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“I’m good Flynn, but I’ll be better when you start moving.”

He hoped so. Watching her closely, he stroked tentatively. Her mouth opened to let out a soft purr of pleasure. And she squeezed him again.

Holding onto his control had never been such a challenge.

If he hadn’t been so intent on watching her reactions, his eyes might have rolled back in his head. She felt so damn good.

He changed the angle of his strokes, looking for the position that would bring her the most pleasure. When he hit it just right, Tessa let out another purr and whispered his name.

He wanted to hear that voice saying his name in exactly that tone every damn day for the rest of his life.

When she spiralled up and over the edge one final time, Flynn’s control snapped.

He pounded into her, drawing out her orgasm as best as he could. When she cried out again, Flynn thrust three more times, then collapsed on her.

As he struggled to breathe and keep his weight off her, he wondered what the hell he would do if she disappeared on him again.

Because that would break him for good.


Spur To Action

Tessa couldn’t contain her smile. It was impossible to wipe it off her face. She was lucky she wasn’t giggling uncontrollably. For so long, she hadn’t thought she’d ever trust a man enough to sleep with him. But Flynn was different in the best of ways.

And sex with Flynn was far better than anything she’d read in her favorite romance novels. She’d scoffed at the feelings of elation described in the books. Now she felt them. She was living a moment that could be in a book.

A giggle escaped and Flynn raised his head with wide eyes. She laughed again but slammed a hand over her mouth.

“Giggling? I’m about dead from the best sex of my life and you’re giggling?”

That had her laughing harder.

Flynn’s lips twitched and then he grinned full on. “No need to ask if you’re feeling okay?”

She shook her head and managed to reign in the laughter. “Sorry. I just never expected to feel so…” She waved her hand in an attempt to explain.


“Good. Great. Relaxed and happy. I thought it would be uncomfortable and awkward but it was amazing.” She leaned over and kissed him. “Thank you.”

He barked out a laugh. “You’re amazing, Tessa. And you’re more than welcome.”

Then he shook his head again, but kept smiling. “I should be the one thanking you. So, thank you for trusting me to be with you like this.” His voice turned gruff and he swallowed hard. “Thank you.”

Then he kissed her again, and the giggles slipped away under the tenderness of his kiss.

While their lips tangled, Flynn ran his hands over her body. Then he leaned up on his elbow and his gaze tracked where he touched her.

She realized he was experimenting with his touch, finding out where she reacted, where she didn’t.

When their eyes locked again, he smiled. “Does me touching any of you hurt? Are any areas not responsive to touch?”

Tears welled at his gentle questions, but she swallowed hard. “Many of the nerve endings still work, but not all of them.”

His hand didn’t stop moving, didn’t stop caressing. “Show me.”

When she hesitated, he leaned in to kiss her. “I can tell a lot by how you react, but I don’t want to hurt you or make you uncomfortable. Show me what areas you prefer me not to touch.”
