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I hadn’t put my patch back on yet, and I now felt naked without it.

“Are you going to put a fake one in the socket, or are you going to leave it like that with an eye patch over it?” she asked curiously as if the sight of my mangled eye didn’t freak her out like it should. She moved closer until she was within a few feet of me and halted.

God, she was so much like her mother sometimes that it hurt.

“I’m probably going to do the patch thing until it’s healed,” I admitted. “Then we’ll see.”

“I think you should do one of those pink glitter ones,” she suggested. “My newsfeed just suggested the video to me today.”

I twisted my head very slowly and looked at her mother, who was trying very hard to hold her giggles in.

“Knock, knock.”

I again looked very slowly toward the door to find another visitor.


“I have an update on the Lisbeth and Farrell case,” Sunny said as he came into the room, he too uncaring as he looked at my face and studied one area—my non-eye—in particular. “That looks gnarly. Those stitches make you look like a badass.”

I grumbled under my breath, then sighed. “What’s up with them?”

He looked at JP, then back at me.

“You can speak freely in front of her,” Folsom said. “She’s very aware of everything that’s going on.”

We almost had to be.

After hearing about her mother’s ordeal, she’d already been antsy. When I hadn’t been around, she’d slightly freaked out and had to pretty much force her mother to tell her what had happened to me.

She was very aware of how I’d been shot in the face and how I had a few issues and hurdles to overcome before I could leave the hospital.

For her age, she was highly intelligent and didn’t appreciate being lied to.

Hence the letting her hear what was about to be said.

She leaned on the side of the bed, crossed her arms, and stared at Sunny just like her mother was doing on the other side of me.

Sunny took in both of their positions and hid a grin. “Like Valkyries.”

“I like that.” JP nodded her head.

Sunny smiled softly at her, then turned to stare at me, then Folsom.

“They were arrested today when they tried to take out another hit,” he said simply. “They can’t get bail, either, because they were deemed flight risks. We have enough to place plenty of charges on them now that they were arrested, and we could legally subpoena records on their computers. Evidence was found of not only the hit that they recently tried to carry out but all past ones, too. Looks like Farrell is an extensive record keeper.” He smiled.

“I’m glad,” she said. “Now what?”

“Now?” Sunny shrugged. “They see everything they can find, charge them, then we wait for the court date.”

“That’s good news,” I replied. “Any news on my sister?”

“That? Nothing.” He sighed. “But I can tell you that every law enforcement agency in the state is looking for them.” He smiled. “I had a few favors to pull and just sayin’, but you’ve done a lot of good work over the years with your investigations. Not only do you have me putting in a good word, but Free has been shouting and singing praises left and right. They’ve pulled just as many, if not more, favors than me to help find your sister. Not to mention the Souls Chapel Revenants MC is still out there…” He looked at me, then at Aodhan. “Y’all keep behaving, okay?”

Aodhan snorted.

They’d stopped behaving after the others had come up empty-handed after a week.

“That’s, unfortunately, what I thought,” he grumbled. “Folsom. Kobe. JP.”
