Page 25 of Broken Strings

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My vision is blurry with unshed tears, yet, even so, this man’spainis plainly visible, and my soul cries out for having denied him of his dream.

“I’d struggled for years trying to help Layla. She spiralled really bad after you left. She was never the same after Archer…so Noah encouraged me to help her. To try to find happiness together, as we both lost the ones we truly loved. I thought ababy…”

He trails off before stepping forward to hold my cheeks in his large palms.

“Clearly, I was wrong. She was already far too broken—beyond anyone’s reach. I did the best I could to manage her…issues.” He huffs a dark laugh.

“I don’t know how many sex parties she forced me into attending with her. Not that I partook. I couldn’t. I’m…I struggle to…umm, perform…like that.”

My cheeks flush bright pink when his gaze flicks to the side, clearly embarrassed at what he’s disclosed. My heart breaks all over again for everything we’ve lost—and my stomach churns with the knowledge that by the time this week is over, my reason for coming back will only add to his burden.

As well as locking his heart from me forever.



“What’sin it for me, little deer?”

Archer’s voice is menacingly low, and I glance towards my friend, praying this is all a sick joke, but Layla’s face speaks volumes.

“Summer, just let him fuck you, and we can be done with this shit. Christ almighty, it’s just sex.”

She rolls her eyes and looks back out onto the river as my mouth falls open in disbelief. “Oh myGod, Layla.”

She shrugs in utter nonchalance, not like Caden is currently drowning because of the dare she gave him.

“Tick. Tock.”

Archer’s drawl at my shoulder sends a shiver of disgust through my whole body, and I whirl around to face him. I’m about to tell him to shove his assistance up his ass when my eyes land on a floundering Caden once more.

Layla’s words ring through my mind.

“It’s just sex.”

In exchange for saving my lover’s life, I’d pay just about any price.

With my stomach roiling, I nod sharply once, but that’s not enough for Archer.

“I need your words.”

Swallowing my nausea, I manage to choke out my assent. “Okay, please just save him.”

Both his hands shoot out to land on my neck, squeezing tight enough to leave marks. “Let’s seal the deal with a kiss, little deer.”

* * *

My body shoots forward, sweat dotting my brow and making my pyjamas stick to my clammy skin.

I shove all thoughts of my nightmare from my head as I swing my legs over the side of the bed and slide my flip-flops onto my feet. Standing, I inhale and exhale several times to slow my racing pulse before padding to the window to look out at the beautiful English countryside.

It can’t be much past dawn.

Following our patio conversation last night, Caden had given me a choice of sleeping in the main house or allowing me my privacy by giving me the bedroom above his new recording studio a stone’s throw away.

I’d opted for the latter, knowing that forced proximity would inevitably lead to some bad decisions.

The studio bedroom is more luxurious and at least twice the size of my first apartment in New York.
