Page 48 of Sanctuary

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“Sammy!”Delaney hugged Samara with her free arm when they reached her, still holding Nishia’s hand.

The mafia princess smiled brightly, hugging her back before giving Nishia a quick embrace.“I’m jealous you two seem so happy.You had the dessert at Aggie’s, didn’t you,” she accused playfully.“Is there any left?I was going to stop by for a to-go box on my way home.”

“It was so good,” Nishia told her, touching her hand to her stomach in appreciation.“I don’t know who the better cook is, Kingston or Marcy.”

“Kingston,” Samara gave her vote.

Delaney nodded.“Without a doubt.He’s been in the kitchen since he could walk.You had the chicken tonight, but wait until you try his burgers.”She sighed dreamily just as Max stopped behind her.Grumbling to himself, he asked for a beer while the three women kept talking, ignoring us both.

“Seriously, the best I’ve ever tasted,” Samara agreed.“I can tell when he’s in the kitchen without even having to ask.He must season it differently than the other cooks.”

I set a bottle of Max’s favorite beer on the bar top and then leaned forward on my forearms.“I take it you enjoyed dinner, baby.”

Her eyes flickered to me before quickly darting back to Delaney, adjusting her glasses.Some of her happy glow disappeared, and she looked shy, maybe even a little uncomfortable.My hands fisted, not liking that one damned bit.

“It was good,” she murmured after a long moment.

“Ronan is having a sleepover with his cousins at Raven’s house,” Delaney said with a smile.“Since we’re kid-free for the night, I didn’t want to go home.Nishia has never been to Hannigans’, so I thought we needed to fix that.”

“I-I’ve never been in a bar before,” she said with a self-conscious shrug.“Are you sure it’s all right if I’m here?I can’t drink…”

“I told you it will be fine.”Delaney reassured her.“Besides, I never drink either.Except for diet soda.”

Grabbing two glasses, I filled them with ice and then poured them each a Diet Coke.Placing the drinks in front of them, I waited until Nishia reached for hers and caught her hand.Her tongue skimmed over her bottom lip, but she kept her eyes lowered to her glass.

Fighting back a growl, I tightened my hold on her fingers until she finally lifted her lashes to look at me.Once I had her eyes, I kissed the back of her hand.Pink instantly filled her cheeks, and her breathing picked up ever so slightly.If I hadn’t been paying attention, I wouldn’t have noticed the small change.When the tip of her tongue brushed her lip again, my cock responded.

“Want to tell me what’s wrong?”I asked softly.

That sweet little tongue appeared again before she lowered her gaze and shook her head.

I shot a frown at Delaney, who just shrugged and sipped her drink.Gritting my teeth, I glared at Max.

Without responding to my silent demand to know what the hell was going on, he lifted his beer and took a long pull.Vaguely, I noticed the three college girls trying to make a move, but Max didn’t even glance their way.The blonde huffed and threw back her shoulders, causing her tits to nearly fall out of her top.Annoyed, I glanced over my cousin’s shoulder in search of my dad, hoping to catch his attention so he could get the three horny bitches out of the bar before a catfight started.

“Hey.”Phoebe, or whatever the fuck her name was, pushed her hair back, making it look tousled.“I would really love a lemon drop.”

Delaney sighed heavily.“Really?”she muttered to Samara before closing her eyes in frustration.“Do not tell me they can’t see that ring on his hand.It’s right there.He shows it off like a dang trophy if there is so much as another guy in the same room.Even his freaking cousins.”

Samara snickered.“Especially if it’s one of his cousins.He nearly took off Chance’s head a few weeks back.”

“Chance is an ass,” Delaney grumbled.

“Or a margarita,” Phoebe purred.“Tequila definitely makes my clothes fall off.”

“Rum punch makes mine disappear,” her first friend giggled.The sound grated over my nerves, and I searched the crowd for Dad.“They practically evaporate.”

“You don’t even have to buy me a drink,” the second friend husked.

Max lifted his left hand and extended his ring finger, waving it like a flag in their faces.The ring was a charcoal gray silicone thing because Delaney didn’t want him to risk taking off his finger at work.It might as well have been coated in gold.He wore that thing like it was the most precious possession he owned whenever his wife wasn’t with him.

“We don’t care if you’re married,” Phoebe informed him, her voice almost whining.“You can have all three of us.”

Delaney’s glass slammed down on the bar top, the contents splashing across the surface.Reaching over, I grabbed Nishia under her arms, making her squeal as I lifted her and deposited her next to me, out of the range of danger, and safely at my side.

Where she fucking belonged.

Nishia’s feet were barely on the floor again before Delaney was shoving the blonde back.“Are you freaking blind?That ring means he belongs to someone else.He.Is.Mine,” she seethed.“I’m his wife.The mother of his child.His fucking treasure!And you?You’re nothing but a pathetic whore, willing to suck any man’s cock to make yourself feel like you’re worthy of something.Until he gets off.And then he doesn’t even remember the color of your eyes.”She pushed the college girl back again.“You think you can walk up to any man you want?It doesn’t matter to you if he’s married or not?You have zero self-esteem that you would willinglytryto wreck another woman’s marriage just to feel better about yourself for a few minutes?”
