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She filled a plate with food and set it in front of him. She dropped into a chair beside him and asked, “Where is the festival held?”

“I think the plan is to host the event here at the inn. We, and by that, I mean Jacob, has a ton of land, right on the coast. It’s the perfect spot for a clam bake and chowder party. There’s always a chowder cookoff and a bonfire.”

“Can I enter the cookoff?”

Zander’s laugh elicited her own. “I don’t think that would be fair. Of course, if you wanted to cook just for me, I’m game. I love a good chowder or bouillabaisse, or an old-fashioned fish boil.”

“I suppose you want that with garlic-cheddar biscuits, and deep-dish apple pie and ice cream?” She poured herself a coffee from the carafe on the table and offered him a refill. He waved it away as he ate.

“Well, apple pie is traditional on Independence Day. After all, what’s more American than apple pie?”

“I have no idea. I’m Canadian. We typically have strawberry shortcake on Canada Day. But, since we’re celebrating both, we can eat both. I’ll add them to the weekend’s menu.”

“You’re making me hungry,” he declared licking the last of the hollandaise sauce off his fork. His phone chimed and he pulled it out and texted something before sliding it back in his pocket.

“How can you even think about more food? You just ate two bennies, extra bacon, hashbrowns, and a side of fruit salad.”

“And a muffin.” His grin was irrepressible. “I smell cookies too. If I asked really nicely, could I get cookies to go, for my coffee break?”

Ella raced into the run to hug her uncle. “Uncle Zander, can you give me a ride to school?”

“Sure, if it’s okay with your dad.”

“It’s okay with me,” Lexi said, coming into the room right after Ella. “And no, you can’t get cookies to go. You’re eating us out of house and home.” Heather knew that Lexi was hoping Jacob would propose. They both treated Ella like they were engaged already.

In the short time Lexi had been around, mere months, she and Zander had always gotten along, teasing one another with impunity.

“Grinch.” He mock pouted.

Lexi patted him on the shoulder. “Sorry, dude. It’s only June. The Grinch is a Christmas thing.” She rummaged around in the pantry and pulled out a small paper lunch bag. She slipped a few of yesterday’s leftover cookies into it and sat it in front of him. “Don’t forget the bag is compostable. Thanks for driving Ella to school. You better get going, or you’ll both be late.” Cookie in hand, Lexi strolled out of the kitchen without a backward glance.

“You ready munchkin?” Zander asked.

The young teen sighed. “Yeah.”

“Come on. It can’t be that bad. You’ll have new friends before you know it.”

“Here’s your lunch.” Heather passed over another bag. She’d taken to making Ella’s school lunches knowing she hated to do it herself. It was fun to see what gained compliments and what came back uneaten. It also helped her hone down what teens liked to eat, providing valuable knowledge for her future menus.

“Thanks. Your lunches are the best.”

Zander looked entirely too content and handsome as he led his niece out of the kitchen. Standing there, watching them go, she wished she was going with them. At the last second, he turned and flashed her a heart stopping wink.

“Down girl,” she muttered to herself as she made her way into the dining room to check on diners and the buffet. He’s too busy for an actual relationship and he’s the boss’s brother. You aren’t interested in him. She sighed. Get your career together, Heather. Then you can find a life partner. Zander Bellamie is not the man for you.

But a girl could dream. Right?

And, man-oh-man, was she dreaming.

Twenty minutes later he texted her. “Want to go out for lunch tomorrow?”

Oh no!She was fast losing the ability to see their fake dates as pretend. They were becoming too real. Still, her naughty fingers typed out, “Sure. See you at eleven.”

Chapter 16

“Where are we going?” Heather asked as they walked along the beach holding hands. There were just enough people around she suggested holding hands to make it look like they were closer than they were. She told herself it was for appearances, not because she enjoyed his touch. King raced ahead chasing the tennis ball Zander had thrown.

“For an early lunch.” He was quiet for a minute. “I keep wondering why you agreed to be my fake girlfriend. When I suggested it, you asked what was in it for you. Later, you agreed. Now, I have to admit to being curious.”
