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After grabbing my bag from the locker room, I rush outside to find my girl. The sun is brutal. Jesus, it’s hot out here, but it’s going to be freezing compared to the heat Prudence and I will generate when our lips touch again.

I look left. I look right. If I could make my head spin three hundred and sixty degrees, I’d do it so I could find Prudence faster. The hairs on the back of my neck stand when I see a figure rise—an outline I could recognize anywhere.


I charge over to her, letting my bag drop as she moves toward me from beneath the shade of a tree. She throws herself into me and my lips collide with hers in equal force, kissing her like it’s the first time.

“I’m never letting you go, Prudence.”

I rasp into her neck when we finally break away.

“You’re mine, and that’s it. You’reit.”

She sniffles against my shoulder, hands gripping my back. “So my dad kicked you off the team?”

“Still on the team.”


“I made my intentions clear. I chose you over hockey without a second thought.” I pull back to see Prudence, swiping at her tears with my thumb. “Your dad wanted to deter players looking for a forbidden fling. I knew you were the one for me the moment I met you. Couldn’t get you out of my head. Couldn’t breathe when you were near me or when you were away from me. I couldn’t believe a girl like you existed in this world. And with that knowledge, nothing was going to keep me away, especially some ridiculous rule.”

I stroke her eyebrow with my thumb as her eyes close and more tears fall.

“The coach’s daughter is off-limits because she’s fucking mine.”

Prudence threads her fingers through my hair as we kiss again. I keep kissing her because I can’t stop. Neither of us can. Yeah, we’ve only known each other for a short time, but there’s no question on my mind that she’s the one. There’s no one else who has ever made me feel like I can do anything. Like my life isn’t a complete disaster.

I thought my life was over after last year, but it turns out it just started. And I scored the greatest goal of my life.

Prudence Parker.



One year later…

It’s my last day working in the library, and I’m deep inside the stacks shelving books all alone. There are no students around because who would stick around after graduation?

A good girl—maybe. But I’m not sure there are any around here.

Thump. Thump.Thump.

The footsteps are slow and heavy, and I feel each one in my chest as my extremities begin to tingle.

“Hello?” I call out, my pulse quickening as my heart begins to race.

The library is only open for another twenty minutes, and I don’t hear the jangling keys of the security guard checking for loitering students. Students who might be…

My belly twists.Pulse-pulse.I slide another book onto the shelf and exhale as the footfalls continue.

I push the cart to the end of the aisle, dampness building between my thighs as anticipation builds. The thuds stop before I reach the end of the aisle, and when I look, the hallway is empty.

I’m hot and cold and sweaty all at the same time, trembling as I hold on tightly to the metal cart. I pull it backward to continue restocking when I run into something solid.

And before I have the chance to turn or scream, a hand covers my mouth while the other wraps around my waist—holding me in place.

“Don’t scream yet, Pru,” Silas whispers into my ear as another thrill runs through me. “I need to make you come first.”
