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I firmly statedto Rebecca over the phone, “I have already made it clear that my personal affairs are not open for discussion, and any interference from you will not be tolerated.” I could hear Rebecca’s voice on the other end, “Do you really think I will let you off the hook that easily? You are engaged, and it should be made public knowledge, especially since your fiancée is none other than Mia, your employee, and Alex’s sister, your best friend.” Rebecca’s words hit me like a ton of bricks, and my anger intensified as I realized the extent of information that she possessed about my private life. Through gritted teeth, I warned her sternly, “That engagement was merely for investigative purposes, and I am warning you to stay away from my personal affairs.” Rebecca’s voice turned into a sinister laugh, and she replied, “Oh, but I am your business partner and your ex-lover. How can I stay away from your personal affairs?” Enraged, I hung up the phone without another word.

My blood boiled as I grappled with the reality of the situation. My relationship with Mia was intensified, and now Rebecca was holding it over my head like a Damocles sword. Memories of my past with Rebecca flooded my mind, although we shared good times. But that was all in the past. I couldn’t stand her controlling nature anymore. She always wanted to know where I was going, whom I was meeting, and what I was doing. It was suffocating, and I had to end it. However, she was still my business partner, and she had somehow managed to get her hands on a picture of Mia and me from the fake engagement. Her jealousy had reached such levels that she was now using the picture to blackmail me.

The situation was becoming more and more complicated with each passing moment. The fact that Rebecca was able to get her hands on a picture of my fake engagement with Mia was troubling, as I had gone to great lengths to keep that information hidden from everyone. While I could handle Rebecca, the real issue was my relationship with Mia. I received numerous calls from her, but I didn’t respond. I was conflicted about what to do with our relationship. My former playboy lifestyle had taken a backseat, and I was now more concerned about the potential risks that my relationship with Mia could pose to my status and career. Was Mia enough for me, or was I willing to risk it all for her? These thoughts were swirling around in my head, and the idea of someone like Rebecca finding out about our relationship was terrifying.

With Rebecca’s blackmail looming over me, the weight of the situation was too much to bear. I needed to find out how she obtained the picture of my fake engagement with Mia, but before that, I needed to handle my relationship with Mia. I couldn’t deny my growing feelings for her, but the implications of our relationship being exposed to the public were immense. As a renowned billionaire and an expert investigator, my reputation would be at stake, and the potential scandals and troubles were too much to handle. I was torn between breaking things off with Mia and continuing our relationship, which had become genuine. The indecisiveness and confusion consumed me, but I knew I had to distance myself from her until I could make a sound decision. It was the only way to protect both myself and Mia from any harm that may come our way.

After giving a great deal of thought to my situation with Mia and Rebecca, I decided to visit Jim. Jim was working with Jack on our latest cases, and I hoped that speaking with him might offer some clarity on the matter. As I entered the lounge, I saw Jim and Abigail sitting on the couch, whispering closely to one another. Abigail appeared to be blushing. I had made a promise to Abigail to protect her from punishment, and I intended to keep that promise. After all, Abigail had provided valuable information that helped us solve two very important cases. Her name was nowhere to be found in the investigation files, and I intended to keep it that way. Oliver, on the other hand, was fully aware of Abigail’s involvement in his criminal activities. He knew that mentioning her name could potentially land him in hot water, and bring other criminal activities of his to light. I decided to ask Abigail to stay with Jim’s team until we could figure out the best course of action for her.

I approached them quietly, and only when I cleared my throat did they realize my presence. Embarrassed, they quickly stood up, with Abigail leaving the room hastily. Jim, however, tried to maintain his composure, scanning the room in an attempt to avoid my gaze. But I gestured for him to sit back down on the couch, and he complied, looking at me with a mix of apprehension and curiosity. I questioned Jim, “What was going on, boy?” He lowered his head and replied, “Nothing, boss.” I gazed at him intently and inquired, “Really?” to which he nodded his head. Realizing that we needed to make a decision regarding Abigail’s situation, I expressed my concern. “I know she doesn’t want to return to her previous lifestyle and that she’s sincere with us, but we can’t keep her here forever,” I said. To my knowledge surprise, Jim lifted his head and exclaimed, “Boss, if you think she’s sincere with us, I… I like her.”

