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And she does.

The longer she talks, the more I’m distracted. It seems she’s not the only one with a thing for her neighbor. I’m not sure how long we’ve been talking, but it’s not long until I see Silas stride out of the building.

“He’s back,” I say, interrupting Sofia. “I’m sorry, but…”

“Go,” she says, hanging up before I have the chance.

Silas’s eyes lock onto mine and lets his hockey back fall to the ground as he charges over to me.

My pulse pounds.

My stomach flutters.

And when Silas picks me up off the ground, kissing me as he spins me around, everything feels right.

* * *


Fifteen minutes earlier…

I sink into the same chair I sat in on my first day, but this time, the tension in the air isn’t thick from Pru’s scent or her irresistible presence. There’s a storm on the horizon, a big one that’s been looming for a while now. And there’s so much testosterone circling in the air that it could jumpstart a preteen into puberty.

I grip the armrests as Coach Parker shuts the door—the solid sound of wood against metal echoing in the office. I can sense him over my shoulder as he moves around the room toward his chair.

He grabs a photo off his desk before sinking into his chair with a sigh.

“I married Prudence’s mother out of high school,” he says after a few moments, sliding the frame across his desk. “She was the love of my life. There was no one before her, and there will be no one after her.”

I take the photograph into my hands. It’s a little grainy but with Coach Parker in his hockey gear and Belinda standing next to him, it could be a picture of Prudence and me. She’s a near-carbon copy of her mother but with lighter hair and not as tall.

“You have two options, Silas. Prudence or the team.” And then, as though I didn’t understand my options, he leans against the desk, clasping his hands in front of him, and says, “Hockey or my daughter.”

“Prudence,” I say without hesitation, setting the frame down on his desk as I hold his gaze. “Easiest decision ever, Coach. And if that means I’m off the team, I’ll take that trade every single time. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Prudence.”

“You don’t care about your future? You have the talent. The drive and determination. I have no doubt that after this season, you’ll be drafted and go on to do great things in the league. You’ll have more money, fame, and accolades than most people could dream of.”

“But I wouldn’t have Prudence.” I lean forward, folding my arms on the edge of the desk. “That’s why I’m choosing Prudence. I have no future unless it’s with her.”

Coach stares at me for a long while, neither looking away nor speaking a word. It’s so silent that I can hear the clock ticking behind me. Apparently, timeispassing. He shifts and his chair creaks.

“How does Taco Tuesday sound?”

I narrow my eyes. “What?”

“Taco Tuesday,” he repeats, leaning back in his chair. “I know it’s Wednesday, but it’s better late than never. There’s a small taqueria not far from here that makes the best tacos al pastor I’ve had. I can pick some up and meet you and Prudence back at home. You’ve earned it after the last few weeks. And I’m looking forward to what we’ll achieve this season.”

Coach stands up and grabs his bag as I sit, stunned into silence for the first time in my life.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

I turn to Coach Parker as he rounds the table. “I’m not off the team?”

“No, you’re not,” he says, moving toward the door.

He pauses at the door, sighs, and then turns around. “My daughter deserves a man who wants her. Someone who’s selfless and caring. The type of man who would give up his bright future for a once-in-a-lifetime love. If I had that same choice between hockey and Belinda, I’d make the same choice.” He swallows and then clears his throat. “I’d make the same choice to bring her back. I wanted to make sure you were serious. And I trust Prudence to make her own choices. And I trust you,” he adds, thumping the door frame before opening the door. “Tacos,” he says, smiling at me before leaving.

I’m on my feet before the door shuts.
