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I laughed out loud again. Those two words with the string of exclamation points to follow really did say it all. And that was just the way Krissy was. I knew she’d have other dirty things to say about it, and she didn’t disappoint.

Is it weird if you call him daddy? Maybe not around the kid, but I’d call him daddy ;)

I laughed again. I loved how forward Krissy was about most everything. If there was one thing I could say about her, it was that she didn’t hold back. She was one of those girls who just said it, and when it came to us, she said it even louder.

Oh, stop it, I’m here to do a job, and he’s not the job. But check out this place. It’s amazing!

I took a few pictures of my room and the view outside, then sent those to her. Of course, she gushed over all the scenery, and threw in the fact that could all be mine if I played my cards right, but I just laughed it off with her. Then, I heard the front door open and close again.

They’re home, gotta go! I’ll message later.

I hit send, and my phone chimed as she responded, but I didn’t have time to look and see what she said as there was suddenly a knock on the door.

“Come in,” I called out. I wasn’t sure what to expect, hoping it was Neils asking me to come out and meet his daughter. Instead, it was Libby herself who opened the door and came bouncing into the room. I was immediately struck with how much she looked like her dad. She was built much like he was, only she was slender where he was thick.

He was tall and muscular; she was tall and slim. But they had the same dark eyes along with the same thick hair. Hers, of course, was a lot longer than her father’s, but she did have the same nose and jawline that he had. If there was one thing that stood out to me above all else, however, it was the way she carried herself.

She wasn’t lacking confidence, which I assumed came from the fact her father was ex-military. She wore long sleeves, too, which I wondered about considering how hot it was outside, though I didn’t comment on what she was wearing. I wanted to make a good impression, and I got right down to the point with her.

“You must be Libby,” I said with a smile. “I’m Erin.”

“I know,” she said. “Dad wanted me to come ask you where you wanted to go for dinner.”

Immediately, I got the impression she was sizing me up. From what I understood, this was the first time in her life she had dealt with something like this, and she had to be just as nervous going into this as I was. But I was willing to take on the challenge.

“Um,” I said. “You know, I’m not from here. Where would you recommend?”

I grinned, and relief rushed through me when she smiled back. I figured that had been the right answer, and I decided we were getting off on the right foot. Now, I just had to make sure I kept that going.

“Do you like seafood?” she asked.

“Of course, do you?”


“Do you know where the best seafood is?”



“It’s this place called the Conch Shack. They have the best conch fritters ever!” she announced.

“Then I think we should go there,” I told her. “I haven’t had a good conch fritter in quite some time, and I could use one!”

“Yay!” she cried out, turning and running out of the room to tell Neils we were going to the Conch Shack for dinner.

I didn’t doubt we were going to have our challenges and tense moments, but if we got off on the right foot, I felt we were on the right track.

I smiled to myself, listening to her sing as she got ready in her room. This might be a good fit after all.

Chapter Seven


Ihadtoadmit,I was nervous about how the weekend would go.

I liked Erin from the moment she got in my Jeep, and it really didn’t have anything to do with how attracted I was to her. I knew that was a bad impulse to act on, so I did my best to ignore it. But it didn’t take long watching the way she interacted with my daughter for me to be sold on her entirely.
