Page 75 of Wraith's Revenge

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“Obviously not.”

Because I didn’t want to give the fledgling wings of hope any weight, only to have them crushed.

Her laughter ran across my senses, warm and wicked. Let me show you.

The fingers clasping mine became visible even though they remained ethereal in appearance. The semi-solidity swept up her arm, down her body, and then finally reached her face.

It was a face I knew. I face I had once loved. A face I’d thought lost long ago, with no hope of any sort of afterlife or rebirth.

My sister, Cat.

Chapter Ten

Joy swept me. I took a step forward, wanting to sweep her into my arms and hug her fiercely, but she was already fading from sight.

Attaining any sort of physicality on this plane takes great strength came Belle’s thought. That she was able to do so after only a short time being a guide speaks to her strength.

She always was the most powerful of the three of us. I gulped down air that did nothing to calm the excited racing of my thoughts and my heart, and somehow said, “I thought you gone, Cat. I thought the sorcerer’s demons had consumed your soul.”

They would have, if not for the wild light in our blood.

“The wild magic saved you?”

Yes, though at the time I did not understand what it was or where it had come from.

“But… how? It had taken an unrestrained wellspring to truly ignite the wild magic in my soul—”

Not so came Belle’s reply. Remember it was present when I was drawing on your strength to free you from Clayton. Fearing for your lives obviously allowed both of you to somehow shatter the barriers that divided you from the ancestral gift.

My phone beeped. I glanced down to see a text from Saska. She was caught in traffic and remained three minutes away.

We cannot wait came Cat’s response. He’ll die if you do.

“I haven’t the power to face him alone, Cat.”

He doesn’t want you dead yet. He wants you to suffer as he suffered.

“Doesn’t mean he won’t take the opportunity to grab me if I give it.”

He won’t. Trust me.

I hesitated. Belle?

Trust her, she echoed. She is the real deal, according to my guides.

You checked?

The minute you realized who she really was.

And is what she’s saying true? About him not wanting me dead as yet?

Your own instincts have already told you that, but guides are able to see the paths of our future. If this path led to death, she would know.

But would she tell?

As a guide, she must advise the possibility.

She’s not my guide though.
