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“Amen to that,” Erin said. “Remember who raised me? I tend to be overly prepared for a lot of shit I deal with in my day to day.”

I laughed. “I feel that. Remember your dad was my boss for a long time, and we were in a pretty shitty position when that was the case.”

“I’ve heard stories,” Erin said with a smirk. “I know how you two used to be.”

“Hopefully he didn’t rat me out too much,” I said. “We might have been rowdy, but I’m not that bad, really.”

“I think it sounds like fun. Almost makes me wish I was there for it. Though that wouldn’t exactly be possible,” Erin said with a laugh.

“It’s what you do to get by,” I said. “It makes for good stories now, but let me tell you, it’s not all fun and games when you’re over there, and you do a lot of that stupid shit we did just to stay sane. I’m glad you didn’t sign up, and I hope Libby never feels the need to, either.”

“Dad said the same thing,” Erin replied with a nod. “I guess you would know better than me, but I would think if you dedicated your life to something, you would want to see others carry on the same legacy.”

“It’s a double-edged sword,” I told her. “It’s nice to see the legacy extend, but you know the shit that everyone who goes into the military goes through, not to mention just how dangerous it really is. So, you don’t really want your kids to follow in the same path, even if it is what you felt was the best thing for you to do.”

“That’s fair,” she said with a nod. “I don’t think Libby’s going to head in that direction. She seems a little too independent for it, if you know what I mean.”

“And that’s a good thing,” I told her. “I want her to keep with that. It might help with the boys when she gets older, too.”

Erin laughed, and I was struck with how beautiful the sound was. It immediately made me want to do something to make her laugh again.

“I’m sure she’s not going to have an issue with boys. She’s got a good head on her shoulders, and I don’t see her changing that anytime soon.”

“She definitely knows how to march to the beat of her own drum,” I agreed. “But then, that’s how her mother was, too, and I think she got that trait instilled in her early enough that I don’t have to worry about her getting caught up in the wrong crowd.”

“Good. She’s a lucky girl to have you, you know that, right?” Erin asked with a smile. “I know you can’t be both mom and dad to her, but you’re doing a hell of a job filling both roles right now.”

“Thanks,” I told her with a smile. Her compliment really warmed my heart, which surprised me. I really did care what she thought, and if she saw how hard I was trying to be a good father to Libby and recognized that I was, it made my entire day.

We made it to the school on time, and after Libby ran off to join her class, Erin and I headed into the office to speak with the secretary about adding Erin on as a guardian. I had a feeling it was going to be a headache to make it happen, and of course, the secretary didn’t disappoint. But Erin had all the things she needed with her, and she had the same bright smile throughout the entire ordeal.

“That took long enough,” she said when the two of us headed back outside. “I always find it odd how the parent themselves can be there asking the school to do something, but you still have to jump through all the hoops in the world to be able to make it happen. It doesn’t make sense.”

“I know,” I agreed. “I’m glad they take such precautions when it comes to being careful with the students, but I’m her father, and I’m standing right here telling you I want to add someone to the list of guardians. I don’t know why they assume I’m not going to take all the care in the world to ensure I choose someone who I can trust to fill the position.”

“Exactly,” she said with a shake of her head. “But we managed well enough, so you might as well head home. I’m going to do some exploring. I don’t know if I’m going to be back at the house before I pick up Libby after school or not, but either way, you don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

“And that is a massive weight off my shoulders,” I told her. “Be careful, you have my number if you need anything.”

“I’ll try not to get lost,” Erin laughed.

She turned and headed in the direction of downtown, and I stood for a second, watching her go. I didn’t understand the vaguely protective feeling I had over her, and I reminded myself that it wasn’t my job to feel that way. She was an adult, and she was free to do what she wanted when Libby was in school.

God knew I had to get back home and get to work. I would see Libby when she got home, and Erin would take care of the rest.

But damn, I wanted Erin to come back home with me.

I knew I was walking on dangerous ground. But somehow, I didn’t care.

Some things were just worth it.

Chapter Twelve


“Andafruittray,and that’s it,” I said. “Thank you.”

“Alright, you can insert your card anytime, and I’ll have that right up for you,” the man behind the counter said.
