Page 45 of Sanctuary

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“We have plenty of money.What do you need?Make a list, and I’ll get it for you.”

Her lips parted, briefly showing me the metal in her mouth before she pressed them together again.“Delaney was talking about going shopping at the mall.I really want to go with her, but not until I’ve found a job and start getting paid.I have to start saving up.”

“When does she want to go?Wait, that doesn’t matter.When doyouwant to go?I’ll call Max and let him know.We can make a trip to the mall together.I’m really glad you two are so close, Nishia, but don’t think either of you is going to the fucking mall all by yourselves.Delaney knows better.”

“Jack.”She gritted out my name.“I need my own money.I’m not spending yours.”

“I’ll get you a bank card tomorrow.”

Her eyes narrowed on me.“You aren’t listening.”

“I am.I simply don’t like what I’m hearing.”I refused to even think about it.No way was I letting her get a job until after she was out of college.She didn’t need that added stress while going to school.“Focus on getting better for now, little fairy.Whatever you decide to study, it won’t be hard for you to find a job here.”

“But you just said there aren’t enough jobs in Creswell Springs,” she argued.

“Whatever jobyouwant will be available whenyougraduate.I’ll make sure of it.”

Her huff was adorably sexy.She was so damn cute with her nostrils flaring and her eyes sparkling with frustration.I could have happily lain there and stared at her for the rest of my life.

But damn, I wanted to touch her.

Kiss her.

Feel her beneath me.

Once she fully recovered and gave me so much as a hint that she was ready, I would taste her.Until then, I was content to simply lie beside her every night and get to hold her while she slept.

“You’re so annoying tonight.I’m not going to argue with you about this.No one is going to hire me with this jaw and these casts right now anyway, so I’ll just wait until I get the all clear from the doctor.But tomorrow, I’m going to look at what jobs are available around here.”She reached for her phone and started typing a quick note to herself.

I snatched the phone from her fingers.

“Jack!”She tried to grab it back, but I was too quick for her and placed it on my nightstand.“What is wrong with you?”Shifting, she threw the top half of her body over mine, her focus on the phone and, for a brief moment, not aware of the fact that her thigh was pressed up against my throbbing cock.“I need that…”

Fighting a groan, I grasped her hip, scared she might fall off the bed if she wasn’t careful.Blue eyes grew huge when she felt me pulse reflexively against her.Pink filled her cheeks, and my fingers unconsciously bit into her as I fought the need to pull her leg across me so she was straddling my waist.


“What, baby?”Her gaze was on my mouth, and I told myself not to move, not to even fucking breathe, in case my reaction to her frightened her in any way.

Closing her eyes, she sighed heavily before lifting her lashes.I fucking loved that shade of blue.I’d never seen anything like it.Nothing could compare to it or her.“I really like you.You mean so much to me, and I…” She swallowed hard and shook her head.“I’m not going to take advantage of you, okay?I’m not like that.I don’t use people for what they can give me.I only want you.Not your money or anything else.”

“Why would you think you were taking advantage of me?”I demanded, struggling to keep my voice low so as not to scare her.

She lifted one shoulder.“My mom is like that.”

I gritted my teeth at the mention of her mother, not knowing how to tell Nishia her mom was dead.Pushing all thoughts of the bitch who hadn’t done anything to protect her precious daughter, I focused on my little fairy.“I know nothing about your mom, baby.What I do know is you’re not taking advantage of me.I have serious doubts you’re even capable of such a thing.If anything, I’m the one taking advantage here.”

“That’s stupid,” she snapped.

“How so?”

“Because…” The pink deepened, making me so damned hungry for the taste of her that I had to fight the need to take what I wanted.“Just because.”

“You’re vulnerable at the moment.In a new place without knowing anyone.Alone.Recovering.”I mentally told myself to shut the fuck up, but I needed to tell her the truth.“And I follow you around day and night, starving for your every smile, a random sweet laugh, and those damn sexy little huffs.I take advantage of your need for me, hoping you won’t get bored having me around.I crawl into bed beside you and savor every minute you let me hold you while you sleep, knowing I’m using your fear of the dark just so I can touch you.Every goddamn second you allow me to breathe the same air as you is a miracle to me, little fairy.And before I close my eyes at night, I pray you won’t wake up and realize that I’m using your vulnerability so I can have another day to soak up all your beauty.”

She gasped, pulling back.My fingers bit harder into her, but I forced myself to relax my hold, to let her move back to her side of the bed, even though every inch of my body tensed in protest.

Brow furrowed, she flicked her eyes back and forth sightlessly as she realized the truth of what I’d just said.I was nothing more than a creepy older guy obsessed with her.The killer whose only true pleasure was seeing her eyes glitter like diamonds when she was happy.
