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After successfully bringing Oliver to justice, I made the decision to visit Mia. Throughout the case, Mia had worked incredibly hard, dedicating herself to the cause. To show my appreciation, I decided to pay her a visit. I learned that she had left her old flat and was now living in a new house that Alex had purchased for her. The house was equipped with state-of-the-art safety measures, which suggested that Alex was still concerned about their safety. Meanwhile, Emily’s condition had improved and the couple were busy planning their upcoming wedding. Upon informing Mia of my arrival, she expressed her excitement and eagerly awaited my visit. As soon as I reached her, she immediately embraced me. It was evident that we had both put in an immense amount of effort and time into the case, and we were both eager to celebrate our success.



Upon seeingEthan in my home, my heart began to race with excitement. As we embraced, he firmly held my hand and I guided him through the house, eager to show him everything. “I’m so happy,” I told him, “Alex gifted this house to me, and it has all the necessary arrangements.” Ethan took hold of my arms and gazed into my eyes, saying, “Yes, everything is beautiful, but nothing is more beautiful than you.” His fingers gently grazed my cheeks, and we stood in the lounge as he continued, “You look stunningly beautiful today.” I felt my cheeks flush and teasingly replied, “Oh, so you’ve taken up poetry?” We shared a laugh before he leaned in closer to me.

Ethan and I found ourselves seated cozily on the couch in each other’s embrace. In this intimate moment, I whispered, “I have a surprise for you.” Eager to discover what I had planned, Ethan donned a smile and leaned in closer to me, asking, “What is that?” Gently, I lifted one of my legs and rested it on top of his while snuggling my head on his broad shoulder. In this way, I replied coyly, “I’m not ready to reveal that just yet.” In response to my teasing, Ethan wrapped his strong arms around me, pulling me in tightly against him. With his voice dripping with desire, he murmured, “Shall we make love first?” As I basked in the warmth of his embrace, I felt a wave of passion wash over me.

I could feel his warmth seeping into my skin as I wrapped my arms around his neck, my leg entwined with his. My body was alive with the electricity of desire, every fiber in my being craving his touch. I could feel his fingers caress the bare skin of my back, tracing tantalizing circles along my spine. With a slow and steady pace, his hands worked their way up to the edge of my shorts, teasing the fabric as he urged me closer. Leaning in, he whispered in a low voice, his words dripping with insatiable desire.

As I leaned in to kiss his lips, he responded eagerly, deepening our connection with his tongue. Our mouths moved in perfect harmony, passion building with every passing moment. My body was ablaze with desire, every nerve ending on edge as I explored the depths of his mouth.

As the kiss intensified, I found myself falling into his lap, my hand accidentally brushing against the hard bulge of his member. A thrill of excitement shot through me at the contact, and I found myself craving more of his touch. He seemed to understand my need, pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips deeply against my neck. As my heart raced and my body trembled with pleasure, I suddenly found myself lifted up into his strong embrace. “Oh, leave me be,” I cried out, my voice filled with nervous excitement. But he held me tightly, his grip unyielding. “Don’t worry,” he whispered in my ear. “I won’t let you fall.” And in that moment, I knew without a doubt that I was exactly where I wanted to be: wrapped up in his strong arms, lost in a sea of desire and passion. Every touch, every breath, was like fire between us.

As he entered my room, he made his way over to the bed. He dropped me on the bed and leaned beside me. After that gently lifted my shirt and began to tease my nipples with his strong hands. The pleasure that immediately began to course through me was almost too much to bear, as my hands roamed over his back, urging him on. Pushing my nipple up and down, he sent wave upon wave of intense pleasure cascading throughout my body. As the moments passed, he increased the speed of his movements, the passion in his eyes becoming more and more intense. Then, without warning, he took one of my delicate nipples into his mouth, sending me into a frenzy of pure bliss. His other hand continued to roam over my back, his mouth moving back and forth between my nipples, each suck becoming faster and more passionate than the last. As the heat between us intensified, he then moved down to my stomach, his kisses growing more intense and passionate with each passing moment. As his hand began to slide down my body, my anticipation could hardly be contained. His fingers danced around my hips, his mouth leaving a velvet trail of kisses in its wake. Finally, his touch became more and more intimate, teasingly tracing the very inner thighs that were begging for his touch. The sensation of his strong hands on my skin was absolutely electrifying, leaving me gasping for air. In that moment, as he finally reached his destination, I felt a burst of intense pleasure wash over me, overwhelming every sense in my body. It was a feeling that was impossible to resist, as my every nerve ending began to pulsate with heat and passion. For in that moment, I knew that I was his, completely and utterly.

