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“No!” she blurted. “It isn’t like it sounds.”

“It better not be.” Derrick glared at Zander. “You bothering my employee again?” His voice was more growl than words. The muscles in his jaw clenched and flexed.

Was he implying that Zander shouldn’t be a pest, or that he shouldn’t be spending time with Heather at all? It was hard to tell, and she couldn’t force the question out.

Part of her threw out the logic that if she didn’t know exactly what her boss meant, it was okay to keep seeing Zander. Her heart didn’t like the deception, but she was so drawn to him she couldn’t make herself ask for clarification. She let the question slide away. Where had her normal outspokenness gone?

“Zander walked me home after family dinner last night. He stayed for a glass of wine. We drank more than we should, and he slept on the couch. There was nothing suspect about it.” Her heart thundered. She did not want Derrick to think she was doing anything with his brother. His presence was a huge reminder not to get involved with the boss’s family. She needed this job! But man, under other circumstances, she’d be all over him.

Zander raised his hands in surrender. “Bro, I swear, it was all on the up and up. I’m here because she left early, and I have her house key. Plus, I’m hungry and she’s the best chef in town.”

She appreciated him both for backing her up and for praising her cooking. Zander Bellamie was an all-around nice guy. Well worth dating.

Fake dating, girl. It’s just fake dating. Play it cool. This job is my chance to prove I’m not an idiot taken in by a handsome face. I attended that rodeo with Marv. His lying, cheating, and theft do not define me! I’ve got this! I can ignore my attraction to Zander! This is all about keeping his mom off his back. Nothing more. It’s fake!!

She transferred muffins from the pans to a serving platter. As much as she enjoyed Zander’s company, she wasn’t going to allow herself to get any closer.Think about your career. You can’t actually date Zander and take a risk of losing your heart if it goes badly.Back off, Heather. He’s not for you. You need to end this fake relationship.

But for all of her repetitive internal monolog, part of her still wondered what it would be like if they were serious about each other.

If a relationship between them was going well, there wouldn’t be an issue, but if it went south? It could cause family issues. What if she fell for him and he didn’t fall for her? Disaster! She’d seen enough of the Bellamie family to know that they’d stick together, and she’d be out of a job. She needed to back off and protect herself.

After Marv had done his best to blackball her in Toronto, she found it hard to trust. His betrayal went so deep she still felt the repercussions a year later. Zander seemed trustworthy but she was not going to put her entire livelihood at risk for a man, even if she was learning that some men could be trusted.

She did not need a man.

Derrick came to stand between her and Zander.

“Are you sure he isn’t being a pest?” He frowned at his brother.

She’d been so lost in her thoughts it took a minute to process his question. “I’m sure.” She flashed Derrick her best smile. “Your brother is a decent man and nothing but respectful. I’m new to town and he’s been a good friend.”

Beyond Derrick, she saw Zander’s flinch at the word friend. Was he thinking they were more? He better not be. Despite their kiss last night, she was not going there. Though she did want to taste him again. Frustrated by her waffling thoughts and emotions, she focused her attention on cooking.

Derrick grumbled under his breath and left the kitchen. She’d dodged a bullet there.

“May I please have a muffin?” Zander asked apologetically.

“Help yourself.”

He carefully peeled away the paper, broke off the bottom and started eating it.

“Don’t most people eat the top first?” she teased, feeling safer now that Derrick was gone.

“The top, while it is still crispy, is the best part. I eat it last.” He devoured another bite. “This is amazing. It’s so rich and moist it doesn’t even need butter. That’s impressive for a bran muffin. They always need butter.”

“Thank you. It’s a modification of my grandmother’s recipe.”

“Well, kudos to you and your grandmother.” He paused and a smile lit his eyes. “The inn could totally sell these at the Canada Day, Independence Day celebration! We’d make a ton of money for charity.”

“I didn’t realize the long weekend celebration was a charity event.” She took the rest of the bacon out before it got too crispy. Unable to resist, she nibbled one of the cooler pieces. Man, she loved bacon.

“Traditionally, it is for charity. This is the seventy-fifth anniversary of the event. Every year the money raised goes to a different charity. Once, about a decade ago, we used the funds to rebuild a house that burned down. The family had no insurance. I think the mayor’s office keeps a list of applicants.”

“I could make cupcakes or muffins for charity. And cookies, if Derrick wanted me to.” She poured Zander a coffee and placed it on the small staff table in the corner before returning her attention to making bennies now that the bacon was ready.

Half an hour later, he was still in her kitchen, drinking coffee and watching her cook. “I probably should consider going to work.” He picked up his coffee. It didn’t look like he had any intention of moving.

“You better eat first.” She’d moved on to making more bennies to replace what had been eaten. The inn wasn’t huge, but apparently, the guests were ravenous today.

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