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Together, they investigated the living room. Ramie’s funky frying pan wall clock told him it was a little after one o’clock, so he hadn’t slept as long as he’d hoped. No one was in sight, but Brand’s boots were over by the door. They found Brand and Ramie in the kitchen, drinking coffee and sharing the last of the cinnamon buns she’d bought from the diner yesterday morning.

Seeing them side by side like that, now that he knew they used to be a thing, helped him see why Brand might have been attracted to her. They’d have been a cute couple if Brand wasn’t deeply in love with Hugo.

Shit, am I going to have another stepfather one day if they get married?

“Afternoon,” Brand said. “Coffee?”

“Definitely,” Jackson replied. “Wyatt?”

“Actually, water would be great,” Wyatt replied. “I don’t really want the caffeine, I’m just thirsty as hell.”

“On it.” Jackson poured him a glass of water from the filtered pitcher in the fridge, then got himself a mug of black coffee. Wyatt didn’t know how anyone drank that stuff black, but at least he didn’t have to. He tried not to gulp the cold water so he didn’t upset his empty stomach.

“The next couple days are gonna be crazy for you,” Brand said to Wyatt. “Take as much time off as you need. The rest of the week, at least. You don’t need to be moving around too much with your nose and chest like they are.”

“Thank you,” Wyatt replied. The dull throb in his face thanked him, too. “I should eat something so I can take another pill or six.”

“I’ll make you toast,” Ramie said. “Anyone else?”

In the end, their quartet had the most bizarre (and yet also fun) toast-making lunch Wyatt had ever experienced. She used up the last of a loaf of white bread and put every possible topping on the table, from peanut butter to hazelnut spread to cheddar cheese. Wyatt put a little bit of margarine on his so it wouldn’t be dry. Jackson made a sticky sandwich with peanut butter and the remnants of a jar of whipped marshmallow Wyatt hadn’t even realized was in the cupboard.

It was the most unique family meal of his life, and Wyatt loved every second of it.

Brand fielded a few texts while they ate, and around one forty said, “I should be heading back to the ranch. Michael needs to leave two hours early today because he has to drive his father to a checkup, so it’s just Hugo and Dad.”

“What about Rem?” Jackson asked.

“Took the afternoon off because of something at Susie’s school. Parents get to sit in on the class or something.”

That was a thing? Who wanted to go back to school as an adult to see what little kids learned about?

“Do you need me to fill in?”

Brand shook his head. “Nah, you’re fine to take the rest of the day, too. And tomorrow if you need it. Wyatt there might need some looking after. Playing hero takes a lot out of you.” He jacked his thumb at Ramie. “Maybe keep an eye on this one for me, too? She had a good scare last night.”

“Can do, boss.”

Ramie scowled but didn’t contradict him. The mother henning was simply part of who Brand was as a person; he took care of his family.

“We’ll talk later, yeah?” Brand said to Wyatt as he stood.

“Yeah.” Wyatt had a lot more to say to the man but nothing that was urgent. “Later.” After Brand left the house, Wyatt pinched himself on the arm. “Is it me, or have the last twenty-odd hours been the most surreal ever?”

“Totally,” Ramie replied. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a shower and then go back to bed for a while. I’ve got a shift that starts at five.”

“You’re going to work tonight?”

“Honestly? Right now, I’d feel way safer in a bar full of people I mostly know than sitting around this house alone.”

“Why do you think you’ll be alone?”

She quirked an eyebrow. “I just assumed you and Jackson would head back to his place to chill, instead of knocking around here.”

“We can hang here if you want company,” Jackson said. “I just need to run home soon and let Dog out. She’s well-trained but her bladder can only hold out for so long. Poor thing is probably running circles around my room.”

“You can bring her over if you want.”

