Page 47 of Broken Strings

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My eyes have blown wide open, my jaw almost hitting the dock as I take in the man before me. His honesty, his trust in me…but the killer is the shame I see lurking beneath the surface.

“I don’t seeanylack of a boner here, Cade.”

His lips quirk upwards. “This week is the first time in fifteen years that I haven’t needed to medically induce a hard-on, Summer. Do you know what that does to me?” He tugs me forward to press a kiss to my forehead and another to my nose before whispering across my lips. “Do you know how that makes mefeel?”

I dart my tongue out, encouraging him to open his mouth to me, and although I’m the one to instigate the kiss, he’s the one to take it to the next level. His silken tongue caresses mine gently with just the right amount of pressure, and it takes next to no time before I’m losing the run of myself again.

He pulls back, peppering my face with butterfly kisses as he whispers between kisses. “Summer, you are it for me.”

He kisses my nose. “You always have been. Your soul understands mine.”

He kisses one cheek, then the other. “When I’m with you, the world feels right. It’s theonlytime it feels right.”

He kisses my jaw, nipping slightly to send a shiver through my body. “I’m done being less because you make me so muchmore.”

Pulling back, he locks his gaze with mine. His deep blue eyes are almost black in their intensity, and my heart rate kicks up a notch before he speaks.

“But you need to understand me, Bam…when I drive this cock...”

He stops to palm his blatant hardness through his black jeans.

“Into this tight little pussy...”

His eyes move down, and he makes me jump when he reaches between us with his free hand to lightly slap the obvious wet patch on my pink panties.

“Then you belong to me.” He shifts his gaze back up to meet mine. The level of possession in his face does something to my insides, and when he speaks again, something inside of me snaps.

“When I re-claim your body, you’re mine.Forever.”



Summer’s faceis a kaleidoscope of emotions as I lay everything on the line.

She needs to know exactly how much I’minthis. Not only that she’s the sole owner of my heart, but by re-claiming her body, I’m taking possession of her damn soul.

She’s always been mine. As I’ve always been hers.

And I send up a silent vow to the heavens that nothing will separate us ever again.


Reaching up to unbutton the first…second…third button on her dress, the swell of her tits comes into view and my dick pulses uncomfortably against the confines of my jeans. She shifts one arm, followed by the other, to allow the dress to fall from her shoulders, pooling at her waist as she bares herself to my hungry gaze.

She pops the front clasp on the blush pink bra she’s wearing, shrugging out of the straps and dropping it to the dock. Her nipples immediately harden like little bullets in the cool night air, her pale skin pebbling with goosebumps as my eyes greedily soak in each and every centimetre of the perfection exposed to me.

Desire is swimming in her big brown eyes as I unbutton the first two buttons of my shirt, reaching behind me to tug it over my head. Once my chest is exposed to her fervent stare, she rises to her knees, her dress hugging her waist where she’s not loosened the fastenings.

Her gaze caresses my flesh as she takes in the changes the years have wrought on my body.

“These are so beautiful.”

She brushes her fingertips across my chest and along my toned bicep, where a full-sleeve tattoo resides. My skin tingles everywhere she touches me, and my eyes roll back in my head under an intimacy that I’ve never forgotten, but have sorely missed.

The intimacy of being one with the person you love.

“I got my first on my eighteenth birthday.”