As I gazed upon his chiseled frame, my heart raced with equal parts excitement and anticipation. Sensual sensations coursed through my body as my hands fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, desperate to reveal every inch of his skin. With a sly grin, he teasingly shed his garments, revealing a body that left me breathless. Soon, we found ourselves lying naked in bed, our bodies entwined in a passionate embrace. As he positioned himself between my legs, I felt a tingle of excitement course through me. With gentle strokes, he teased and tantalized me until I was beside myself with desire. With my legs parted, he entered me slowly, inch by inch, building the intensity of our passion with each movement. Again and again, he brought himself to the brink of climax, only to pull back and prolong our ecstasy. As his thrusts grew more urgent and passionate, I found myself lost in the depths of our passion, consumed by an unbridled desire that left me breathless and fulfilled.

Upon hearing my phone ring, both Ethan and I tensed up, and quickly separated. Ethan picked up the phone and I answered the call, hearing Alex’s voice on the other end. “Hey, Mia! Emily and I can’t decide on a bridal dress, so we’re coming towards you. You need to come shopping with us.” I hesitantly agreed, and Ethan asked what was going on. I explained the situation to him, and he muttered under his breath, “I don’t know why someone is always there to interrupt us in the middle of… you know.” He immediately got dressed and headed out, while I went to freshen up in the bathroom. In no time, Alex and Emily arrived, and we set off to go shopping.

As we were browsing through dresses, I began to feel unwell, and my senses started to fail me. I knew something was amiss. Concerned, Alex suggested that we go to the hospital, but I declined his offer. Although Alex and Emily were worried about me, I decided to call Sarah, my best friend, who happened to be nearby. Luckily, she answered the phone and promised to join me soon. I turned to Alex and Emily and said, “Don’t worry, you two can continue shopping. I called Sarah, and she’ll be here soon to take me to the doctor.” Alex insisted that he could take me to the doctor himself, but I didn’t want to spoil their day. “No, it’s alright. You two can keep shopping, and Sarah is almost here,” I replied. As Sarah approached us, I felt relieved and excited to see her. I told Alex and Emily, “Look, Sarah is here. I’m going to the doctor with her, so don’t worry about me.”

As soon as I hugged Sarah, she noticed that I wasn’t feeling well. We walked out of the mall and headed towards a taxi. It was then that I confided in her, “I need to purchase a pregnancy test. Would you be willing to accompany me to the nearest drug store?” Sarah looked at me, surprised and asked, “A pregnancy test? What’s wrong?” I looked at her, a sense of apprehension building up inside me. “I suspect I’m… I mean…” I trailed off, not able to complete the sentence. Sarah shook my arm, urging me to tell her what was wrong. “I think I might be pregnant,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “ I had been feeling nauseous and vomiting in the mornings, my breasts had been feeling sore and tender, and I had been more tired than usual. I had also been craving certain foods and feeling more emotional than usual. My periods had been late, and I was starting to get worried. Sarah’s eyes widened in astonishment as she exclaimed, “What? What is this, Mia?”

As we entered the taxi, the atmosphere was heavy with a mix of emotions – Sarah was still in shock while I was struggling to come to terms with the news. The silence between us was palpable, but Sarah broke it with a sudden question, “Who?” I looked out the window for a brief moment, gathering my thoughts before I replied, “Ethan.” Sarah’s expression changed immediately. Although she didn’t say anything, I could sense that she was trying to process the information. We continued our journey to the hospital in silence, with Sarah occasionally glancing towards me with concern.

