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I had been jerked out of a dream the night before that had been all about Erin and her sexy body. I had been shocked the day before when I walked into her room and saw all that skin covered in the sexiest tattoo ink I’d seen in some time. I could have stared at her for hours and not gotten tired of it.

It had been difficult to maintain the conversation with her without allowing my eyes to go to places they weren’t welcome.

It had come as such a shock to me, I hadn’t even told her what I had come into the room to do in the first place, making me feel even more awkward about the situation. Since when did I see something so distracting that I forgot what I had been doing in the first place? That didn’t happen.

But yesterday, it did.

“Well, do what you can to get us the next submission soon,” Jason told me. “I know it’s strange with this being your book and everything, but we have tight deadlines on our end with marketing measures, launch dates, you know the drill. Basically, the sooner you can get it to us, the better.”

“I know,” I replied. “And I’m doing my best here. Just have to prioritize, and taking care of my daughter ranks high on my list.”

“Again, I get it, and I commend you for it! But let me know anyway. I’ll be in touch soon. Thanks,” he told me.

I hung up the phone and sighed.

I had been sitting in my office at my computer for nearly an hour. I’d intentionally come in early that morning so I would have the chance to work a bit before walking with Erin and Libby to school. It would transfer to being Erin’s job, but I had to go with her this morning to make sure she was registered as a guardian to pick Libby up after school.

But I’d spent the entire hour basically staring at my screen. I couldn’t concentrate on the work I had to get done with my mind going back to Erin and her sexy body. I was thinking things I knew I shouldn’t. Wanting to do things with her I knew I shouldn’t. There were so many things going through my mind – along with the internal struggle I felt over even having those thoughts.

Erin was Robin’s daughter. He was my best friend. So why the fuck was I thinking about all the dirty ass things I wanted to do to her? It was fucked up in my mind, and I could only imagine what he would do if he knew. I’d almost wish for the firing squad, knowing what Rob would do.

“Daddy!” Libby’s voice yanked me back to the present.

“Yeah sweetie?” I asked over my shoulder.

“We’re ready to get going. I don’t want to be late,” she said as she turned and disappeared back toward the living room.

I sighed. She was right. If we were walking, we did have to get going or there wouldn’t be enough time to walk comfortably.

I logged off and closed my laptop, then headed out to the other room to find Erin helping Libby with her backpack. Libby was holding both her sleeves down in her hands as she slid her arms through the straps, making sure neither of them rode up on her arms as she did. It was a common sight for me, but it always brought a stabbing pain to my chest when she did.

Erin, for her own part, was talking away, acting as though that was how every child puts on their backpacks. It was as though she didn’t even notice what Libby was doing.

“Good morning,” Erin said with a warm smile.

“Morning,” I told her with a nod. “You’re going to have to bring you ID with you, just make sure you’ve got it.”

“Got it,” she said as she patted the small bag she had slung across her body. “I’m taking a few things with me today. I figured after we dropped off Libby and I got signed up as her guardian, I’d go around and explore the place a bit. This is the first time I’ve been around this area, and it might help for you to have some peace and quiet in the house so you can work.”

“Alright,” I said with a nod, though inside I was a little disappointed she wouldn’t be coming back with me. Not that there would be anything happening between us. We wouldn’t even be hanging out since I had to work. Yet, the thought of her being in the house was still ideal.

“Let’s go!” Libby cried as she finished with her shoes. “Come on, slow pokes!”

“Coming!” Erin called after her. “I’m old, you have to slow down!”

“You’re not old!” Libby laughed as she walked on ahead of us.

“I feel old seeing you running around like that,” Erin told her.

“Neither of you are old,” I chimed in. “Oh, did you get your phone numbers handled?”

“Got it,” Erin said. “I did it last night before Libby went to bed.”

“Good,” I replied. “I’m going to have you listed for emergencies, too. The school will still call me first if there is reason for it, but I want you to be on the list in case you aren’t at the house and you need to come along.”

“Well, hopefully that’s not going to be something we ever have to deal with,” Erin said. “But if it is, they’re going to have my number, and Libby already does. And, of course, I’ve got hers in my phone.”

“It sounds like we’re set then,” I said. “Like you said, I don’t think we’re going to have to deal with that situation, but I like everyone to be on the same page. Nothing worse than something going down and no one knowing what the fuck is going on.”

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