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Tessa dumped her clothes in the hamper and realized it was full enough for Tansy’s latest CleanySaurs to do laundry for her in the morning. May ran the machines while Tag was programmed to sort and fold.


A soft knock on the door had her jumping. Her nerves were frayed with all the thoughts about sex.

“Just me.” Flynn, of course.

Tessa opened the door to his lopsided grin, which had her thoughts skittering back to sex.

“Room service.”

She smiled and gestured with a flourish for him to come in.

Flynn set the tray down on the desk Aisling had made. Tessa realized the chair in front of the desk was the only seat in the room. Other than the bed. Her gaze tracked from the chair to the bed and back, then she looked up at Flynn.

His eyes were dark and twinkling with fun. “I’ll be right back.”

She hadn’t moved an inch when he returned moments later, dressed in flannel pants and a soft grey t-shirt that hugged his muscular frame. Was she drooling?

He waved a tablet in his hand. “How about we sit on the bed and zone out to a movie?”

She nodded slowly, not quite able to verbalize. He wasn’t wearing socks or shoes and something about his bare feet felt intimate.

She was losing her mind.

Flynn angled the tablet to show her a fun superhero movie. “This one good?”

She nodded but flinched when he took her hand. His grin was sexy and had her heart racing. “Relax, Tessa. I’m not going to jump you.”

She shook her head at her ridiculous thoughts and clambered onto the bed, hoping she would regain her power of speech soon.

Flynn moved the tray to the side table and used a pillow to prop up the tablet, then passed her a bowl of soup that smelled like heaven. They sat shoulder to shoulder and he used his toe to start the movie, making her laugh again.

His growly voice had her shivering before his words registered. “Unless you ask.”

It took her a moment to place his words in context of his previous statement.

He wasn’t going to jump her.

Unless she asked.

Flynn loved the flush on Tessa’s skin whenever he teased her. Her life had been so serious. It was nice to be able to give her moments of light and fun. And if that light and fun took a sexy turn, even better.

They were both on edge with all the sexual tension humming between them. He wouldn’t push at all, but it was fun to play around. A way to help her forget the crap that filled her life. He leaned into her shoulder gently. Not enough to be obnoxious, but enough to remind her she wasn’t alone.

They downed the soup and then the cheese and homemade crackers he’d found. When they were finished, he put all the plates on the tray and then moved back onto the bed. He held up his arm and Tessa snuggled right in.

It felt exactly right.

He ran his hand up and down her arm gently. Played with her curls. Enjoyed the feel of her body curled safely beside his. As they relaxed, Flynn let his mind wander. It was often the key to finding answers. If he focused too hard, things remained elusive. When he gave his brain time to rove, it sometimes helped data coalesce.

If he had a horse here, he’d go for a ride, give the horse its head and just go. Of course, the thick forests and hilly countryside of Vermont might not be the best ride. Or maybe it would. He’d have to check into that.

Slowly, Tessa’s breathing relaxed and her body softened. She drifted into sleep and blew Flynn away with her trust that she would be safe with him. Even with the attraction zipping between them, she trusted him to not take advantage of her. Lack of sleep on the previous night had his own eyes closing and he let himself drift off.

Hours later, Tessa woke him when she let out a cry of pain. The soft nightlight she had in her room allowed him to see that she was still asleep. Her face was contorted with pain and she let out another gasp.

She was still under his arm, so he wrapped her more tightly and whispered. “It’s okay, Tessa. You’re safe. I’m here. I’ve got you.”
