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“So if you told me that not only would I be promising myself to Bjorn, but I’d be doing it as a wolf shifter—I would have laughed in your face because, at that time, it was as contrived as something my mom would come up with.”

Bibi nodded. “It’s amazing what can happen when you get out of your head and start listening to your heart. Now, let’s talk about your mother. You did invite her to the ceremony.”

“Yeah.” That sinking feeling any time I involved my mom in anything was front and center. She’d kept her promise since she came clean about what she’d done. No more bombshells. She’d packed up production, posted on all her socials that she was headed back to Los Angeles, and referred everyone looking for the scoop onThe Mating Gameto our forums. “I hope it’s not a mistake, but I want to show her that things can be good without screwing them up on purpose to get attention.”

“Sounds like a little role reversal. She taught you how to be an amazing producer, and now it’s your turn to show her what you’ve learned.” Bibi turned toward the door and nodded at Tina.

I couldn’t watch her too closely because Marjorie was putting my eyelashes on, but after living with the glittery goddess for the last few weeks, I could instinctually tell when she was up to something.

Maybe it was my wolf. It still blew my mind to think I could actually shift into another creature. But so much about my life made sense now. Tina had been incredible, as she was also part human, part wolf, answering all my questions.

I’d expected to resent her when she filled in for me this episode. For her to make me feel like I wasn’t good at my job. But it wasn’t a competition. She brought an entirely new perspective to the show, and together, we’d be unstoppable.

I couldn’t wait for Hannah’s episode. It would be amazing.

“Suzanne has one final surprise for us,” Bibi said.

Marjorie groaned as I shifted my eyes to Bibi. The lash glue hadn’t quite set yet. “Don’t tell me she screwed up the ceremony. We’ll get married in this trailer if we have to.”

“That won’t be necessary, but I think we should let Suzanne tell you the rest.” Bibi rose from her chair and put her hand on Marjorie’s arm. “I apologize in advance.”

Mom climbed the stairs. Her purple dress was gorgeous, but the real beauty was how much she was glowing. All the doubts I had about including her today vanished when I saw how genuinely happy she was for me. I really hoped this meant the beginning of a new chapter for her.

She gasped. “You look so beautiful. I can’t wait to see you in your dress.”

“Soon.” My heart beat double time at the suggestion.

“I have someone here who would like to meet you,” she said.

My first thought was I already knew everyone involved with the show, all the wolves on Colorado Ranch and Green Mountain, and most of the lions up in Woodland Park. Who else was there?

Then I realized who that person might be.

Mom motioned toward the door. A petite woman entered, with dark hair that had been pulled back on top, the curls cascading down her back, and dark eyes that I’d seen a million times when I looked in the mirror. She looked young, and that might have thrown me off if I didn’t know deep down who she was.

“Marissa, it’s my honor to introduce you to Colleen, your birth mom.”

“Sorry,” I whispered to Marjorie because she would most likely have to start the makeup completely over. My legs were regularly rubbery when I was in front of the camera, but this was next level. There wasn’t a lot of room in the trailer, and Mom, Bibi, and Tina moved out of the way so I could meet Colleen.

Tears were already running down her face. I was done for.

“You’re so beautiful.” She blinked away tears, and as she took my hands, it was like thirty-two years of doubting her decision, wishing things could be different, faded away. “Of course, I’ve seen you on TV. Suzanne sent me pictures of you when you were in school. But seeing you in person on your mating day, I’m so glad I finally get to meet you.”

I could barely speak. The connection I felt with this woman was intense. The weirdest thing was that it wasn’t like it had just started when she walked up the stairs. It had been deep inside me, waiting to be acknowledged my whole life.

Of course, I loved Suzanne, but this feeling was on a totally different level.

“I’m so glad you’re here,” I finally managed. “I have so much to ask you. How long are you staying?”

“For about a week,” she said. “I got here last night. It looks like a darling little town. Don’t worry about me. You have a mate moon to go on.”

“Bjorn and I have actually decided to stay local. His family is in town too. It’s been years since he’s spent time with them, and they’re thinking of building a village up in the mountains. We’re planning a trip for after the season is over.”

“If you choose somewhere tropical and let us film, production will pay for it,” Bibi offered.

I laughed. “I’m not sure if you realize there are a bunch of workaholics here, but Bibi won’t take a vacation unless she’s filming someone else relaxing.”

“And you didn’t want to take the trip right away because you refused to miss Hannah’s episode,” Bibi reminded me. “Colleen, I’ll make sure Marissa has all the time she wants to catch up with you. And I’m not sure if you’re single or not, but I’ve had some inquiries from mature shifters looking for a mate—”

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