Page 156 of Broken Strings

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“I never wanted more until I met you, Hellcat. And I’ll love you till the day I die.”

She steps out of my embrace, her adoration-filled eyes never leaving mine. “I’m going to check on Nathan, but I want you to stay right here because when you say things like that, it speaks straight to my pussy.”

I chuckle but nod as she backs away in the direction of our sleeping son’s bedroom.

Once she’s disappeared out of sight, I spring into action.

After having a wonderful day celebrating our boy’s christening with our nearest and dearest, I’ve made plans to make the evening even more memorable for my soulmate.

Grabbing the box I’d packed and hidden earlier from the laundry room, my feet quickly and silently take me out onto the garden terrace. Knowing precisely what I’m doing this time around, I make short work of setting up and have just straightened to survey my handiwork when a gasp from behind me demands my attention.

I twist about to find my wife with our six-month-old son in her arms. He’s in his sleepsuit, his mass of dark hair standing out in every direction as he clutches Mila’s Jellycat plush, Mitzi, with a chubby fist.

My wife’s eyes shine as they survey the transformation before her.

Fairy lights twinkle amid the shrubbery and along the red brick walls of our penthouse. A light peach sheet—why can I never find a white one?—is hanging from the wall while a small portable projector silently screensNever Been Kissed.

She steps closer as Nathan focuses on me, a smile lighting up his beautiful face.

“What’s all this, Nathaniel?”

I pluck our son from her arms as he snuggles right in against my chest with Mitzi tucked under his chin. His eyes flutter closed as he settles easily in my hold, and my heart fills to bursting.

“I wanted to make another memory with you, baby.” Sliding my free hand into hers, I pull her closer and kiss her softly. “I never want to stop making memories with you. And as we usually stay at the lake, I thought today was the perfect occasion to relive one of my favourites.”

A smile splits her face, lighting her up from within, and my own lips answer willingly with a grin of my own.

I glance over my shoulder, finding that right on cue, Josie and Mr Coulson are having their first kiss on the pitcher's mound.

“Siri, play ‘Don’t Worry, Baby.’”

The Beach Boys' inimitable and much-loved hit gently sounds through the outdoor speakers. I tug Mila closer, enfolding both her and our son in my large embrace while we sway to the familiar beat.

Our eyes hold one another’s as I commit yet another idyllic moment with the love of my life to memory. Except for this time around, we’re holding the embodiment of our love between us, something I’d never have thought possible the first time we danced to this song.

“You told me so, you know.”

My forehead puckers in puzzlement, and Mila giggles lightly.

“You told me not to worry. That everything would turn out alright.”

An impish smile dances on her lips, coaxing a grin from me before my wife—my best friend, my lover—snuggles her cheek against the free side of my chest.

I close my eyes, soaking up this moment, committing it to memory alongside all of the other glorious moments we’ve shared as we continue swaying to the music floating through the night air surrounding us.

Sighing softly, I begin to hum along with the song, entirely happy and utterly at peace in the life I never saw myself as deserving of, but will hold on to with my dying breath.

“Thank you for being my once-in-a-lifetime. To say I love you doesn’t even come close, Mila Hawthorne.”

She tilts her head upwards, resting her chin on my chest, as a mischievous smile lifts her lips.

“Do you still have the Superman costume?”

One side of my mouth twitches, and I nod.

Her smile widens as she gently lifts our sleeping son from my arms.

“I’ll put Nathan back down. I’ve heard Metropolis is in peril…”
