Page 131 of Broken Strings

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Beau guffaws, shoving Cade playfully before stroking his newly grown beard with a brow raised pointedly. “It makes me look dashing, according to your mother.”

Cade presses his lips together to suppress a grin at his friend's taunts as Ford appears to my left. My eyes widen when I see he’s sporting a black Stetson and looks nothing like his normal self.

“My parents are heading on home, Cade. I’m going to drive them, if that’s okay.”

“Course, Ford.” Cade waves him off with an easy smile. “Take your time.”

Ford rolls his eyes under the brim of his broad hat. “My dad got a new Quarter Horse, and he won’t quit until I’ve seen him. I won’t be long.”

Bella appears, almost as though out of thin air. “Can I come too, Fordy? I love horses.”

Ford glances at Cade, who smiles indulgently before nodding. “Course you can, Bug. Be a good girl for Ford.”

Bella jumps up and down excitedly, grasping hold of Ford’s extended hand and following along behind him, chattering nonstop.

Beau sidesteps towards Drew’s barbecue as Cade and I watch while Bella and Ford leave with his parents and sisters in tow.

I spin in Cade’s embrace, pressing my ear to his chest, and exhale softly in utter contentment. “Today has been wonderful.”

His hum of agreement vibrates through his chest. “I could have done without Noah being here, but other than that, it’s been perfect, Bam.”

“You’re in big trouble for manipulating me into letting Jesse go horse-riding tomorrow.”

I pop a brow and shoot him an evil look. “Bigtrouble!”

He chuckles, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck as he whispers. “I can’twaitto experience your special brand of trouble, Bam.”

I shiver when he presses a kiss against my exposed neck. “Later.” That single word is a whisper of a promise across my delicate skin, and I can feel myself melting even more.

“Get a room!”

I jolt at the sound of Henry’s voice as Cade mutters a quiet expletive, and we turn in synchronicity to find two smiling couples and a sleeping baby in an infant car seat.

“Are you guys leaving?” Caden’s voice is high-pitched with disbelief. “Did Mum not invite you to stay?” He looks around, undoubtedly ready to berate his mother.

“No, no. She did.” Mila laughs, shaking her dark head. “We’re flying to New York in a couple of hours.”

Henry scrunches his face up in distaste. “I have a meeting I need to sit in on with Alex in the AM.”

“He wouldn’t have asked you unless it’s something he genuinely needs your help with, Henry!” Liv nudges her husband in the side, shooting me a playfully exasperated smile.

Henry rolls his eyes, shifting his sleeping son into his other arm. “Mila’s best friend is performing in her first off-Broadway performance this week, so these guys are hitching a ride with us to catch tomorrow evening's show.”

Mila slants her eldest brother a dark look. “Youaren’t getting out of it either.”

“Tell your mum thanks for thinking of us.” Henry continues as though his little sister’s words have landed on deaf ears. “Getting to see everyone meet Jesse…”

He trails off, smiling softly. “We wouldn’t have missed it.”

Once we’ve bid farewell, the foursome, alongside a stirring baby Sebastian, make their way to the waiting SUVs in the driveway. Henry and Mila are bickering back and forth, much to their partner's blatant amusement, and Cade closes the front door with a fond smile on his handsome face.

“Your friends really are quite something!”

He sobers, tugging me against his chest to pierce me with a deep look. “Ourfriends, Bam. What’s mine is yours.” Pressing a kiss atop my nose, he spins me in his embrace and steers me towards the emptying patio with a swat to my bottom.

“Come on, let’s try to get rid of the stragglers. Or else Dad will break out the guitar, and we’ll never be free.”

I chuckle quietly. “I need to use the little girl’s room. Do you know where I can…”
