Page 29 of The Organization

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I hope he fucking died.

My steps faltered as I approached, and for a minute I was caught up in the fantasy of what it would be like to kill him - to feel his blood dripping from my hands. It wouldn’t serve my purposes - in fact, it would probably hinder the progress I’d made - halt the carefully thought out plans I had crafted and then implemented, but it sure would be fun.

I placed one foot in front of the other, forcing myself towards him - reminding myself that there was no line that I wouldn’t cross to exact my revenge - to get inside The Society and tear them apart. Blaine smiled at me, and it was the kind of sexual smile that had dread pooling in my stomach because I couldn’t think of anything worse than having his hands on my skin.

“I can’t even pretend to be surprised,” he cooed the words at me, insincerity dripping from his tone. “I knew you’d be the one to win it - hoped for it, actually, because there’s nothing I’ve wanted more than to see your pretty mouth choke on my cock.”

I swallowed audibly. I knew this was a possibility - knew that someone here would want to ‘test the goods’ before I was fully accepted, I just hated the fact that it was him. But then, they had probably picked up the candidates' distaste for him in general which was why they chose him in the first place.

Because this wasn’t about mutual pleasure - it was about knowing our place - being grateful to them, and him, for this opportunity.

“You don’t look surprised.” His hand fluttered against my jaw, and I fought not to flinch - not to pull back. Every fiber of my being was screaming at me to dick punch the fucker and flee, but I couldn’t - not when he was the gateway to everything I had been working towards. My non-response didn’t seem to deter him, instead, he brought his face towards mine and spoke in that condescending tone of his. “You ever choked on a cock before?”

Once more I was forced to swallow down the bile that threatened to spew across my lips. He probably thought I was nervous, not nauseated. He didn’t wait for a response as his hand hit my shoulder, forcing me down.

I lowered myself without a fight - because what was the point? I knew how this would go - knew what he wanted, and so I complied because it was just another stepping stone towards my end goal.

My knees hit the tiled floor, still polished and pristine, no blood splatters here because, of course, the entryway showed no sign of death - the ugliness of it all was always hidden much deeper. I stared up at him, waiting expectantly.

“Don’t worry,” his thumb swept across my cheekbone, “I won’t make it good for you.”

I hated the tears that welled up in my gaze, knowing full well that my misery was what fueled him. Part of me wondered if Kylie would have enjoyed this - if she would have lapped up his dick, and perhaps that was what I should be doing. But I couldn’t bring myself to fake it - not this anyway.

He grinned down at me, his thumb sweeping gently across my bottom lip, and that gentleness somehow made it worse. I should have taken up Johnny the Rabbit in that alley the one time when he wanted to fool around before sex, at least then this wouldn’t have been my first blowjob. But then, if there was anything I knew well, it was that life didn’t follow some plan you concocted.

“Do you know what makes this so sweet?” I made to reach for the buckle of his belt, but Baine simply tsked at me, his hand moving up to my head as he fisted my hair. This wasn’t sexy - it wasn’t dominating in the ways that I may have liked, this was Blaine showing his dominance in such a manner that placed me at his feet like a victim. And that thought alone was enough to kill me because I wasn’t a victim, I wasn’t even simply a survivor, I was the reckoning that they didn’t see coming.

The sound of his belt hitting the polished floor echoed through the foyer, and I waited as I accepted my fate. He tugged my head upwards, angling my head where he wanted as my hair screamed against my scalp, my eyes watering before we had even begun.

He pressed his cock against the seam of my lips. “Open.” His voice suddenly turned aggressive as I didn’t seem to comply quick enough, and then he slid in, robbing me of breath in cruel thrusts that caused me to gag. I didn’t have time to adjust my jaw - to learn how to move my mouth against him, not with his brutal thrusts. I fought not to heave against him as he slid in deeper and deeper still, tears streaming down my cheeks, my vision blurry. He slammed into me again and again, his movements so fierce that if his fist hadn't been gripping my hair, I may have toppled over. This wasn’t an exploratory exercise - I would learn absolutely nothing about how to give head, only how to survive Blaise. His scrotum slapped against my chin, and I forced myself to breathe through my nose, my vision dizzy as the pulse in my temples began to throb. I hoped he wouldn't pull out my hair.

