His wife. He was freaking married while we were dating.” She kicked a small stone. It skittered half a block before coming to rest beside a lamp post. “I don’t know if they planned it together, or if she was as surprised to find me there as I was when she showed up.”

“Brutal. What did you do?”

“What else could I do? I kicked him in the nuts and left.”

“Good for you! He deserved that and more. Did you get your money back?”
