Page 41 of Come Back to You

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Blair grinned. “We’ve already rented the cottage next door. It looks nice enough, but I didn’t want to wake the landlady to get the key, so hopefully you won’t mind if I crash in your bed for a bit?”

“You rented the cottage?” My brain was lagging. “For you and Tyler?”

“The sofa turns into a pull-out bed,” he explained. “Tyler can sleep there. He could have gotten a separate place, but it seemed pointless to send him somewhere else when we’re going to be spending most of our time together anyway. By the way”—he made his way past me and into the cottage—“this place is a pain in the ass to get to. It took two flights, renting a car, and getting lost in the backside of beyond three times over before I found the damn town.”

“Yeah, it’s a bit off the beaten track,” I agreed. “It’s pretty well signposted though, since we get a lot of tourists.”

Blair scowled. “If it was so well signposted, I wouldn’t have gotten lost.”

I hid a grin. He was used to driving in the bustle of L.A. He probably had no idea what to do in the rural isolation of an area like this. “If you say so.”

“It’s a nice town though,” he said, heading for the kitchen to pour himself a cup of water. He drained it in a few mouthfuls. “Quaint, I guess. Not sure it’s my thing, but I can see why you like it.”

“It’s a special place.” I went to Blair and wrapped an arm around his waist. “Come on. I’ll show you the bedroom.”

“I want to see the rest of town later too. Size up anyone who might be causing you problems.”

I pressed my lips together to keep from chuckling. I knew he wouldn’t find much, but it was sweet that he wanted to protect me. Especially after the car-keying episode, which had left me even more shaken. Jeff had managed to track down the photographer’s employer and persuade them not to print the story by implying we’d sue them, since it seemed a little too coincidental that the paparazzo had been there to photograph my reaction but supposedly hadn’t seen who did the damage. I’d had a police officer around to take a look and make a record, but the paint hadn’t been fixed yet. Hopefully soon, because each time I saw the words carved into it, I got a chill. I shook my head to dispel the unwelcome thoughts.

“If I’m not here when you wake up, just text me. Okay?”

He pressed a kiss to the side of my forehead. “You got it, Kenz.”



Hi Liam,

I called you today. I waited for two rings, and then I chickened out and hung up. My phone number has changed a few times, so I doubt you’ll know who it was. Or perhaps you’ll see a Californian number and be able to guess.

I regret so deeply the way I ended things between us. I wish I’d had the presence of mind to lay out the situation and discuss it more rationally, but I was in survival mode. I couldn’t think of anything beyond putting one foot in front of another.

There isn’t a lot I regret, but I do regret that.


K xx

While Blair slept,I had breakfast with Grace and returned with the key to his cottage. When he woke, I gave it to him so he could make himself at home next door, then I cooked scrambled eggs while he filled me in on the flight and asked for more details about the stalker.

Blair shoved a quivering piece of egg into his mouth and scowled. “If I get my hands on this guy….”

“You won’t do anything because your loving sister would hate to see you get into trouble.”

He grumbled, and then continued eating. I sipped a mug of herbal tea and waited until he was finished.

“Would you like to go for a walk around town?”

“You’re on.” He took his plate to the kitchen and rinsed it off. “Just give me five minutes to get ready.”

I grinned, pleased that some things never changed. Even though Blair had already showered and adorned himself with a new set of tattered black jeans and a T-shirt advertising his own band, he’d no doubt want to primp his hair and touch up his eyeliner. He didn’t like to go out looking anything other than 100 percent. It worked for him though. Women and men flocked to him. Whenever I’d gone to one of his band’s gigs, I’d seen him sneak off home with someone afterward.

He emerged a few minutes later with everything just so. I led him out of the cottage, keyed in the code, and locked the door behind us.

“I’m glad you’ve had better security put in,” he said as we walked down the path to the road.

“Liam did it.”
