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“He’s certainly adorable,” she said, sounding sincere. “Don’t forget that even though we’ve waived our usual adoption fee for the weekend, we’re still taking donations for the shelter.”

The woman looked at her husband and he pulled out his wallet. He dropped a hundred dollars in the donation jar. Heather stood and shook his hand. She might not be enamored with pets, but Heather sure knew how to get people to donate. She’d raised more money today than the shelter had in months. Several families offered to pay the usual adoption fee and made a donation while they talked to her.

“Thank you so much. We really appreciate that. All the pets do.”

As the couple wandered away, Ella walked up.

“Hi, Heather,” his niece said. She slipped a small, covered basket on the table.

“You look happy. What’s in the basket? Can I peek?”

“Um. You better not,” Ella said.

Zander knew what the basket held. He’d been waiting for this moment. He walked up to the table. “Can I see?” he asked.

“You don’t need to see; you know what it is.” Ella declared.

“What’s the big secret?” Heather asked. The basket made a squeaking sound, and she jerked back. “Is there an animal in there?”

Ella giggled. “Yes.”

“It must be pretty small. Is it a mouse? A hamster? A guinea pig? Oh, I know,” she declared, “it’s a chicken.”

Ella roared with laughter. Zander smiled. Heather was amazing with his niece.

“Let me show you,” Zander said. He picked up the basket and walked to the side of the table. “Come close.” Heather gave him a wary look but shifted toward him.

“I’m not going to like this, am I?” She asked.

Ella giggled. “It’s okay, Heather.”

Heather looked back and forth between Ella and Zander. Something was up. “Should I be afraid?”

“No,” Zander said. “You should be happy.” His smile warmed her to her toes.

“Okay, if you’re sure.” What could possibly be in the basket? A tiny meow came from between the wicker rings of the basket. “I get it. It’s a kitten.” She inhaled deeply. How bad could it be? The basket was small. That meant the kitten was small too. Right?

She straightened her spine and got ready to jump in case it attacked.

Zander set the basket on her lap and opened the lid. She leaned away, just in case.

A tiny, wee black and white kitten looked up at her, its eyes sleepy. It yawned and made a little meep sound.

“Oh, it’s adorable.”

“You can pet it,” Elle enthused.

After confirming with Zander, she reached out to touch it. The kitten stretched up to meet her fingers. “Oh. It’s so soft.” When it stretched, she noticed it had a ribbon collar around its neck with something dangling from it.

“Do you want to hold it?” Zander asked.

She hesitated. She’d been brave enough to trust Zander with fake dating, then real dating, and he’d come through for her when she really needed him. Could she trust him now? Could she be brave enough to reach past her fear of animals?

“Okay. I guess.” The kitten was much smaller than the one that had attacked her decades ago. How much damage could it possibly do?

He set the kitten on her lap. It purred and snuggled against her.

“Oh, it’s adorable. And not mean at all.”
