Page 29 of Broken Strings

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“Miss St James is in perfect health other than some bruises and a mild concussion from hitting her head when she fell on the wet tiles.”

My eyes meet Summer’s, and before I know what I’m doing, my hand reaches for hers, closing gently around her small fist. She shoots me a small smile that sets my pulse racing.

Fuck, I would walk through fire for her.

Bella had taken a handful of minutes that had felt more like days to rally before the emergency services arrived on the scene. But when shedid, her eyes latched hungrily onto Summer, who had kept back, obviously fearful of upsetting Bug further with the presence of a stranger.

* * *

“You saved me.”

Bug’s innocent eyes widen as they fixate on Summer, who’s standing at my back.

I twist my head, reaching out to automatically pull her closer. “She did, Bug.”

Bella’s mouth lifts in a broad smile, and she holds out a trembling hand for Summer. The gesture makes my throat muscles constrict as I fight to swallow the ball of emotion suddenly lodged in there.

“I’ve never met a real-life superhero!”

“Oh, Bella.” Summer chuckles softly, stepping forward to gently grasp Bug’s finger. “I’m not a superhero. I’m just Summer, an old friend of your dad’s.”

Bella shakes her head, her gaze firmly on Summer with little to no heed to her other surroundings. “No, you’re not. You’remySummer-hero.”

* * *

“I commend you, Miss St James.” Dr Kline’s words catch my attention. “It’s a miracle you made it into that pool, let alone back out with a child in tow. A blow to the head like you sustained should have rendered you unconscious.”

Summer’s cheeks pinken, and she blinks prettily whilst chewing on her bottom lip.

“When I grow up, I want to be like you.”

No one notices Bella’s approach until she’s right beside Summer, her big blue eyes filled to brimming with unfettered hero worship. My chest suddenly feels too small to contain my heart.

Summer eases her hand from mine to crouch down to Bella’s height and smiles brightly. “You’re already a mini boss. What you say goes.” And she finishes it with a wink that makes my little Bug laugh merrily.

“If I’m the boss…”

Bella trails off, glancing around at the four adults fully fixated on her. She straightens up and lifts her chin, showing that determination I love so much.

“IfI’mthe boss, then I get to pick what we play.”

Everyone smiles, but none so much as me, as Bella leads Summer and Dr Carver towards her toys.

“I’ll leave you that list, Mr North. And I’ll be in regular contact with Dr Carver throughout the day.”

I nod, motioning towards the door. “Thank you for everything. I’ll show you out, Dr Kline.”

* * *

We spend the day doing whatever little Miss Bug wanted, which included a superhero tea party, followed by a fashion show of her favourite superheroes—her final, and best costume was when she strode into her bedroom wearing Summer’s semi-soaked trainers and announced Summer as her favourite hero of all-time—before we’d bid Dr Carver farewell.

Dr Kline was sure, based on his understudy’s feedback and his years of experience, that we were out of the woods. Although I was content to go along with his opinion, I still wouldn’t be leaving my little girl’s side for the rest of the day.

“How’s about we get some dinner, Bella?”

Summer’s pure and wholly welcome voice rings out through the playroom, where we’ve been holed up for almost an hour following Dr Carver’s departure.

I raise my head from the beanbag I’m lolling on to fix my gaze on my Bug and my Bam, finding them sitting lotus-style opposite one another. At least fifty play figurines ranging from Hulk to Doctor Strange to a vintage He-Man that my dad found in our attic are propped up all around them in various poses and pairings.