After receiving the pregnancy confirmation, I was filled with mixed emotions. As Sarah and I walked out of the hospital, I received a call from Alex, who expressed his concern for me. Calmly, I reassured him that everything was alright, and the doctor had attributed my discomfort to something as simple as food. Sarah accompanied me back to my home, where she was left in utter amazement by my new house – a gift from Alex. As Sarah sat on the couch, looking around in astonishment, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by her reaction. “You’re giving me one shock after another, Mia,” she said. “I don’t know what to make of all this.” Despite being in constant contact with Sarah via phone and messages over the past few months, we hadn’t had a proper conversation due to Alex’s issues.

Sitting next to Sarah, I began to explain everything in great detail. As I spoke, I could see the disbelief on her face as she listened intently.



After I finished,she looked at me in shock and asked, “Mia, does Ethan know about your pregnancy? Did you tell him you suspected you might be pregnant?” I felt a lump form in my throat as I stared back at her, my mind racing. “No,” I finally admitted. “I didn’t tell him anything. You know he’s a billionaire. He’s mentioned many times that he can’t afford any scandal with me. His demeanor has changed a lot from the past, but I don’t know how he’ll react. Perhaps he doesn’t want to have a baby.” Sarah let out a heavy sigh and looked away, lost in thought. After a moment, she turned back to me and asked, “So, what are you thinking?” I locked eyes with her and spoke with conviction, “I want to keep the baby. I don’t know how Ethan will react, but I want to keep it.” My heart was heavy with uncertainty, but I knew that this was my decision to make.

“ Mia….. Abortion.” As I heard Sarah’s words, I felt a chill down my spine. I turned around and looked at her with a sense of fear mixed with determination. “Sarah,” I said, “I understand your concern, but I can’t bring myself to even consider the idea of abortion. I want this baby, no matter what.” I could see the disbelief on her face, and her voice shook as she spoke. “Mia, please, you have to think about the consequences. You can’t keep this secret from everyone forever. You need to tell Ethan, and you need to be prepared for the worst. And what about Alex? He won’t take this well, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.” I took a deep breath and looked down, trying to process everything she had said. She was right, of course. I couldn’t hide this from everyone forever, and I needed to be prepared for the worst. But the thought of losing my baby was unbearable, and I knew in my heart that I would do anything to protect it. “I know, Sarah,” I said finally. “I know it won’t be easy. But I have to do what’s best for my baby.” With that, I turned and walked away, leaving Sarah behind. I knew she would continue to worry about me, but I had made up my mind. I would face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage and determination, and I would do whatever it took to protect my baby.

As I sat in the lounge, lost in my thoughts, my friend Sarah appeared with a refreshing glass of juice, for which I felt incredibly grateful. As she settled down opposite me, I shared with her the latest news, saying, “In all this worry, I forgot to mention that Alex is no longer restricting my relationship with Ethan.” Sarah’s eyes widened in surprise at this revelation, exclaiming, “What? You didn’t mention it before.” I responded by saying, “Yes, I forgot. After Alex returned, he saw me with Ethan and asked if we were in a relationship. I replied that we were not, but he noticed something undeniable between us. He then encouraged me to tell him the truth, saying that he would no longer restrict me. I finally told him that while Ethan was not my life partner, I did have feelings for him.” Being Ethan’s best friend, Alex knew him very well and warned me about his alpha male personality. Despite that, he also said that he would no longer restrict me from being with Ethan if I was happy.

Sarah let out a deep breath, visibly relieved by the news I had just shared with her. “This is certainly good news, considering the current situation,” she remarked. I nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for her support.

As I recounted my failed attempt to inform Ethan about the recent developments, Sarah’s expression grew increasingly concerned. “You and Ethan need to be careful,” she cautioned. “I’m not sure how he would react if he suspected that someone else had discovered his relationship with his employee – you. He’s not one to compromise on his status and wealth.” Despite her warning, I couldn’t deny my strong feelings for Ethan. “I understand, Sarah,” I replied earnestly, “but my emotions for him are too strong to resist. We almost got caught this morning when Alex unexpectedly showed up, but Ethan left in a hurry when I received a call from Alex. Although Alex isn’t standing in the way of our relationship, I haven’t explicitly told him about it yet. I only mentioned my feelings for Ethan.” As I spoke, I could feel my heart racing with anticipation for what the future held for Ethan and me.