I knew the thought was odd. Here I was thinking about hair care as he brutalized my face, but there was nothing else I could have done. I had accepted my fate the moment my knees hit the floor, and now I simply needed to follow through. The dark part of me wondered if Chantal had been forced to endure something similar, or if they had offered her the small mercy of simply killing her first - eliminating any loose ends that belonged to Benson SinClaire.

My scalp screamed as his thrusts grew more frantic. I consciously tried to relax my throat as I prepared myself to swallow his cum. I had read a Cosmo article once explaining the ins and outs of pleasuring a man with your mouth, and while I had nothing else to go on, I had that. I imagined Blaise wouldn’t be thrilled if I spat his pleasure back in his face, and while that was precisely what I wanted to do, I knew such a statement wouldn’t end well for me.

I just needed to be accepted - needed a way into their basecamps, and if Blaise was the key, then I would endure his cock a million times if I had to. The hair on his scrotum rubbed against my chin, scalding my skin in the process, but I couldn’t pull away - could do nothing else as he purposefully tried to choke me with his dick.

And suddenly he pulled away, his cock sliding out of my mouth, leaving me gaping as I gasped for air. I didn’t trust the reprieve he offered me, but I could do nothing else except suck down giant lungful's of oxygen. He tugged my jaw up once more, forcing me to look up at him, and that was when I understood what the endgame was - why he had released his cock from my mouth. Blaise leered at me, fisting his cock in the process before a stream of cum hit my face, my eyelids, my lips. How many b-grade pornos had the fucker had to watch to come up with this little version of dominance.

I glared at him, watching his expression flit to delight as he looked upon my cum sprayed face. He thought he had degraded me. Good - let the bastard think that. I only hoped that he and I ended up at the same fucking basecamp because he would be the first calling card I issued on behalf of The Warden. He bent down, smearing his cum against my lips, dipping his fingers between the seam of my mouth as he forced me to taste him.

His salty scent swirled across my tongue, and something about tasting my enemy ignited the ember of hate burning within. Because when I killed him, it would be this moment that I remembered. Wordlessly, he pulled me to my feet, his fist still controlling my movements as he tugged my hair, and as I stood before him, I wondered if he knew how easy it would be to gut him - how simple a process it really was. Finally, he released me, watching as I clenched my fists, resisting the urge to play out all my murderous fantasies, and the bastard smirked - smirked as if he knew the things I fell asleep dreaming about. He pulled the diamond collar from my fist, and it was only then that I realized I was still holding it - still clenching those hard diamonds between my knuckles.

I let go of the jewelry because to hold onto it seemed futile.

The part of the band was warm where I had clenched it in my fist, but the rest was cool against my skin, and I held myself still as he hung the choker against my neck, effectively collaring me.

“Diamonds and cum look good on you, Marissa,” His voice brushed against the shell of my ear, a mockery of what a lover truly would do, but I didn’t make a move to clean my face - to wipe his cum off of my skin, even if it felt vile to simply stand there and allow it to sink in. Because wiping it off would be exactly what he wanted. It would have shown him exactly how affected I was - how much I hated him. Instead, I locked my rage down in that special place reserved for when I did The Warden’s work, replacing it with the facade of stoicism and calm.

“Run along, little mouse.” He turned my body towards the front door, pushing me towards the night.

I refused to run - refused to give him the satisfaction of watching me flee. Instead, I held my head high and stepped into the cool air, collared in diamond and covered in my enemies cum.

It may not be today - or even tomorrow, but Blaise would live to regret what he had done tonight.

His manic cackle followed me across campus as I ignored the skeptic looks shot in my direction as students everywhere took in my appearance. There was no doubt that it was on my face, hardened and flaking on my skin against the cold air.

Chapter Twenty : Summoned
