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“I know, I know,” I said. “I’m just teasing you. But regardless, I do want you to come down here and see me while I’m here. We keep saying that you will, but I’m going to wind up being done here before you know it and you’re not going to have a chance.”

“Don’t remind me,” she sighed. “How much more time do you have down there?”

“It depends,” I said. “It really comes down to how much of the book is done. I’m supposed to be here to help him with the rest of it, but then there was an issue with the editor, which is why I took over that part, so now I think that added another month to the contract.”

“So that brings you to what?” she asked. “You’re coming up on being down there for two months now, right?”

“Right,” I said. “And that leaves two more. It’s just an extra month over the original three that I thought it was going to take.”

“That’s got to be kind of inconvenient for you though, right?”

“Not really,” I said. I wanted to tell her how I was having sex with Neils almost every day, and if that was what I did for the rest of my life, I would die a happy woman. But now wasn’t the time for me to tell her that news. “I’m living here and getting paid to do it. It’s not like I had another job lined up or anything like that. There’s not anything I’m scheduled to get to after this, so really, I can keep working for as long as it takes.”

“And if you’re getting some work in there with your writing, then that opens the door to you being able to add that to your experience. I see what you’re doing. Smart,” she said. “Are you sure he doesn’t want to publish music for an up-and-coming artist?”

I laughed. “I’m sure. But hey, maybe when you come down here you can really pitch it to him as he should fund your career, and I bet you anything you’ll be on your way to the top of the charts in no time.”

“Very funny,” she said. “Hi, I’m Erin’s friend. Thanks for letting me stay here and everything, also can I have a million dollars?”

“I mean, you aren’t exactly subtle with your delivery,” I teased her. “You might as well just lay it all out on the line. What is it you say? There are no surprises that way?”

“That doesn’t apply in this situation,” she said. “You don’t go up to someone like your best friend’s boss and ask him to fund you on something like this. Although, I’m not one to be hung up on the age thing, and he is really hot, so.”

“He comes with a kid,” I laughed at her. “I know how you feel about the idea of being a mother, especially while trying to get your career up and off the ground.”

“Yeah, no thanks,” she said. “I’m not cut out to be a mom. Like, ever, but especially not anytime in the next ten years.”

“I’ll get back to you in the next couple days and let you know what he says about you coming to see me,” I said. “I’m sure it’s not going to be an issue, so if you want to start trying for more time off or something, I’m sure you’ll be fine there.”

“Sounds good,” she said. “And don’t be such a stranger. I’m sure by now they know that you have friends outside of that house, and I want to hear from you. I miss you.”

“I miss you, too,” I told her. “And love you. Talk soon.”

“Love you.”

We hung up with each other, and I laid on my back to look up at the dark ceiling.

I did want Krissy to come here. I wanted her to get a glimpse of the world I was now living in. I wanted to share it with her. But I also hadn’t said one word about the relationship, and I wasn’t sure if I should before she got here, or if it was the sort of thing I would let unfold naturally.

Then again, was there reason to tell her at all at this point? I wasn’t hiding it, but it was like telling my best friend made it that much more official in my life, and it meant I had to tell my dad. I knew he wanted me to be happy, and I knew how he felt about Neils, but there was no doubt in my mind he was going to freak out when he learned the truth.

I couldn’t imagine any father picking out their best friend as their daughter’s lover, and I didn’t want it to cause problems. But there was a part of me that wasn’t sure it could be avoided, either. My dad was going to think what he thought, and there wasn’t much I could do about it.

I shoved it out of my mind and took a deep breath. I just wanted to get some sleep, and I could deal with this more in the morning.

I wasn’t ready to let go of the utopia I was living in.

I didn’t want to let go of any of the happiness I currently felt.

Even if it was for one more day, one more week, I wanted to enjoy this for as long as I possibly could.

But the clock was ticking.

Life waited for no one.

Chapter Twenty-Five

