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“That sounds like the voice of experience. Do you have siblings?”

“I have a sister. She’s a doctor in Nova Scotia. Ava is two years younger than me, and my only family.”

“That sounds lonely.”


Heather thought about it.

Was she lonely? Maybe a little. His companionship shone a spotlight on how few people she had in her life. Yet she didn’t feel lonely while she was with Zander.

She wasn’t lonely.

Was she?

Okay, maybe a little.Late at night when she woke alone with no one to turn to. Or when she had something to celebrate, like landing the job at the inn, or when she was worried about life’s problems. Quinn was a great confidant, but it wasn’t the same as being in a relationship with a man she cared about.

Dang it, she was lonely.

“I miss my parents. I don’t miss my ex, but I miss being in a relationship. I have several good friends in Canada and a couple here. I’m alone, but not lonely. If that makes any sense.” Heather picked up her coffee and swallowed the last few sips as her own words echoed in her mind. She wished she could believe them.

“I can see that,” Zander said. “I work long hours. I’ve got the clinic and my rescue animals. My family gets together for dinner a couple times a week. That’s good because it means I don’t have to chase them down. I’m busy, and alone, but I don’t often feel lonely.”

A small frown formed between his eyes, and she wondered if he was telling the truth.

“Cool.”Stupid response, Heather. “Ever wish you had someone to hang with, you know to go to the movies or out to dinner with? No pressure? Just a pal?” She found herself wishing he’d say yes. It was silly. This was his hometown. He probably had dozens of friends. He wasn’t floundering around looking for his place like a fish out of water the way she was.

She could easily visualize herself spending time with Zander. He was a nice guy. He was kind, well-built, handsome. He had a lot going for him, not the least of which was how much he cared for his family. It struck her that he was ideal husband material. If she were looking, which she wasn’t.

“Are you asking me out?” he teased.

She laughed. “No!” She elbow bumped him again, just because she liked feeling the heat of his arm against hers. It had a way of warming her right to her heart.

She watched him watching the birds instead of responding immediately to her question. She wondered if the idea made him uncomfortable. She hopped off the table and dusted off her backside. “Well, I should get home. Lots to do today.” Nothing really, but he didn’t need to know that. She picked up her empty cup and water bottle.

He glanced at his watch. “Me too. Yardwork. For me, and for Mom.”

They walked briskly down Ocean Drive. Just before they got back into town, he said, “I was thinking about the idea of fake dating again. We could kill two birds with one stone. We could be friends and let everyone think we were dating. It would get Mom and her friends off my back and you and I could hang without pressure.”

Her heart skittered. She had been thinking about fake dating Zander, entirely too much. The idea of hanging with him was more exciting than it should be. She shifted through the pros and cons of the idea. After Marv, she sure didn’t want to date but it would be nice to have someone to do things with. Quinn was always busy with her boyfriend and didn’t have much free time. The biggest risk was her job. There was a lot of uncertainty on how Derrick would react.

They walked along discussing the pros and cons of faking a relationship. Finally, she agreed to his crazy proposal of fake dating, with a few stipulations. There would be no kissing. The only public displays of affection would be limited to handholding and maybe an occasional hug. The hardest thing to reach an agreement on was keeping it from his brothers. She refused to risk her job for him.

Part of her wondered why she agreed. Maybe to combat her growing loneliness without risking her heart. They wouldn’t be spending much time together. Their acquaintanceship just became friendship with a fancy new label. At least that’s what she was telling herself.

“I hope this works for you and doesn’t blow up in our faces,” she said.

“It’ll work. If Mom thinks I’m dating, she’ll stop shoving women at me. Trust me.”

That was the thing, she did trust him. She tried not to worry. Maybe it would be okay. “Let me know when you want to hang out, boyfriend.”

“Should I call you at the inn?” he asked.

“Oh gosh no.” You heard Derrick the other night, he’d would go ballistic. “Let’s trade numbers. Can I have your phone?”

He handed her the phone and she shot herself a text after adding herself to his contact list. “There. Now I have your number too.” Not that she’d message him first. This whole fake dating idea was his, so if he wanted it to work, he’d figure it out and call her.

Still, as they walked back down Ocean Drive, something built in her chest that felt suspiciously like anticipation. Even so, a skitter of nervousness crept through her. Hopefully this wasn’t one huge mistake.
