Page 71 of Sanctuary

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The absenceof Nishia’s warm body against my side forced my lids open.Groaning, I rolled over and lifted my head.“Baby?”

I wasn’t surprised I didn’t receive a reply.It was Monday, and she went to group therapy and then one-on-one with Dr.Cainfield.If Molly was home from school, Nishia would color with her in the kitchen while Molly ate a snack and she forced down the protein drinks she hated so much.Now that she could eat solids again, she’d been eating any time someone put food in front of her.

Her love for food was so adorable.The way she moaned when she took a bite, how she savored the taste after so long without.

No, not adorable.

Sexy as hell.

Climbing out of bed, I took a shower and got dressed before going in search of my little fairy.Maybe I’d take her to Aggie’s for something to eat.On Mondays, Kingston made chicken-fried steak, so the diner was slammed even more than usual from lunch all the way past dinner, or until they ran out.Usually, it was the latter.

Suzanne was in the kitchen with Marcy when I entered.They both gave me a welcoming smile while I crossed to the coffeepot.“Ladies,” I greeted with a nod.“Nishia outside or with Cainfield?”

Marcy’s smile turned into a frown.“Neither, hon.She’s at work.”

I paused with the mug halfway to my mouth.“Pardon?”

“She went to work,” the cook repeated.“Didn’t she tell you that Elias offered her a job?”

“Excuse me?”I couldn’t keep the growl out of my voice.

“The receptionist position,” Suzanne explained like I was slow.“They’ve been trying to find someone to fill it.Elias offered her the job when he brought her home Friday night.”

“Who took her?”I demanded, my heart already pounding.

“Elias picked her up,” Marcy said with a shrug.“Gracie left not long ago to take her to lunch.They’re celebrating her job, so I guess they’re going to Aggie’s.”

“My dad let her leave without him?”I half shouted.

“Well…” The two women shared a look.“Hawk told her to stay here today.He had to take care of something at the bar.But Gracie didn’t want to let Nishia down, so she took your car.”

“Fuck.”Tossing back half the contents of my mug, I gulped it down and slammed the cup on the counter so hard, the handle broke.“Shit, sorry for the mess.I gotta go.”

“Why?”Suzanne asked, her eyes wide.“Did something happen?”

Not taking the time to explain, I sprinted out the back door and around to the garage.Jumping on my motorcycle, I already had the gate open before I reached it.

My hands were sweating, and I prayed the entire drive to Aggie’s, mentally cursing my mother’s stubbornness.Of course she wouldn’t listen, especially if it meant letting Nishia down.But if she’d just woken me up, I would have gone with her.

I left tread when I braked in the parking lot, my heart still in my throat even though I spotted my car that Mom sometimes used.Everyone sitting by a window inside turned to look through the glass.Stomping through the entrance, I nearly took the door off its hinges.

“Easy, Jack,” Aunt Quinn chided.“You’re going to scare the tourists.”

I looked past her to where Mom was sitting at a back booth, her head thrown back as she laughed.Reaching out, I gently moved my aunt out of my way before storming toward the two women who had fucking wrecked me.

Spotting me, my mom lifted her brows, and I figured I looked like a madman.Curious, Nishia turned to see what had caught Mom’s attention, her eyes lighting up when she saw me.

Every head turned as I passed their tables, some patrons scooting the chairs farther away from me.

“Uh-oh, looks like we’re in trouble,” I heard Mom say as I reached their booth.

“You fucking think?”I barked.“Did Dad tell you to stay put?”

She shrugged.“Maybe.”