Intrigued by Jim’s unexpected confession of his feelings for Abigail, I couldn’t help but ask him to clarify. With a tone of surprise, I inquired, “What do you mean, Jim?” to which he responded with a hint of nervousness, “Boss, I mean that she’s a strong and brave woman who would fit perfectly in my life. I’m aware of her past, and it doesn’t bother me. If you don’t mind, I would like to pursue her.” Taking in his words, I nodded thoughtfully and said, “Well, Abigail is not a prisoner. We cleared her name, and if she agrees to it, then you both are free to make any decision for your life.” The expression on Jim’s face transformed from nervousness to excitement as he thanked me.

I began our conversation by addressing the issue at hand. “Jim, I’m here to discuss your carelessness regarding the confidentiality of my fake engagement with Mia,” I said, meeting his gaze. He appeared bewildered and asked, “What do you mean, boss?” I elaborated, “I entrusted you with the responsibility of keeping our fake engagement a secret. Yet, someone managed to obtain a picture of our engagement.” Jim’s expression reflected concern and anxiety as he replied, “Boss, I assure you that I kept everything about the fake engagement under wraps. I don’t understand how someone could have obtained a picture of it.” I took a moment to collect my thoughts before responding. “Rebecca, my business partner, possesses the picture. I can handle her situation, but I need you to determine how she obtained it,” I stated, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

After Jim assured me he would take care of the issue, I decided to take matters into my own hands and handle Rebecca’s situation. I knew I was an expert investigator and I could handle this task with ease. First, I called Jack and assigned him some tasks for Mia, asking him to inform Mia that I wouldn’t be in the office. Then, I dialed Rebecca’s number and spoke to her in a calm, collected tone. “Where are you? I want to meet with you,” I said firmly. On the other end of the line, I could hear the sound of Rebecca’s laughter. “I already told you that one day you’ll come back to me,” she said teasingly. “Anyway, you can come to my office.” Her words made my blood boil with anger, but I knew I had to be patient and handle the situation professionally.

I replied, “Alright, I will be there in 20 minutes.” As I entered the building, the receptionist greeted me with a nervous smile, sensing my urgency. I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button for the 14thfloor. When I arrived at Rebecca’s office, I was greeted with a smug grin on her face. “Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up,” she said, leaning back in her chair.

Seated across from her, I initiated a cordial conversation. “How are you doing?” I asked, to which she gave a polite smile and responded, “I’m doing well, as you can see.” My gaze lingered on her, and she inquired, “What is it? What are you looking at?” I fixed my eyes on hers and replied, “I am simply marveling at how much you have changed, yet you remain just as beautiful.” Her expression was one of surprise, and she murmured a soft “Thank you.” I continued, “You remember that snowy evening when our car stopped working?” Rebecca appeared astonished, perhaps expecting me to coerce her into revealing the source of the picture. However, I employed reverse psychology tactics. “Are you playing me?” she asked. “Not at all,” I replied calmly. “I was just recalling our good memories.” She then remarked with a sigh, “But you love Mia. You’re spending time with her in hotels.” I was taken aback by this revelation. So, she knew about that one time when Mia and I had gone to the Ojai village. I regained my composure and responded with a casual tone, “Oh, that. It was only once. But, are you keeping tabs on me?”



