Page 55 of Broken Strings

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Having finally made it back to 45 Park Lane in convoy with the rest of Misdirection, we bid the guys farewell.

“Come on, Bug. Lights out time.”

Caden hefts a dozing Bella higher onto his broad shoulder, and I move to follow him, only for Jake’s voice to call out behind us.

“Could we talk for a minute, Cade?”

We glance back at the same time, finding a worried Jake. Caden’s forehead puckers as he glances between me and Jake before I step forward to ease the semi-sleeping bundle from his arms.

“Go. Your friend needs you.”

“Are you sure? I can—”

Grasping his shirt collar with the hand I’d been resting on Bella’s back, I jerk him closer. “I’m sure,idiot.” Pressing my lips to his in a short meeting of mouths, I step back and shoo him away. “Now, go. We’ll see you later.”

Without waiting for a response, I head directly towards the elevator and moments later enter our suite with a sound-asleep blonde fairy snoring softly against my shoulder.

Rather than place her in the spare room of the suite, I deposit her in the middle of the super king-size bed in the master bedroom, only slipping her shoes and socks from her feet before tucking her in beneath the pristine white sheets.

She flips over onto her stomach, one knee bent with her face pressed into the pillows, and my heart rate quickens when it reminds me of times long ago in a smaller bed with a boy who slept theexactsame way.

The similarities are uncanny.

Leaving my phone, some Chapstick, and a bottle of water on the nightstand, I kick my trainers from my feet and make short work of freshening up before bed. I’ve just slipped into pyjama shorts and a vest and am climbing beneath the sheets when I hear Caden enter the suite.


His whisper rings through the silence of the suite, and I call back quietly. “We’re in here.”

He appears at the door, his frown melting away to allow his eyes to shine intensely when he spots Bella beside me, hogging the middle of the bed.

Moving closer, he deposits his shoes beside mine before peeling off his clothes.

“I’m just going to have a quick shower.” He makes a show of sniffing himself, and I snort a laugh when he mouths the words, “I reek.”

Still smiling, he moves off to the bathroom, and I grab my phone to ensure it’s on silent so I don’t wake the cherub beside me.

There are a handful of notifications, including a couple of DMs from friends on Instagram and an email from Lucia in HR at Rogue reminding me that I’d missed a shift, meaning Vaughn neglected to tell her about my trip.

Typical Vaughn.

I swipe everything away, deciding to mail Lucia tomorrow with an apology. The DMs can wait.

I scan through several text messages from Anna, none of which require my immediate attention.

I’m about to drop the phone onto my bed when a text chimes through.


Are you in London?

Shit, shit, shit.

I’m mulling over my response when another text flashes up.