The room fell into a profound silence, and I couldn’t help but let out a sigh as my mind lingered on the complexities of my situation. But after a few moments, I broke the stillness by saying, “Anyway, please don’t worry. There’s an upcoming Art exhibition next week, and I’m thrilled to participate with some of my recent great work. I hope to achieve success and recognition for my artistry.” Sarah’s face lit up with admiration and encouragement, and we soon found ourselves engrossed in discussing other topics.

Sarah departed in the evening, the comfort of knowing that she stood by me through thick and thin, regardless of the path I chose to take, was incredibly reassuring. Her unwavering support and steadfast loyalty was truly appreciated and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. However, once she left, my thoughts began to torment me once more. I couldn’t help but worry about how Ethan would react to the news. What if he assumed I was attempting to use his child as leverage to secure a permanent spot in his life? What if he refused to accept our child? The thought alone sent chills down my spine. But I knew I had to remain strong for my baby’s sake. I continued to express my emotions through my art, as I carefully stroked the brush against the canvas. Taking leaves from the office was a crucial decision as the art exhibition was rapidly approaching and I had a strong desire to complete my remaining work before the big day. The exhibition held the potential to be a real game-changer for me, and I was determined to put my best foot forward. I invested a lot of time and effort into perfecting my artwork, pouring my heart and soul into every brushstroke. On the day of the exhibition, my nerves were running high as I arrived at the venue. Upon arriving, I noticed that some famous artists were also in attendance. I prayed that my art wouldn’t go unnoticed in the shadow of their established reputations. There were also many new artists like myself present, all eager to showcase their talents.

In the beginning, the art exhibition proved to be a daunting experience, but my persistence paid off when a distinguished gentleman took a keen interest in my art. He was particularly captivated by my beautiful drawing of the natural beauty of Ojai village. With great enthusiasm, he approached me and expressed his interest in buying the piece. His words of admiration echoed through the hall, “You’re a truly great artist! The effort you put into your work is commendable.” Feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment, I humbly thanked him for his generous appraisal. He then went on to show my artwork to his acquaintances, and before I knew it, a crowd had gathered around my exhibition.

Some photographers also came closer and started capturing my art pieces. My heart raced as I received more appreciation than I could have ever imagined. A sense of relief washed over me, and I felt proud of my hard work. When I returned home, my heart was still racing with joy. I had also received some orders of work in that art exhibition with a handsome budget. The exhibition went more successful for me than I had ever expected. As the night drew on, I eagerly dialed Sarah’s number to share the wonderful news of my success. Despite the late hour, Sarah picked up my call, and I could hear the genuine joy in her voice. We excitedly discussed the details of the exhibition and made plans to celebrate my triumph. However, my attempts to contact Alex were unsuccessful, leaving me disappointed but undeterred. I then attempted to reach out to Ethan, but to no avail, as his line was constantly busy.

As I thought about the unresponsive Ethan, my heart sank for Alex, who was busy with his marriage preparations and the relocation of his business after Oliver’s arrest. But what about Ethan? His phone line had been busy for an extended period of time. Sarah’s earlier warnings began to resonate with me; she had warned me several times about Ethan’s playboy nature, emphasizing that his first priority was always his wealth and status. Alex had also advised me to steer clear of him for the same reason. I felt incredibly disappointed, but I couldn’t turn back now, having come this far. Suddenly, I stopped and scolded myself. What was I thinking? Ethan could be busy working on a case or something of that nature. I knew full well the demands of his cases, and how he sometimes had to work late into the night for the sake of an investigation. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

I composed a text message to Ethan, “Ethan, I have something important to share with you. Let me know when you are available to talk.” After a while, I received a reply from him saying, “Mia, I’m currently occupied. Let’s discuss this matter tomorrow at the office.” My heart sank once again, and I couldn’t help but feel disappointed with his response. Why couldn’t he answer my call or at least provide me with a more elaborate explanation? I recalled his demeanor at my home, which was pleasant and cordial. However, I haven’t seen him since then, as I had taken time off work to focus on my art. We had only spoken on the phone twice since.