As I gazed at Rebecca,I couldn’t help but notice the confusion etched on her face. “I don’t mean that,” she stated, trying to backtrack. Nevertheless, I had already picked up on the situation. The most probable source of our picture was the Ojai hotel. As the memory of Mia furiously tearing apart our fake engagement photos resurfaced in my mind, it dawned on me that the picture Rebecca possessed might just be one of those very photos. As I stared intently at her, Rebecca’s expression turned to fury. “I won’t let you play with me any longer,” she seethed. “I know you’re under pressure because I have a picture of your fake engagement. If that were to become public, it could lead to your downfall. You can’t explain to everyone that such a romantic picture was just part of a fake engagement with one of your employees.” With a smile, I replied, “Okay, fine. I must leave now. Can you come to my office this evening?” She retorted angrily, “Not at all!” However, I explained, “Seriously, we can discuss things better there. I’m in a rush now, and I also have a deal for you.” After a moment of consideration, she nodded her head in agreement.

Emerging from Rebecca’s office, I hastily reached for my phone and dialed Jim’s number. “Do you have any update about the situation?” I asked, my voice tinged with frustration. Jim replied that he had scoured through all of Rebecca’s records. She had been on a business trip to Ojai when I was there with Mia. I let out a deep sigh and instructed Jim to focus on his work, promising to take care of the situation. As I settled into the car seat, I felt a pang of regret for ever involving Mia in that case. Her recklessness and quick temper had only complicated matters, and now I was faced with the consequences. I couldn’t help but wonder if the missing picture of our fake engagement had fallen out of Mia’s grasp while she was tearing up the rest of the photos, and if Rebecca had stumbled upon it during her stay in the same hotel. My mind was racing with various scenarios when I suddenly realized that Rebecca’s threats had just escalated. She had somehow obtained the picture and was now holding it over my head. I couldn’t let her jeopardize everything that I had worked so hard for. I needed to find a solution before it was too late.

As I approached Mike, my trusted IT expert, I knew that I needed to obtain concrete evidence against Rebecca. With his impeccable hacking skills, I was confident that he could deliver the necessary information. Without hesitation, I explained the situation and requested his assistance. Understanding the urgency of the matter, Mike reassured me that he would provide an update by the evening. “You can count on me, boss,” he said with determination. I expressed my gratitude and trust in his abilities.

I decided to head to my investigation firm. Despite not having planned to visit today, I felt compelled to do so, as I had invited Rebecca to the office and wanted to speak with Mia as well. Although I had previously instructed Jack to inform Mia that I wouldn’t be coming in today, I had a change of heart and decided to pay a visit after all.

Upon my arrival at the office, my first order of business was to meet with Jack to discuss any updates on ongoing cases. Once we had gone through the updates, I called for Mia to join me in my office. She entered with a palpable aura of anger and frustration. As I looked at her, she expressed her grievances with a tone of fury, “In the very beginning of our relationship, I made it clear to you that I am not some kind of toy to be played with. But it seems like nothing has changed, and I am still just a mere plaything to you.” I took a deep breath, realizing that her frustration stemmed from my neglectful behavior towards her. , “I have repeatedly reminded you to be cautious and to avoid any scandalous behavior. Unfortunately, it seems that you failed to heed my warnings.”

Her face was contorted with fury. “I took care of everything. I had some exciting news to share with you, but you really don’t care about my happiness,” she spat out. I felt a surge of anger rise within me, and I retorted, “I was really busy handling the mess that YOU created, and I also have some exciting news to share with you.” Mia’s expression changed from fury to astonishment, and she asked, “Mess? I was on leave for a week. What kind of mess did I create?” I glared at her, my voice still laced with anger, “It’s your issue. You made mistakes and don’t realize the consequences.” Mia’s fury increased, and she snapped back, “Don’t blame me. What mistake did I make? What mess do you need to clear?”

I rose from my seat with a sense of urgency and exclaimed, “Someone has been blackmailing me with a photograph from our phony engagement.” Mia’s expression was one of disbelief as she questioned, “How could someone get their hands on that picture?” I glared at her with frustration and responded, “You should recall that incident at the Ojai hotel room, where you tore some pictures in anger. I suspected that one of them slipped out of your hands” Mia was momentarily rendered speechless, and after a while, she conceded, “I suppose I may have dropped it. I didn’t realize at the time.”

