Page 30 of The Organization

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Iknewitwascoming - knew to expect it, and still I ignored it, choosing to bury myself in my hellcat, instead, because nothing was sweeter than her on the planet. If I knew that she gave head like a goddamn queen, I would’ve played with her like that on our first night together, but still, I wasn’t complaining. Because no matter what The Society threw at us during the day, it was my bed at night that she was in. I enjoyed messing with her, throwing out lewd remarks at her in public, just to see her blush. The girl that was invincible - that seemed to throw knives for fun, blushed when it came to the mention of sex.

I couldn’t get enough of her. Which is exactly how I found myself sitting in our kitchen glaring at the stark white envelope that sat on our table. Whereas Aria’s delivery had been public, ours was subtle as if they knew that we were dancing in domesticity. It infuriated me - thattheyhad been in here - inourspace. Because outside of these walls, I’d swallow The Society’s bullshit, but this apartment was for Marissa and I.

The knowledge that I had been slacking - that I’d put my goals on hold because I’d been too wrapped up inher- because I’d beenhappyfor a moment, was a weight that I hated carrying.

I was a fucking moron because I was under no illusions about what this was - about what she would do when servitude was over. She would split, just like I would. And really, what the fuck was I expecting? To bring her back to Boston? Introduce her to Ma and Pops?

Even as I patronized myself, the thought of her standing in my family’s bar feltgood - rightin a way I hadn't yet experienced.

Goddamn it. I needed some distance from her because I couldn’t afford to become pussy whipped. I had done absolutely nothing to secure Patrick’s future - to find a way to release my family from this shit show. My stomach knotted, burning at the thought of keeping my distance from her.

And still, I waited for her to step through our door, knowing that she’d want to be here to open the envelope with me.

Unless she wasn’t my partner.

The thought gave me pause because everything I had heard up to date indicated that Marissa and I would be paired together, and after making no attempt to hide our ‘relationship,’ I had simply assumed that it would be she and I.

The afternoon sun streamed in, its brightness streaking against the wooden floors as I poured myself a shot of whiskey while I waited. I didn’t know how long she was going to take, but I needed something to take the edge off.

She arrived while I was busy with my second drink, her body drawn to mine with an immediacy that made me smile. Because she had learned her lesson - in this apartment, her place was byme. Her hands slid down my chest as she leaned over me, examining the envelope from over my shoulder. I wanted to burn the fucking thing. I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and drag her back to my room where the only thing that mattered was the taste of her pussy and the sounds of her euphoria. But before I could make good on those thoughts, she plucked the paper from the table, her breasts rubbing against my shoulder from the movement.

Scratch that, going on an assignment with her would be pure torture because even when she touched me innocently, I got hard for her.

“Our assignment came?” She sounded intrigued, and not at all like she wanted to throw the thing in the trash. But then, I still didn’t know her endgame - had made a point ofnotasking.

I didn’t want to breathe for fear of inhaling her tangy scent that was uniquely her because as soon as I inhaled her lemony fragrance, it would be game over. I would flip her onto the table and bury myself into her. It wouldn’t have been the first time I fucked her on this table, but I doubt she would have appreciated the sentiment in this moment, not when her nails were already sliding beneath the seal of the envelope as she released the letter within.

She opened the letter, holding it out so that we could both read it.

Meeting: 8pm, The Jacobi and Nicolai Library

Attendees: Benson SinClaire

Sarah Lipson

Mack O’Riley

Marissa Williams

Discussion: Assignment one

“We still have some time before we have to meet them.” Marissa seemed to sigh in relief, where I was feeling anything but. They wanted us to meet them tonight? As if we were simply sitting here at their beck and call? I fucking hated them - hated the SinClaire’s and every other stuck up family that was part of perpetuating this vile cycle. Marissa didn’t move, her fingers still curled around the page as she tracked the letters over and over again as if the letter before her may offer a hint of what was to come. My mother had warned me about Sarah Lipson - had told me that she served her time at the same time my parents were here, and in the end she was a widowed woman who sat next to Benson SinClaire and seemed to hold some of the ropes of The Society. It didn’t add up, and I knew better than to trust her.

“The Library…” Marissa spoke aloud, the words trailing off as she thought. “That’s a public setting, right?”

I stopped my own mental meanderings for a moment as I fought to understand what she was saying - what she was getting at.

“Yeah, I guess…” I allowed my voice to trail off, the question evident in my tone.

“So if it’s a public setting, it means that they don’t mind anyoneoverhearingwhat our assignment is - it means that in a public area, we will have to be on better behavior than we normally are because any outburst - especially inpublic- may be cause for their consequential actions.”

Fuck, she was right. But the only thing that seemed to stick in my head was the fact that she saidwe-we will have to be on better behavior- and that was all the reminder that I needed because, while I didn’t know Marissa’s story, I knew that there was a risk for her as well. She wasn’t simply another Society princess - a doll to dress up and pull out when you needed her to look pretty. If things were different - if I wasn’t stuck in the role I was, I would have run away with her, filled her belly with my kids in some hick town far away from anything The Society had ever touched. But those were not the cards we were dealt.

“We should get cleaned up - eat something first,” Marissa pushed forward, saving me from explaining myself, “because I can almost guarantee that whatever they have in store for us will kill our appetites.” I grunted in agreement, unsure of what else to say. But the thing about Marissa was that she didn’t need an explanation - didn’t push for things I couldn’t give, probably because she was unable to offer that piece of herself in return.

A minute later, I heard the shower run and knew that Marissa was piecing herself together - creating the perfect Society pawn they expected, and if I knew what was good for me, I’d do the same. Only, they knewexactlywho I was - what me and my family were capable of.
