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Chapter 10

Heather bustled around her apartment getting ready to go out. “Have you seen my pink sneakers?” she asked Quinn who sat at the kitchen table painting her nails with clear, sparkle polish. The acrid smell burned Heather’s nose. She’d always hated that odor.

“Aren’t they in the back of the hall closet? What’s up with you? You’re all atwitter.” She laughed. “Look at Heather. She’s all twitterpated.”

“Ha. Ha. I’m going to the antique market with Zander.” She dropped to her knees and burrowed into the pile of shoes in the closet. “Got one!” She pitched one runner behind her and kept digging.

“Are you going on a date, or what? I thought you said you weren’t going to date anyone for a while.”

“I’m not. We’re pretending to date. Look, I’m just trying to get used to trusting men again. It’s a friendly thing. He’s trying to keep his mother off his back.” Her words made something shrivel in her heart. “I guess he’s looking for a bedframe or something for his place. He asked me to keep him company but warned me there might be a lot of walking. I need good shoes.”

“What’s wrong with your work shoes?” Quinn chuckled.

“I can’t wear them with capris. They’re black. My pants are fuchsia. I would look ridiculous. And what’s with the laugh?” She leaned back to glare at her roommate.

“You crack me up. Since you moved in you’ve been telling me you aren’t dating anyone until you get your life back on track. This is the third time you’ve gone out with Zander in the last week. That looks suspiciously like actual dating.”

“We’refakedating. Neither of us has time for the real thing.”

“And yet, you’re going out,” she paused dramatically, “again. I swear you spend more time with Zander than you would if you were actually dating the man.”

Heather closed her eyes and took a deep breath. No sense snapping at Quinn. Especially since she was right.

“I’m telling you; it isn’t real. If it were, he’d stop answering his phone when we were together. I swear that thing is superglued to his hand.” She dug deeper in the closet, tossing things to the side as she tried to unearth her left shoe. “That phone goes off every five minutes. He left the movie three times on Friday. He kept rushing out to the lobby to take calls. Who gets that many calls?”

“Zander’s a busy man. I’m sure some of it was veterinary emergencies. I know he dotes on his mother too.”

“And his niece. Oh, got it!” She backed out of the closet and held her shoe up like a trophy. She pushed everything back into the closet and grabbed both sneakers and went to the table. She pulled on a socklet and her right shoe. “Can you believe we actually skipped dessert the other night because his niece called and needed a ride home from a friend’s house.”

She sighed. “The kid said, “I can’t call Dad, I’m mad at him.” Instead, she calls Zander, and he rushes to her aid. I could never date a guy like that. I’m not dating. I’m hanging with a friend. Dates are out until I get my life reorganized.”

“You’ve got a decent job now. That’s a big step.”

“Yes, I have a job. But I still need to rebuild my reputation, save a boat ton of money, and open my own shop. Being independent and running my own kitchen has been my dream since culinary school. Nothing, and no one is going to stop me from reaching that dream. Dating would interfere with those plans.”

“Okay, so you aren’t dating.” Quinn screwed the cap back on the polish. “Explain to me why you’ve curled your hair, you’re wearing mascara and lip gloss for a pretend date. You’re wearing a new outfit and you’re freaking out over shoes. You’re dressing to impress, girl.”

She dropped her shoe. “Holy crap. I am.” Her mind flitted between panic and excitement. “Maybe I should cancel.”


“Because I can’t get serious about a man. That’s not my plan. And you’re right, I am trying to impress Zander. He’s a great guy. Kind, considerate. He opens doors for me. He’s so … chivalrous. I like him.”

“So, spend time with him and see where it goes. Maybe it’ll turn real.” She laughed. “Or more real than it seems now, but it seems pretty real from this side of the table.”

“I can’t. I’ve got life plans. He’s my boss’s brother.” Ten other reasons raced through her mind. “He isn’t interested in real dating. He’s too busy.”

“You do know that life is what happens while you’re making plans, right?” She reached out and patted Heather’s hand. “Don’t overthink it. You like him, he seems to like you. Why don’t you run with it? See what happens.”

“And when it goes south, and we break up? Then what? You know how the Bellamies are? They stick together. Jacob will fire me.”

“Why? If your imaginary breakup doesn’t impact your work, why would he fire you? You’re grasping at straws, trying to find reasons why it won’t work. What are you actually afraid of? Not all men are Marvin the Manipulator. Zander’s a good guy. I’ve known him for years. Take a chance and if it goes to crap, deal with it.”

“It’s not that easy.” Heather banked a sigh. Quinn was wrong. She didn’t dare risk dating Zander. There was too much at stake.

“Love is never easy. Look at me.” She waved at herself. “I’ve dated ten guys in the four years I’ve been in town. All of them bombed out, but I keep trying. Duke’s not perfect, but I’m trying to make it work.”

“I don’t see why. You deserve better. You should dump him and find someone new.” The door buzzer chimed.
