Page 78 of The Last Ride

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Two Months Later

Istood at the dock holding the letter with my name scrawled on the back. But I hesitated to open it and read it. I’d been hesitating since Moira gave it to me two months ago.

The transfer to Joint Base Charleston went about as smoothly as one would expect. But so far, I was enjoying the hell out of my new position. Because it meant I got to come home to Moira every night, and that was worth everything.

With a deep breath, I opened the letter.

Ben, my dude,

Thank god she read my letter and gave this one to you. I knew she wouldn’t open it quickly because Moira likes to do things in her own time and on her terms. Which means if you’re reading this, you two found each other.

You have my blessing, not that you need it. I was a total fucking idiot where Moira was concerned. I didn’t know what a diamond I had until it was gone.

I’m sorry that my death is going to hurt you, buddy. I truly am sorry for the pain it will cause you. But you need to know there’s nothing you could have said or done to deter me from this path.

From the moment we met, I’ve considered you my brother. I’ve loved you as if you were my brother. And I’m going to miss the fuck out of you.

This parting is only temporary. I know we’ll meet again one day.

But I need you to do something for me. Love her the way she deserves to be loved. If you do that, she will show you more love than you’ve ever known. Take care of each other.

I’ll be seeing you.

Your friend always,


Slender arms circled my chest from behind. “You okay?”

I put my hand over hers and glanced over my shoulder. She still took my breath away. Every single time. And my love for her had only grown. She didn’t know it yet, but I had a ring burning a hole in my pocket. I was going to ask her to be mine forever. I wanted it all with Moira—marriage, kids, a chance to grow old with her at my side. In a roundabout way, we had Evan to thank for it.

“Yeah. I finally read it.”

“And how do you feel?”

“Like the luckiest Frogman alive.” I smiled and shifted us so my arm was around her back.

She leaned into me, resting her head on my shoulder as we stared out over the water, and everything clicked into place. I’d always miss Evan and would always mourn him. But his final mission, my last ride, brought me to the best part of my life.

And I was going to cherish her, always.
