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I heard Neils leave, and immediately grabbed my phone. I knew Krissy would be waiting to hear how things were going for me so far, and I wasn’t wrong. There were several text messages waiting on my phone as soon as I opened it.

How’s Florida?

Do you like the kid? How’s her dad?

Where are you? I’m dying here! Give me some deets girl! Deets!


You’re killing me Smalls!

Text me when you can

Did you die?

I smiled after skimming them. My best friend was known for her theatrics, and she didn’t disappoint. I imagined she was sitting right next to her phone just waiting for it to go off so she could hear how things were going for me here. But then, that’s what our relationship was like.

We were always there for each other, and I knew she was just as curious about this situation and how it would pan out for me as I myself was. God knew this was an adventure in every sense of the word on my end, so she wanted to know how it was going so far.

I got on my social media before I responded, however.

I was shocked with how good looking Neils was. I had heard a little bit here and there about my dad’s unit when he was in the SEALs, but I had no idea any of them were so good looking. The only pictures I had ever seen of any of them, they had all been dressed in their uniforms with hats on. No one ever smiled, and I was too young to even consider one of them might be attractive.

All that went out the window now.

I had been shocked with how sexy Neils was. Tall. Tattoos for days. Thick hair and deep brown eyes. I could have just stared into his eyes for hours, but with how intimidated I felt around him already, I wasn’t able to hold eye contact with him for long. I instinctively dropped my gaze after only a few seconds, and I hoped he didn’t notice.

I found his Facebook through my dad’s page, but I didn’t add him as a friend myself.

I wasn’t going to cross that line. But I did find a couple of pictures that at least gave an idea of what he looked like. I took screenshots of both, then I backed out of his page as carefully as I could, ensuring I didn’t accidentally hit something that would notify him I had been stalking.

Then, I texted Krissy.

OMG! There you are! What the fuck have you been doing?

The answer came flying back, and I rolled my eyes. She certainly confirmed in my mind the idea she had been just waiting by her phone until I was able to text her.

Sorry! I didn’t have much time between landing and coming over to the house to text. I’m here now, it’s crazy nice! Like, I know this guy has money, like millions or something, and it shows even though the place isn’t overly fancy.

I hit send, and I watched the speech bubble as she typed her response back to me. I knew she would be impressed with the money aspect, and I wasn’t wrong.

See if he’s interested in sponsoring an up-and-coming artist, lol. Do you like the kid? Are you going to stay down there?

I laughed at her response. She was always on the lookout for someone who might help her get her career off the ground, so it came as little surprise to me she would take that angle with this.

I’ll find out his taste in music. Haven’t met the girl yet. She was at school when he picked me up, and he’s going to get her now. I have a feeling they’ll be home soon. I’m a little nervous about meeting her. Like, he said he wants this to be a good fit for everyone, and I already love it. I don’t want to fuck it up or do something that makes her not like me.

I felt comfortable telling Krissy everything on my mind. I always had. She was as close to me as a sister, if not closer. Of course, she did her best to reassure me things were going to be just fine.

I’m sure she’s going to fall in love with you. But I’m glad you like it! What’s her dad like? Is it going to be weird with you living there? I don’t know, it just seems like it would be weird to me if I were to move into someone’s house to take care of their kid and they were single. Unless he’s like super ugly, lol.

I was glad I had gone through the effort of getting the pictures before I texted. I knew it was going to come up in conversation pretty quickly. She wanted to envision everything I was doing, just like I had when she moved into the apartment she was now living in.

Girl you wouldn’t believe how hot this guy is. Like, I had no idea what I was getting into with this. Hold on, I’ll send you some of the pics I found of him on my dad’s Facebook.

I hit send, then I quickly got into my pictures and selected the photos I’d gotten online and sent those as well. I had tried to find some that showed his tattoos, but regardless they both clearly showed how attractive Neils was.

HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!

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