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Tessa couldn’t believe the activity around her. Aisling, Bella, and Mitch had joined the group and were helping as well.

Tansy had her magic bubble wrapped around the cabin to add an extra layer of security. People were scattered around the cabin working in small groups on research, collating data, improving the map, and other things she wasn’t quite sure about.

She and Josie moved to a corner and the woman pulled out a sketchpad along with a large tablet that she powered up. Josie was a stunning Latina woman with dark curls that fell past her shoulders. As well as being an artist, the woman could pose in front of the camera.

Josie picked up a charcoal pencil. “I’m going to work on paper at first and then on the computer to refine it. Would it be easier to start with your uncle or your father?”

She didn’t want to talk about her father yet. “I feel like there’s more of a chance that my uncle’s still alive, so let’s start there.”

The other woman grinned. “Which neatly avoids the question. No worries. I don’t pry. Okay, tell me what you remember most about good old Uncle Karlo.”

“Besides the fact that he set me up to get beaten, raped, and killed?”

Josie’s face softened and she dropped her pencil to pick up Tessa’s hand. “I’m so sorry you went through that. He sounds like a total prick.”

“He was. Or is.” Tessa shook her head and blew out a breath. “Okay. I’ll get my head in the right space. I’m just overwhelmed by the generosity of people here.”

Josie smiled as she looked around the room. “I hear ya. These are some excellent people you’ve hooked up with.”

They shared a smile and then Josie picked up the pencil again. “Okay, let’s start with you just describing him for me. Basic body type, height, clothing. That kind of thing. I’m going to hide my work from you. It tends to influence what people see in their memory. Close your eyes if you’re a visual person.”

Tessa frowned. “I’m more a numbers person than an art person. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do this at all.”

Josie laughed. “No problem. That part’s my job. I’ll just turn up the magic and we’ll see what we come up with. My first sketch will only be to get my brain working.”

Josie’s optimism was contagious and Tessa nodded. “Karlo was tall. Thin build. Strutted more than walked. Full head of hair. He was always vain about his hair.”

“Slicked back?”

“No. More soft waves. Parted on the left. Wait, my left. His right.”

“Any grey in his hair?”

Good question. Tessa tried closing her eyes again. “A little. Not much. Mostly dark brown, almost black.”

“So dark eyes, too?”

“Yes.” She’d never got closer to her uncle than had been necessary, so she couldn’t remember the exact color.

Josie nodded and continued to sketch on her notepad. “Tell me about his personality, his clothes.”

“Always dark suits when I saw him. Never in casual clothes. My father was the same. Appearances were always important.” Which was why she preferred jeans and t-shirts these days.

“Any facial hair?”

“Not that I ever saw. Always clean shaven. Sharp jaw and nose.”

“I bet his eyebrows were furrowed most of the time.”

“Yes. How did you know?”

Josie raised an eyebrow and smirked. “I’m good. Plus you’re painting the picture of a nasty, arrogant man. It was a pretty safe bet.”

That surprised a laugh out of Tessa. “Sounds like you’ve got him, beady eyes and all.”

Josie continued to ask questions, overall ones and not specifics as Tessa had imagined. Her lack of observational ability didn’t appear to bother the artist at all.

Eventually, she whipped the sketchbook around without warning. Tessa heard herself gasp even as she backed away from the image.
