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“Can you see?” She heard the frown in his voice. Interesting how she could hear a facial expression when she was without her vision.

“No, but we haven’t turned for several minutes. That means highway. Where are we going?” She could have felt nervous. It was a sign of how much she cared for him that she didn’t feel unsafe, only confident that she’d be fine.

“Patience, Heather. All in good time.”

Time lost all meaning as they drove. It might have been five minutes, or twenty. He flipped between radio stations, so she couldn’t use the number of songs to track time. He was devious in the extreme.

Finally, they slowed and stopped.

“Are we there? Can I look?” She wiggled in excitement.

“Soon. Hang tight. I’ll come around and get you.”

His door opened and closed. Hers opened. She stepped out and his hand caressed her shoulder and slid down to clasp her hand. “Smooth walking for a minute.”

Her heels tapped on what sounded like cement. Maybe concrete. “Texture change,” he warned, and her heels sank into soft ground. Birds twittered and a breeze ruffled her hair.

“Sit here,” he said quietly as he guided her hand to a chair. She followed the wooden back’s curve until she located the seat. Anticipation built as she sat. They were eating outside. She listened hard. There were no sounds of silverware or dishes. No voices. No laughter. Interesting. Probably not a restaurant considering the quiet and the soft ground.

“Sit tight. I’ll be right back.”

She listened hard and heard a soft snick sound. It was familiar but she couldn’t place it. A rustle came next, then a loud pop. Champagne? “Zander?”

“Almost ready.” He sounded very pleased with himself.

She felt rather than heard him step close to her. His sexy scent tickled her nose and her hands itched to reach out to him. She clenched her fists to keep them still.

“Okay. You can peek.” His voice was right beside her ear.

She fumbled with the tight knot she’d tied.

“Let me help.” His fingers nudged hers and she dropped her hands lest she clasp his. “Open your eyes,” he whispered once the silk dropped away.

She peeked, blinked, and looked again. “Oh my gosh,” she exclaimed. Though dusk was a long way off, fairy lights hung from every tree. A trio of candles in jars sat at the edge of a table covered in a white cloth. The table was set with white dishes, crystal glasses, and shining silverware.

“Champagne?” He held up a bottle.

She swallowed hard. Where had this romantic man come from? “Yes, please.” Her voice cracked. Her mouth was dry. Bliss and uncertainty skittered across her heart.

He poured and placed the champagne bottle in a long-legged wine chiller. A seagreen vase on a side table held a giant bouquet of flowers. Roses nestled alongside daisies, greens, and carnations. “It’s lovely,” she managed to squeak out.

Way too much for a fake date. He had planned to take this a step further before their confrontation earlier! She almost giggled. He sat across from her.

Reality dawned. “This is your yard,” she exclaimed. “I recognize the gardens, though they look different from down here.”

“Yes. It is.” Soft instrumental music started playing from speakers she couldn’t locate. Zander nodded and on a whisper of sound, Ella and Lexi appeared. Each carried a plate covered with a silver dome.

“Dinner is served,” Ella giggled. She leaned close to Zander and whispered, “You owe me.” She placed her plate in front of him. When both plates were on the table she declared, “Bon appétit!” She lifted her cover. In unison, Ella and Lexi backed up in a move that seemed rehearsed and disappeared from sight.

She stared down at her plate. Lobster, seasoned rice, asparagus.

“You catered this? That’s so sweet.”

“No. I cooked this.”

“You. Zander Bellamie cooked all this. I’m impressed.”

“Don’t be.” He laughed. “It took me nine tries before I figured out how to get the lobster and rice perfect. Honestly, if I see lobster within the next six months .…” He groaned.
