Page 117 of Broken Strings

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Upon trying to enter the invisible door, I rush after the redhead, needing to escape this place, but she’s disappeared. Her scent lingers in the air, and a surge of desire makes my cock stir in my pants.

That’s fucking strange!

I blink several times as though to clear my suddenly foggy brain before I remember Jesse’s phone. Once I’ve unlocked it, I open the tracker app and zoom closer to the dot that’s literally right beside me.

My heart rate ticks up a notch as I glance around, searching for a head of platinum hair. The thought trickles through my mind unbidden.

What if she’s performing?

I push it from my head and place one foot in front of the other. My footsteps bring me closer and closer to the dot, which is now stationary and even closer than before.

I spin about as I enter an alcove.

Sheshouldbe here.

But she’s not. There’s a couple of guys fucking against a couch, another watching on with his hands rammed down his pants.

I spin about, but there’s nowhere else she could be until I spy a black curtain to the far left. Glancing back at Jesse’s phone, I zoom as close as the app will allow me, only to deduce that shemustbe in there.

Marching past the three otherwise occupied fellas, I lift the curtain to be met with another long corridor.

How fucking bigisthis place?

I walk further inside the long dark hallway that leads into another alcove, my heart threatening to break out of my chest as I hear the unmistakable sound of her voice ring out.

“You know I love you, Vaughn.”

She trails off, and a deep male voice answers, though I can’t hear his words over the sound of my racing pulse.

Inhaling, I stop to find purchase against the wall. I need to be mistaken. I don’t want it to be her, even though I’m fully sure that’s her voice.

Please don’t let it be her.

I don’t know where we stand, but I know I can’t allow her to be with anyone else.

She’s mine.

The thought sends a thrill of possession through me, and I stand taller, stiffening my spine, ready to take what I want.

Ready to take what’s mine, fuck the consequences.

I know, here and now, regardless of what’s passed between us, that we are meant for one another. I’m only hers. She’s only mine. No one can ever come between that.

And the knowledge sets me free to do what needs doing.

I stride on confident feet all the way to the end of the black corridor and into the alcove beyond to find the redhead from before.

Her hair is long and wavy, wrapping around her shapely waist. She’s wrapped in the embrace of a very tall, dark-haired man, who presses a kiss atop her head.

“And you know I love you too, Summer.”

His declaration is followed by an inimitable laugh, and my breathing stalls as the bottom falls out of my world.


Summer’s distinctive laugh fractures my heart—alongside my already barely restrained temper.

“Get your fucking hands off my girl!”
