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It was a full body sketch and it made Tessa feel the tightness in her chest she’d always felt when she’d been in close contact with him.

The man loomed at her, disdain in every line of his body. Her breathing went shallow and her heart raced.

All from a sketch.

Flynn appeared at her side and grabbed her hand. “You okay?”

She blinked and yanked her eyes away from the sketch and to him. “Yes. I’m fine. Sorry.”

Tessa looked over at Josie’s smile. “You’re right. You’re good. Very, very good.”

Flynn didn’t even look at the sketch. Instead he studied her and stroked her hand.

Josie placed the pad on the table with the sketch facing down and patted her hand. “I’m going to get this into my computer program and we’ll work to refine the details, especially the face. Why don’t you take a break? It’s an emotional hit from where you’re sitting. Give me a half hour or so.”

Flynn pulled her to her feet. “Let’s take a walk.”

She looked around the cabin where everyone was working. All to help her. “I should see where I can help.”

He tugged her toward the door and she didn’t resist. “A short walk outside isn’t going to hurt. It’ll help clear your head for Josie.”

They slipped on boots and grabbed jackets, then stepped out into the cold. Snow was falling lightly and clouds covered the sky.

She drew in a deep breath of the chilly air and let the crispness fill her lungs. After the intensity of the last few hours, the simplicity of the icy air soothed her nerves.

Flynn took her hand and they walked toward the lake. Jetson barked behind them and loped across the snow to join them.

Ginger would be inside the main lodge, probably watching the snow from what had become her favorite spot beside the pellet stove in the main room.

The cat was wary of Spike and Willow, but was probably looking for her German Shepherd buddy who preferred being outside in the winter.

The cat had settled in as well as Tessa had. And Flynn. He fit right in with the group.

When she’d been tossed into a new life the first time, it had been emotionally painful. If it happened again it would be worse. So much worse.

Flynn stopped and wrapped his arms around her, linking them behind her back. “You’re thinking too hard. Let’s see if we can find a way to relax you.”

Then his mouth was on hers. Hungry and hot. She gave into the kiss and let her nerves and fears be pushed away by the desire that hovered close to the surface whenever this man was near.

Flynn didn’t move his hands, simply drove her to total distraction with his mouth, teasing her higher and higher while the snow fell around them.

Her body warmed, the tension melted away, and her heart filled. This man was everything she wanted.

I love you.

The words wanted to emerge, wanted to battle their way out of her heart and into the universe. But how could she say them when the future was so uncertain?

There was still a possibility that she would have to disappear and start over again. Telling Flynn would only hurt him in the long run.

So, she’d keep the words inside and fight like hell to get a normal life.

Flynn worked on the map with Bella and Mitch while Tessa finished with Josie. The artist was amazing. Josie kept the atmosphere light even as she pulled details of the two men from Tessa’s past who may have planned her death.

Watching them across the room had pride for Tessa surging through him. She didn’t balk from the ugly task.

Tansy had brought the cat back with her when she’d gone to the lodge for something and it sat in Tessa’s lap as if it always had.

They’d been back to work for a few hours when Josie pushed back her chair and whooped. She did a little spin with her arms in the air and her head tossed back.
