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When the gun appeared in her viewpoint, she took aim and fired as Jetson launched himself into the air.

Flynn slipped in the back door with Sam, Joe, and Nico on his heels. Gunshots fired upstairs, so they flew that way.

On the second landing, a man lay on the ground wiping his face and coughing while searching for his gun that lay next to a rolling pin. Flynn kicked the gun backward and leapt over him knowing someone else would deal with him.

From up the stairs, another man screamed “This time you’ll stay dead.” It had to be Pavic or Kuzmetzov.

Two shots fired while he started up the stairs and Tessa screamed.

Flynn’s heart stopped beating and everything turned numb. Jetson’s barking had him moving in less than a second but he’d never forgive himself if that partial second cost Tessa her life.

A man stumbled down the stairs backwards as Jetson landed on his chest and then leaped away. Flynn grabbed the man before he fell. He wrapped his arm around the man’s throat and pressed his gun to his temple. “Drop it.”

The man tried to jerk out of the hold and his elbow rammed into Flynn’s ribs, but Flynn didn’t give ground. Not when Tessa’s life was at stake.

He tightened his arm enough to let the asshole know he was deadly serious. “Drop it or die. Right here, right now.” And then he tightened his arm again.

The gun clattered to the stairs and Flynn dragged him down to the landing before passing him to Nico and racing up the stairs with Sam.

“Tessa!” His voice broke as he ran. “It’s us.”

He kept his gun at his side, hoping he didn’t have to use it, that no one dangerous had made it to the third floor.

As he crested the stairs, he found Tessa and the other women ready to face down any threats. “You’re okay? Are you okay?”

Peripherally, he noticed everyone nodding, but he only had eyes for his Tessa. He swooped her into his arms and held her, reveling in the beating of her heart. “You’re okay.”

Tessa nodded into his chest and he turned to survey the group. A couple of guns, knives, spices, and another rolling pin. “Nice arsenal, ladies. You’re amazing.”

From where she was wrapped in Sam’s arms, Tansy smiled. “We had a couple of CleanySaurs who helped out, too.”

From below them, Nico’s voice called out. “All clear. Prisoners in the main room. Backup on the way.”

Flynn holstered his gun and grabbed Tessa’s hand. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight. Her hand shook and he realized she was holding a gun with her other hand. Eyes wide, she looked up at him. “I shot at him. I didn’t kill him, did I?”

Flynn shook his head. “No. He was alive and cursing when Nico cuffed him. I didn’t notice any wounds but I was in a hurry to get here. I assume that was your uncle or your grandfather.” He’d been in such a hurry, he hadn’t even noticed the man’s age.

“My uncle.” She nodded and her eyes showed weariness. And sorrow. So much sorrow. How horrible was it to know a member of your family had tried to kill you? Twice.

Flynn was so close to his family, he couldn’t even imagine. Tessa had been living with the worry of it for more than a decade. And now she had confirmation.

Without taking his eyes from hers, he gently took the gun from her, engaged the safety, and tucked it in a jacket pocket. Then he wrapped her in his arms as the rest headed down the stairs. “I was so damn scared, Tessa.”

Her arms wrapped around his jacket. “Me too. But you’re okay. You’re all okay.”

He leaned back and kissed her on the forehead and just breathed in her scent. Eventually the shaking would go away. “We’re all okay. Come on. Let’s head down with the others and get this wrapped up.”

Tessa started to move but her gait was stiff. “Everyone’s downstairs already. Will you let me carry you down?”

She stiffened under his hold, probably annoyed that her weakness was visible.

He tilted up her chin to look into her eyes. “It’s only your legs that are weak, not you. You’re so damn strong, Tessa.”

Her smile was a bit wobbly, but it was a definite smile. Finally, she nodded, so Flynn scooped her up and hurried down the stairs. At the bottom, he slid her to her feet and snuck in another kiss. “Ready?”

He took her hand again, and realized it was wet. With blood. “You’re hurt?”

He lifted her hand and saw a small trail of blood was dripping down her arm from a wound on her bicep. A gunshot wound. “That bastard shot you, Tessa.”
