Page 77 of Sanctuary

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“Stop wasting my time, and tell me if there is another fucking way, Nova!”

“Okay, okay.”She blew out a heavy sigh.“We started putting a microchip in everyone’s arms after what happened to me all those years ago.Just in case.My kids each have one.So does Samara.”

“How do I track it?”I demanded, slapping my hand on the top of the car in order to stay upright.“How, Nova!”

“You can’t!”she shouted.“No one can but Anya.No one is even supposed to know about the chips, okay?I don’t even know why I’m telling you, except you sound half crazy, and you’re freaking me out.Is Samara okay?”

I looked down at the blood on the airbags.Seeing Nishia’s glasses again, I squeezed my eyes closed.“I don’t know,” I told her honestly, struggling to breathe.

“Oh God,” she groaned.“Okay, let me make a call.”




“I toldyou she had dark hair and blue eyes—and woreglasses.”

My father’s raised voice roused me.There was a rage in his tone that I’d never heard before, and that scared me.On top of the fear, my entire body ached, especially my face and head.Fighting a moan, I tried to remember how I’d ended up wherever I was, but the last thing I’d seen was the airbag exploding.


Slowly, hoping that my father and whoever he was shouting at didn’t notice me, I lifted my lashes and tried to look for my friend.I was lying on a hardwood floor that was so dirty I couldn’t tell what color it had been originally.Dust bunnies and cobwebs were all around my face, and I tried not to whimper at the thought of how many spiders were in my hair and walking all over my body.

It took several moments before my vision cleared enough to see past the end of my nose.But even when I was able to focus a little more, everything was blurry because I didn’t have my glasses on.There was a window across the room, but no light filtered in.I didn’t know if it was because it was dark outside or if there was a blackout blind over it.

Finally, I spotted a body a few feet from me.Samara.Her hair was over her face, making it impossible to see what kind of state she was in, but I saw a dark puddle beside her head.

My stomach churned.


Tears burned my eyes.

I’m so sorry, Sammy.

I never should have let her take me back to Sanctuary.I knew it was dangerous, but I hadn’t even been thinking about my father.I’d been too concerned about getting back, changing my clothes, and then trying to get to Hannigans’ so I could help Jack and his dad out tonight.


Heart hurting, I clenched my eyes closed.Jack was going to be so upset.I hadn’t listened, and now I’d gotten not only myself into trouble, but Samara as well.

I want Jack.

“Well, every time I’ve seen that one this week, she was always wearing sunglasses, so stop bitchin’ at me, man.”

Every muscle in my body froze.I didn’t recognize the second voice, but the utter lack of emotion in the tone while facing my father’s rage was enough to chill me.

“There are like eight inches’ difference in their heights, you dumb fuck.”

“Can’t really tell that when they’re sitting in a car, now can I?”

“You got an answer for everything, huh, stupid?”Dad’s voice was still full of heat, as if he couldn’t hear the danger in the other man’s voice.

“Didn’t sound like you were asking questions, Morgan.”

“A wiseass too.”Dad’s laugh didn’t hold an ounce of humor.“You had one job.Just one.Bring me my daughter.Now we have to get rid of this bitch.”
