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So was the view when she stood to dress.

Her body was still just as amazing as it had been before she’d had Evan, but she frowned when she caught him looking at her. “The C-section scar is still there,” she said, tracing the line across her lower abdomen.

Since she seemed to think that would make him remember the terrifying scramble to save Evan’s life, Jesse went to her and dropped down low enough to kiss the scar. He didn’t even mind the dirty thought he had about giving her some more kisses. He’d just wanted her to know that the scar was all part of who she was. Of what she’d survived.

“You’re perfect,” he heard himself say, and he winced a little because she could take it as too much, too soon.

She made a sound of disagreement, but it had a light tone to it. “Perfect with stretch marks and a stomach paunch.”

Heck, he liked the little paunch, too. Then again, with his body starting to rev, he doubted there was anything about her that would cool him down. But since cooling down was exactly what he had to do, Jesse forced himself to move away from her.Forcedbeing the operative word.

He’d already put back on his boxers, jeans and boots just in case he’d had to move in a hurry, but he’d kept the shirt off so he could enjoy the feel of Hanna naked and sleeping against him. He put on his shirt now and watched as she started to do the same with her own clothes.

“Do you think we can trust Bull?” she asked. “I mean do you believe he really intends to help bring down the militia leader?”

That was the million-dollar question, and even with the amazing sex, it hadn’t been that far from his mind. “I think we can trust him to a point. If he’s a dirty agent, it seems he’s willing to throw the militia under a bus by drawing them out. But then, he had nothing to lose by doing that. Bull’s in as much danger, if not more, than the rest of us.”

“Yes,” she murmured, and she ended the peep show by pulling on her panties and jeans. “The militia leader would want a federal agent dead.” She looked at him. “Would they want Shaw dead, too? I mean if he’s not the leader, that is.”

“They would.” Jesse didn’t have to give that any thought. “The militia would be looking for payback for anyone who’s been involved in tearing the group apart. But I haven’t ruled Shaw out yet as a suspect. He could have orchestrated this, and he’d stand a better chance of getting to Bull than some thugs.”

She stayed quiet a moment, obviously giving that some thought. “Because Shaw would be able to get into the sheriff’s office.”

Jesse nodded. “Grayson would keep an eye on him to make sure Shaw doesn’t try to execute Bull. Or poison him. But Shaw wouldn’t have to do the dirty work himself. Eventually, Bull will have to be transferred to another jail. Or into the custody of the ATF. Shaw could have friends or cohorts who could easily get to Bull and silence him before anything goes to trial.”

“And it would be Bull’s word against Shaw’s if this turns into a federal investigation,” she added.

He had to nod again. “I’m betting if Shaw’s the culprit, then he’s already hidden or destroyed any proof that Bull could use to point a finger at him.”

Of course, it was just as possible there was no evidence to find because Shaw could be innocent. If so, Jesse would owe him an apology, but he had no intention of giving the agent any leeway, or access to Hanna, before he knew one way or another about the agent’s involvement or innocence.

Hanna nodded as well. “That leaves Marlene and—” She’d obviously been about to bring up their other suspects, but she stopped when his phone dinged again with a text.

One look at it and Jesse’s heart dropped. Because it wasn’t Grayson this time. It was Miguel Navarro, the ranch hand who was standing guard.

“‘Somebody’s here,’” Jesse read aloud from Miguel’s text. “‘It’s one person, on foot, walking up the road toward the house.’”

Hanna made a slight gasp, but he saw her quickly rein in the slam of panic. It could be nothing, but with everything else going on, Jesse was dead certain they wouldn’t be that lucky.

Is the person armed?Jesse texted back to Miguel, and he added to Hanna, “Wait here. I’m going to have a look out the front window.”

“Be careful,” she murmured.

Because she looked many steps beyond the mere worried stage, he took the time to brush a kiss on her mouth before he went to the living room. Jesse had just made it to the window when Miguel responded.

Can’t tell, the hand messaged.But it looks like a woman.

Well, that sure as hell didn’t put Jesse at ease since two of their suspects were women. Added to that, there could be female members in the militia.

She doesn’t look too steady on her feet, Miguel added several moments later.She’s staggering like she’s drunk. Or hurt.

There was a third option. She could be pretending to be drunk or hurt. A ruse to try to get closer.

Wishing he had binoculars, Jesse peered through the darkness to get a glimpse of their visitor. Of course, the ranch hands and deputy wouldn’t let the woman actually approach the house without stopping her to find out what she wanted, but if she was armed, she could start shooting before they even got to her.

Jesse watched as Miguel hurried across the yard to duck behind a tree. He was obviously trying to get in position so he’d have a better angle to keep an eye on their visitor. The moon wasn’t cooperating with that though. There was just enough cloud cover to give them very little illumination.

As a cop, Jesse wanted to be out there, to put an end to this himself. But he couldn’t risk leaving Hanna and Evan alone.
