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That one hadn’t crossed Flynn’s mind. They didn’t get a lot of that in organized crime where religion wasn’t a factor.

Marcus spoke up. “Let’s get these men inside and we can figure out what the hell is going on. The sawmill’s closer. Let’s head that way.”

They hoisted the silent and sullen men to their feet. They’d only gone a few yards when Tansy spoke again. “There’s a security breach coming from the area behind the Midnight Security cabin.”

The exact opposite side of the lodge from where they stood. Flynn’s blood froze in his veins.

Tessa chimed in. “Looks like four men. Armed and headed for the lodge.”

Adrenaline raced through him as he turned away from the men they’d captured. This whole thing had been a diversion, a way to pull them away from the lodge. From Tessa.

Troy called out. “I have these guys. Go.”

Flynn didn’t question it. He was already running.


Second Helping

Tessa’s heart slammed into her ribs as she watched the two laptop screens. One showed the men who wanted to kill her, the other showed the man she loved and their friends. The attackers were moving steadily from beyond the edge of the lake toward the lodge. They were going to arrive well before Flynn’s group.

Aisling looked at the screen and then around the room. “We’re completely vulnerable in this room. There aren’t any curtains on the main floor. We need to head up. I’ll check the doors and turn off the lights. Grab whatever we might need.”

Bella spoke up. “I’ve got my gun upstairs, and I’ll grab the others from the safe.”

Feeling guilty and useless, Tessa looked around, trying to find a way to help. “I’ll get the cat and the laptops.” The dogs at least would come when called. Tessa scooped up Ginger from her favourite spot by the stove.

Tansy moved to the back room. “I’ve put some reactive programming into the CleanySaurs. I’ll activate those and be right up.”

Josie stood with her hands on her hips. “I don’t think my sketchpad is going to be much use. How about I channel some Home Alone tricks?”

Tessa marvelled at the group’s calm and determination. She couldn’t be surrounded by better people. She sent Josie a shaky smile. “Maybe grab some spice jars from the kitchen.”

Josie grinned. “And some knives and rolling pins. On it.”

They gathered on the second floor to assess the situation. The hallways were wider than the opening to the stairs, so they could hide on either side without being seen. Tessa put Ginger in her room and closed the door.

The three dogs followed Tansy up the stairs. “CleanySaurs are on duty. Hopefully, they’ll provide a distraction and give the team time to get here.”

Bella nodded. “We’ve got them outnumbered. We just need to be smart and stay safe. Who can handle a gun?”

Tansy shook her head sharply and grabbed a laptop.

Aisling held out her hand. “I’ve been practicing with Graham out at the Runway. I’m not great, but I won’t shoot anyone on our team.”

Bella laughed. “Good to know. Josie? Tessa?”

Josie shook her head. “Not a chance.”

Tessa reluctantly nodded. The Marshals had trained her in gun safety while she’d been recovering in that hospital basement. She didn’t like guns, but knew they might be necessary today. She took a few moments to familiarize herself with the weapon and locked on the safety. “Maybe we should retreat to the third floor. They’ll probably search each floor before they move up.”

“Good plan.”

Before they started to move, Tessa spoke again. “I’ve got a small secret room in my closet. Aisling knows how to operate it. Three of you should be able to fit, although it’ll be tight.”

The four immediately shook their heads. “We’re in this together.”

Her heart slammed against her ribs and her voice wobbled. “But it’s all because of me. I’ve brought these men here. I don’t want any of you to be hurt because of me. Please.”