With my eyes narrowed in frustration, I spoke to Mia in a firm and serious tone. “It was a mistake to involve you in that case. You only made things more difficult for me,” I said in anger. Mia’s face contorted with rage as she retorted, “You’re forgetting how much hard work I put into the case!” My voice rose with each passing word as I replied, “I have solved cases successfully many times before. I have even solved more complicated cases without any help. I warned you repeatedly that you needed to be careful with my billionaire status, but you didn’t listen.”

Mia expressed her frustration, “Stop reminding me again and again of your wealth. You don’t care about me. Your only preference is your wealth and image.” My response was equally impassioned, “Yes, I value my image more than anything else. I cannot risk my photo being spread on social media with a caption suggesting a sexual relationship between a billionaire and an employee.” Mia retorted, “You should have thought about all this earlier, not after we had come so far in our relationship.” I countered, “We haven’t come that far yet. There must be a way to handle things.” Mia was left in disbelief at my unyielding stance.

Mia couldn’t believe what she was hearing and asked in disbelief, “You…you want to end things?” I locked eyes with her and replied, “Yes, for some time, we can stay away from each other until I can find a way.” Upon hearing this, Mia’s anger reached its peak, and she responded with a sharp tone, “What do you mean for some time? I’m not begging for your attention here. I can handle my own things. You can’t rely on one woman as you used to be a playboy. Instead of sometime, we can end things permanently. I will resign from here.” I tried to explain my stance by saying, “I’m not breaking things…” but she cut me off immediately and exclaimed, “Stop…I can’t bear your this type of demeanor every other day. As you care only for your image and status, I care for my ego.”

As soon as I was about to respond to Mia’s statement, a notification informed me of Rebecca’s arrival. With a calm demeanor, I gestured to Mia to leave, explaining that I had an urgent meeting to attend. Mia gazed at me incredulously, but eventually complied and left my office. Once Rebecca stepped into my office, both women exchanged an intense stare filled with anger and suspicion. Mia’s fury was evident as she shot me another menacing look before making her way out of the room. On the other hand, Rebecca’s eyes blazed with fury as she surveyed the scene before her. It was clear that the situation between the three of us had reached a boiling point. Mia left the office furiously.

Rebecca wasted no time in asking the burning question, “What was Mia doing here?” I maintained a calm demeanor as I replied, “She is my employee and we had to discuss something important.” However, Rebecca wasn’t convinced and retorted, “Don’t play games, Ethan. I know she isn’t just your employee.” But I had no time for such arguments. “I have something to propose,” I said. “What do you want in exchange for giving me back my picture?” I asked. Without missing a beat, Rebecca responded, “I want to win the next construction project in London. Your picture has been in my possession for months, waiting for the perfect opportunity to use it. Rumor has it that the project will be awarded to your company. If you refer the project to my company, it will be a massive success for us, and I promise to give you back your fake engagement picture.”

I responded, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor, “I understand the importance of a good construction project and I would never let go of a lucrative opportunity for my company.” However, Rebecca refused to return my picture and said, “ Then , I’m afraid I can’t return your picture.” I questioned her incredulously, “Are you serious?” Her expression changed as I revealed some scandalous photos of her with various business partners, which I had obtained from Mike. Rebecca was left dumbfounded and clearly not expecting such a revelation.

I calmly stated, “Rebecca, I am well aware of your past business dealings, your associates, and your modus operandi. It’s quite evident that you’ve suffered significant losses and been the subject of scandalous rumors. As a business person, you should be aware of the risks of scandalous news and potential losses. Returning my picture is your only way out. Furthermore, you must provide me with your assurance that you have no other copy of it.” Rebecca appeared taken aback by my statement and paled as she quickly rose from her chair. “I don’t have it with me at the moment,” she responded hesitantly, “but I can retrieve it from my office and hand it over to you.” I flashed her a small smile, indicating that I was satisfied with her answer, and nodded in agreement.


