Page 91 of Always Been Yours

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“Hi, handsome.”

“What’s got you so smiley?”

“Everything.” I gestured around. “This is all I’ve ever wanted.”

His expression grew tender. “You’ll always have it.” He held out his hand and I took it, allowing him to help me to my feet. “The dogs are outside. They want to see you.”

I followed him.

In truth, I’d follow him anywhere.


“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”

~ Mignon McLaughlin


“Stunning,”Kennedy proclaimed.

“Absolutely beautiful,” Summer agreed.

“You look like Cinderella,” Tess added.

I smiled, studying myself in the floor-length mirror. They were right. I practically glowed. I supposed that was a side-effect of being wonderfully happy. Well, happy and pregnant. None of them knew about the pregnancy yet though. It was a secret between Nate and me until the beginning of the new year. We were being cautious since I wasn’t far along.

“What do you think?” Bailey asked. She’d been the one to do my hair and makeup. I could have hired specialists from Queenstown, but this was a low-key wedding, and I liked it that way. Everyone involved was a friend or family member except for the dress designer. I’d seen the dress at an expo and fallen in love with it. The designer, an Auckland-based woman named Clarissa Mitchell, had won awards, but I didn’t care about that. I just knew the dress was made for me.

The fabric was more champagne than white, which was fortunate because white didn’t suit me. The bodice was simple with a high neckline and only a few beads on the shoulders for adornment, but the skirt was gorgeous. A confection of tulle and lace that was, as Tess had implied, fit for a princess.

I stopped admiring the dress and looked at my face instead. Bailey had done exactly as I asked, using natural colors that enhanced my features. My hair was twisted into a sleek knot at the back of my head.

“I love it,” I said honestly. “You did a wonderful job.”

Bailey’s face creased into a smile, and she pretended to wipe sweat off her brow. “Thank god. You had me worried for a moment.”

“Seriously, thank you, Bailey. You’ve gone above and beyond.” I gave her a hug and turned to the others—my bridesmaids and flower girl. “Are we ready to go?”

Kennedy grinned. “Nate is going to go crazy when he sees you.”

“He’d better,” Bailey said. “We put enough effort into it. But no sneaking away and messing up your hair and makeup until after lunch, okay?”

“I promise,” I said solemnly. “We’ll behave.”

“Good. That’s what I like to hear.”

Summer took her phone out of a pocket sewn into the seam of her cobalt blue bridesmaid dress. “Let’s wait another few minutes. The bride is supposed to be fashionably late, and Nate needs to know not to take you for granted.”

I laughed and swatted her hand. “Put it away. There’s no sense in making anyone worry. Let’s go.”

* * *


I stoodbeneath the arch that had been erected out the back of my parent’s property, tugging the collar of my shirt. Damn, it was hot as hell today. It figured our wedding would fall on the warmest day of summer. The sky was a vivid blue, not a cloud to be seen for miles, and a slight breeze was the only thing keeping me sane. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned.

“This is it,” Dad said, squeezing affectionately. “The start of a new chapter for you.”
