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“That dress should go straight into the fireplace,” Phillipa said with disgust as she stripped out of her filthy clothes. She was sore, exhausted, and heartbroken, but thankful to be back at Broadstone Hall. “It’s cursed.”

“It was most certainly not. It’s your mother that is insufferable. The dress is beautiful, and it will come clean in no time.” Ainslee fluttered around the basin, and sparkles fell from her hands. Magic, no doubt, but Phillipa was too exhausted to ask. “And you must keep it, because these are the only dresses you have.”

“I should feel remorse for what I have done, but I don’t.” She picked up the washcloth and dragged it over her face. There was dirt and a little bit of Wesley’s blood had splattered on her cheeks. “But all I can think of is Wesley. How brave he was to come after me. If there had been silver bullets in that gun…”

“Don’t trouble yourself with what might have happened. Cherish that you have your beloved back in your arms. And don’t forget, he wasn’t the only one who came looking for you.”

“You were brave, too.” Phillipa turned to her friend. “Thank you for saving him. I know it was not your preference.”

Ainslee landed on the basin. “No, it was not my first choice, but I cannot bear to see you suffer any longer, Phillipa. Your hope is what kept you alive. And if anyone could talk some sense into the awful beast, it will be you. Although my kin will be disappointed that the Wolven King survived the Ball, they will be able to rest assured he will never bother any of them again.”

Phillipa dressed again, this time in a green frock, readying herself to head downstairs for the tail end of the night’s festivities.

She smiled at the knock on the door, knowing that it was her beloved on the other side.

“You look so handsome,” she said. He’d dressed in a black jacket, white cravat, and gray breeches. The swish of his tail made her heart skip a beat. His fur had been washed and brushed, and it took everything she had to resist reaching out and touching it. His blue eyes were sparkling as he took her in.

Any trace of his injury seemed to have disappeared.

“And you are more beautiful than ever,” he replied with a bow. “I’m afraid we missed our chance to waltz tonight, but I was hoping you’d accompany me downstairs for the end of tonight’s party?”

“No need to be so formal, wolven,” she teased as she hooked her arm into his. It was so strong. He was never this solid when he was human. “I quite like you a little wild.”

A low rumble resonated in his throat, and the muscles between Phillipa’s legs pulsed in approval.

“Is that so?”

“Very much so,” said.

He turned to her before they went down the stairs. The party had quieted.

“Are you well?” she asked. “The wound on your back looked quite serious.”

“Master Bow sent his attendants to clean the wound.”

“And you are not in pain?” He had to be. He’d run with her on his wounded back. She assumed wolven healed faster than humans, or at least had a different pain threshold, but he wasn’t invincible.

“Some, but I meant what I said out there. This could very well be our last night together—”

“No,” she gasped. “We mustn’t speak it into existence.” Now that they were back at Broadstone Hall, she felt safe, but deep down, she knew it was all an illusion. Her mother came for her here once, and she could very well come again, this time wielding much more serious charges.

“We have no idea what the Queen’s verdict will be.” He took a deep breath. “I wasted too much time, afraid to reveal myself to you. I wish to leave this Ball with no more regrets.”

“I never signed those papers, Wesley. My mother had them forged. I never gave up on you.”

“I know that.” He brushed the pad of his paw over her lip. The leathery feel against the delicate skin made her shiver. “That is why I would very much like to claim you tonight. Like I should have done on our wedding night.”

She drew a deep breath, her body tingly with the possibility of his wish. “It feels similar, doesn’t it?”

“Not at all.” He chuckled softly. “I should have told you about themonstrum plagasooner. For that, I apologize. I was foolish, and prideful. I thought I was too young, too strong for it to ever affect me. When I started to feel ill during our wedding celebration, I was still in denial. I thought I could beat it.”

She lowered her gaze. “But I wish you had confided in me instead of keeping this terrible secret.”

He lifted her chin to meet his gaze. “You think I am terrible?”

“I’ve had mixed emotions since your disappearance.” They had no more chances to hold back. Wesley had been correct. Countess Stalbridge had given them a gift offering sanctuary at the Hall tonight. It could be their last together. “It’s terrible that you felt such shame around the sickness that changed you. As I said, I rather like you like this. You’re strong, rumbly, and a little bit rude. There’s something about it that I find very charming. I shouldn’t like it, but I must confess, I like it a lot.”

“Come to the garden with me,” he whispered. “I want to see you naked in the sunrise.”
